DENTAL PAIN: Hi everyone, I have written quite... - Pain Concern

Pain Concern

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Imagine1 profile image
27 Replies

Hi everyone, I have written quite a few times on here, I am so glad there is a forum where people can get advice from others. It is my lifeline. Last Friday I went to see my dentist for what I thought was my bridge taken out, how wrong was I? He took my bridge out which took about a minute to do, it fell out easily. Then he told me that I had a deceased root that needed to be taken out. Well, this took over an hour to do because it broke up while it was being taken out, while he was doing this he managed to cut my cheek, slit my mouth and I have a massive bruise on my face, it looks like I have been beaten up. I can't open my mouth properly because of the slit corner of my mouth, I am hardly eating anything because I can't open my mouth wide enough. I am living on painkillers at the moment which I have to check I am not allergic to. I can't even go back to my dentist because he will ask me to open my mouth which I can't. He has also slit my gum next to where he did the work so I can't brush my gum there because it is so sore and bleeds. Surely this should not have happened? he can't leave a patient like this. I am worried about going back to see him now, I have been a patient for many years and nothing like this has happened before. Can anyone give me any advice on what to do next? xx

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Imagine1 profile image
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27 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

Sorry for all those experiences.

First off- get a good mouthwash like Corsodyl and keep your mouth clean and disinfected to prevent any infection.

Then find a real dentist!😝💚

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Madlegs1

Aww thank you for your reply. I have been washing my mouth out with warm water and salt. To make matters worse the dental nurse said laughing, you will get a big bruise on your face tomorrow. I couldn't believe it, saying that to a patient. xx

Bananas5 profile image

Of course you spoke with him when this happened...and his response was.....?


Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Bananas5

He knew I was in pain but he said that it was normal for the amount of work that I had done. It was the next morning when my mouth was slit and gums and bruising came out on my face. If I went back he would probably say that it was normal, nothing is normal for what he has done to my face.

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Imagine1

Did he suggest some pain meds to take? Always best to talk to your dentist and never assume he knows. We all have different thresholds of pain'

Mouthwash will help or warm saline wash. It will patient


Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Bananas5

He did know I told him at the time, he just said it is normal and that the swelling would go down in 24 hours, it has been 3 days now and getting worse, the bruise is massive and it is now affecting my eye. I am a very patient woman but my face looks a mess.

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Imagine1

Then if cold compress or iodine isn't working then go back...just turn up


Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Bananas5

I am going to get a second opinion from another dentist. My dentist won't do anything, that is if he is there. he only works 3 days a week. This morning my face is so swollen I can't see properly out of my eye and my gum is still bleeding. I am sick and tired of being ill for some reason. I think I am getting a bit better and then something else happens. I don't know when my luck is going to change, but it has too sometime.

Madlegs1 profile image

I know root canal treatment is a specialist job, so , unless he was qualified, it shouldn't have been done.

My own dentist sent me to a specialist, who declined to do it - "too intricate" were her words and charged me € 90 for that assessment.!!

Had to get an implant instead. Fantastic job -- but ye'd need a small goldmine at your back!😝

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Madlegs1

What I can't understand is I had to wait 2 years for a specialist to do the same job at the dental hospital, he took the root out with no problems, he had to stitch the gum up afterwards and that was more deep rooted than this one was. I am in complete agony. I am going to ask why he did it when I go back and see what his excuse was.

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Madlegs1

I am saving up to get implants, I need quite a few, 2 bridges and 1 small tooth that I knocked out. So it will cost me a small fortune.

Sugaree profile image

I feel your pain. I had a tooth pulled about 3 weeks ago. The nerve was bad and I had an abscess. My face was swollen up to my eye. I have a pinched nerve in my neck and lying on my back is very painful. I was bed ridden with pain for a week. He’s a good oral surgeon and not responsible for my neck arthritis and because of the abscess I couldn’t wait. I am still swishing salt water,but stitches dissolved and my mouth no longer hurts. I hope each day gets better.

