Is this it? How I am supposed to be? ... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Is this it? How I am supposed to be? Trying for something different.

Lizzie69 profile image
12 Replies

I am really lost at the moment. Don't know if I can take much more feeling like this.

Stated B12 sublingual and vit D sublingual alongside multivitamin. Went back to GP for review. Not diabetic which is good. But just said I am tired all the time. He gave me iron prescription for prophylaxis. The only thing they want to do is up my fluoxetine.

I am just knackered all the time. Could sleep for ever and still need more. So it is either depression, menopause or my age 47 (obviously all downhill). I really feel like throwing the towel in on life but would not want to hurt my family.

I asked about seeing someone to understand why this is all happening - not sure who? Mentioned endocrinologist and GP kind of looked at me as if I had two heads then looked at the clock. Obviously I am wasting his time. Apart from repeat prescriptions and nurse for B12 injection I am done with nhs. The same organisation I work for.

I am looking for any ideas of someone I could see privately but feeling raw at the moment as I know hypothyroid, low iron, low B12 and low vit D are not in my head but sometimes I wonder.

Bubbling quite a lot at moment so off to get some tissues. Thanks for any thoughts.

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Lizzie69 profile image
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12 Replies
Grannyweatherwax profile image

I do not have anything very constructive to say right now, I just wanted to acknowledge your post and let you know that you are really not alone.

Do you have pernicious anaemia diagnosis, or "just low B12" at the moment? (I put it in quotes because it is not "just" a minor issue, it can cause MASSIVE problems, believe me - I know)

All I can do at the moment is offer hugs and tell you to not give in, to carry on fighting, it will get better eventually I am sure of it.

I believe that a Haematologist would be your best bet for your initial request of referral as B12 and Vit D are both blood related.

I am sorry that life seems so crap at the moment. Please know that I am thinking of you and if you wish to rant, you are welcome to pm me and I will do my best to listen and give you gentle hugs.

Best wishes

Granny x

brighter84 profile image

If your GP won't listen to you then find one that will! Get someone to test you for TSH, T4 and T3. Only commenting on the thyroid side as that's what I have experience in. I know that exhaustion you feel. I've been there.

Ree2705 profile image

Hi Lizzie69,

I too feel the same on and off (just turned 50) for as long as I can remember.

I have a history of diagnosis from glandular fever to chronic fatigue, over the years - I think they're all rubbish and I've soldiered on.

I gave up on GPs and most of the medical professionals about 30 years ago - I live in hope of finding a competent one who has the ability to listen and be open minded!

I dabble and experiment with my health like some sort of witch doctor; the bill for my supplements and potions could prop up a small economy!

However, amongst the recent medical successes I have discovered magnesium liquid and it's helped hugely with fatigue and constant pain.

I have no medical training myself, so advising others on supplementation would be wrong, but I would advise a book by Carolyn Dean called the Magnesium Miracle which is an eye opener in terms of the value of magnesium.

I know that when you feel that low, and tired of being tired all of the time, it's hard to find the motivation to fight on; if you have a family your needs are

often secondary or even third. Being kind to yourself and being proactive about your health helps a little in the battle - it can get better (maybe not cured) but you're in control of how you feel and what you do. Hard to find the fight for this sometimes but it's honestly worth it and if the only thing it does is help you feel better about yourself it's worth it.


kirsten555 profile image

Don't give up, Lizzie - I totally understand how you feel (I'm sure most of us here do) but it is treatable and there is hope. Fight for treatment, take someone with you to argue your case, don't give up. So very sorry and total sympathy for you - I blub a lot too! Even hearing certain songs sets me off! Big hugs to you xxxxx

pitney profile image

Hi Lizzie69, You are not alone in feeling this way I think we have all been there and felt that we were getting no where. I think i am right in saying most of us seem to struggle to find a way to cope at first, but do keep going back to your GP until you get a proper answer as to what is really going on, print off all you can find about PA and B12 d and take it with you when you next go, is there another GP at the practice you could perhaps see? pace yourself and do what you can when you can, some days showering and trying to eat are my priorities and anything else is a bonus(: just dont give up you will have better times.

All the very best and lots of hugs

Auntyp62 profile image

Been there and spent a fortune on private doctors

Please click on me and read my history as it may help you

KimberinUS profile image

I can completely empathize. Even after getting b12 injections i was still so damn tired. I was supplementing, i was resting, I was researching. Why was i still so tired. I decided that if my stomach wasnt absorbing b12 maybe it also wasnt absorbing other nutrients as well. But i was getting all kinds of vitamins from suppliments, so what to do?

I also hurt so much, so i would take long epsom salt baths and lay sideways, like when you are sleeping, to get my aching knees in the water. After about an hour they would stop hurting. I finally figured out it is likely the magnesium in the Epsom salt. Now i take magnesium suppliments and my energy has improved. Im not out exercising or anything but i find i no longer need that 3 hour daily nap and my knees arent throbbing anymore.

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support

Don't stay with a GP who finds illness tedious !

This is all difficult enough and you need someone on your side in this (apart from us lot I mean) - now might be a hard time to make yourself look/ask around, but don't leave it on hold. GPs don't always get it right first go, but the good ones care enough to try, think, ask, research and refer.... then you can find out exactly what is happening to you. If this first bit does not happen, none of the rest can follow. Very very best to you.

KimberinUS profile image

You need magnesium when you take vitamin D

Hope you feel better soon

Lizzie69 profile image

Oh my goodness thank you for all your lovely replies. Maybe not as alone as I think.

It is very difficult to share with family and friends as they say I feel tired too. Anyway tend to keep more too myself apart from on here.

Going to have a go with the magnesium and extra B vitamins. Can't hurt to rattle anymore than I do.

Work when I get there does help as I work with children with neurological conditions which is very rewarding. Also try and have one day where I can sleep all day if I need to so I can continue to work as really do love my job.

Pacing my new least favourite word but essential. Look forward to reading all the great posts and replies on here.

Thanks all, Lizzie xx

brighter84 profile image
brighter84 in reply to Lizzie69

Just be aware that all magnesium supplements are not equal. Usually the best way to get magnesium in is transdermally. Magnesium oil is what is used for this, which is magnesium chloride flakes dissolved in water. I make my own spray from magnesium chloride flakes mixed with vodka as it is absorbed and utilised in the body better. Some people find different types of magnesium supplements good too though, I personally like magnesium glycinate

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support

I also love your job- you're essential !

Understand exactly what you are saying about friends and family- some days I don't have the energy to pretend that I'm fine for hours, even for those I really love, and need to be entirely alone- usually walking aimlessly and living in the moment with no plans but without having to talk/think/understand, so a bit like you sleeping all day.

Stay strong, and when you can't, say so on here: people will always respond with kindness.

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