Hi all,
Wonder if you can help me out ... around 6 weeks ago I started having some not very nice symptoms incl tingles/pins and needles, brain fog, memory problems, breathlessness, extreme fatigue and muscle weakness and needed to take a good few weeks of work to rest. On having bloods taken at that time my b12 came back as 241 (lowest on range 150) low iron of 16 (lowest on range 15), low vit d of 39 (lowest on range 50) and dr initially told me all normal get some multivitamins! I pushed further with my dr (she spoke to a consultant) and I was later prescribed high dose vit d and iron and she wouldn't do anything about my b12 despite me giving lots of info re: treating symptoms, grey area etc etc. As I was worried about neurological symptoms and any further damage being caused I started taking a good b12 complex with folate and lots of the b12 betteryou sublingual spray. I was able to get referrals to haematology, gastroenterologist and neurologist and although my symptoms have eased they still remain. Dr has since done the intrinsic factor test and that came back negative and she has now decided although I was told point blank 'it isn't b12 deficiency' to do the mma test. I've been taking lots of b12, so guessing this test at this stage would be of no use for a b12 deficiency diagnosis? Also, if the test comes back negative is this a good sign that b12 is getting to my cells? 🤔
Really appreciate any advice 🙂