Well pain distraction was kind of working keeping it busy , deliberately engaging my senses as much as possible, even now looking at working on posters and counting how many holes in the words. Staying positive, even when things our not great. So a few days later riding the waves , I have a lot of pain , tingling, numbness, itching between the shoulders, lovely being compassionate my brain is hurting my body is killing me all over and now I’m freezing cold, five layers of clothing a hot water bottle hugging the extra radiator in my bedroom. I stop and think , recognise the situation, yes again I am here, great, first I did not take all my meds today, I thought I did not need them all , now I am freezing cold , hot drink as well, Trudy got this cold swimming across the channel and she survived , I mean what am I thinking seriously, right let’s try a shower, shaking looking not great, Juliet says you all right, absolutely fabulous, I said , we both laughed, in the shower , up hot , feeling this lovely hot water all over , I could stay here all night, I time it jump out and quickly get dressed , put my super large warm gown on .
Now lidocaine patch on lower lumber, diclofenic plus gabapentin , spelt that wrong bother, and Panadol extra for good measure, I pad , Disney, things feeling better. Have a look around google at itching lots , being freezing cold, yep could have another hundred things wrong with me, no just failed back surgery and neuropathic pain , glass rotator going in lower back for osteoarthritis.
So let’s pick something fun on Disney , I’ve found Love and Drugs , yes really and 30mins in it’s funny, it’s helping so thought I would share with you all . Loads love David x