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Sugaree

Aww thank you for your reply. I am so sorry that you went through all that. I had the same treatment done at the hospital with no problems, I had a slight swollen face but it lasted about 12 hours, then it went. It should have been done at the hospital, he should not have attempted it, to take an hour to do it without him stopping so that I could swallow and take a breath, he just wanted to get it out. At the moment it is more swollen and the bruise has really come out now, I just hope it doesn't get any bigger tomorrow.

rabbits65 profile image

I think you must insist on him seeing you again. You might now need some antibiotics. I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain. . I too have had my issues at the dentists. I know how awful all of this can be .

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to rabbits65

I am going to seek a second opinion now, I don't have any faith in my dentist anymore. As for the dental nurse, she is awful. I ask questions about my treatment to the dentist and before he replies she butts in and says something horrible to me. Time for a change I think.

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Imagine1

Oh that’s really awful. I would definitely change your dentist if you can. That rude dental nurse needs striking off or reporting.

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to rabbits65

Thank you for your reply, I tried to change my dentist with no luck, I couldn't even get a second opinion. As for the dental nurse, she winds me up before I go into the room. She is certainly not a people person, she has no personality and never smiles, she reminds me of a headteacher, like I have done something wrong and must see her. I wish it weren't her. I can just about cope with my dentist but it is a double whammy having to see her too.

rabbits65 profile image
rabbits65 in reply to Imagine1

Sounds like you’re a sensitive person too, I’m a bit like you too. What I do with people like that is say as least as you can and avoid eye contact. I usually love to chat with people and give eye contact, however I have learnt like you have just said there are people like that nurse that just wind you up.lets hope maybe you need to find a different dentist , is your mouth any better now .

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to rabbits65

Aww thank you for your reply, I am still looking for another dentist with no luck. They can put me on a waiting list but it is so long it could be up to a year wait. My dentist has to make me 2 dentures where my bridges were, so at the moment I have no back teeth, So I have to let him make them I couldn't wait a year for this, I have to wait 3 months for the swelling, ulcers and pain to go down so that he can make them. At the moment I am really struggling to eat anything still, I can only eat on one side and I can't chew anything because I have a huge gap there. Luckily the bruising has gone down but the pain is awful and I have developed ulcers now which bleed every time I brush my teeth, he has made a right mess of my mouth. Thank you for asking. xx

Smilesalot profile image

Oh hun I'm sorry ur experiencing these painful problems .I saw a dentist in 2003 who did similar to my face.

I had 2 teeth out but because I was on steroid tablets he should have given me steroid cover. He stitched the gum n told me to return the following week. I did and he asked what happened to my face.

I glared at him and explained that as he hadn't given me the cover my face swelled I was colourful my guns continued bleeding. He didn't believe it was his fault.

But because he wasn't charging me I said nothing more.... He was a friend of my old carer..

I've had various dentists cut or burn my cheek lol gum. I had 1 dentist called Mrs Hacking lol.

I truly hope you recover quickly

Hugs Dawn x

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Smilesalot

Aww thank you for your reply. I tis disgusting how dentists treat their patients. I am sorry that you had to go through this too. I am seeing him in the morning but he won't admit to doing anything wrong, I am bringing my husband with me so he can tell him what he thinks. xx

strongmouse profile image


sounds horible for you. There shouldn't be a cut in side your mouth. You can make a complaint - the Dental Council have guidelines about making a complaint

I can understand your wanting to see another dentist though, if you have lost faith in the one you saw. Hope it all heals soon.

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to strongmouse

Hi, I saw my dentist this morning as an emergency appointment, he is worried that I am going to make a complaint, so he is making sure that I am happy with the treatment, which I am not and he knows this. He packed my mouth and flushed it out with saline and gave me antibiotics, he is going to see me again on Friday to do the same thing again. I tried to get a second opinion from another dentist but they didn't want to know, then I tried others and they didn't want to know either, so I had to stay with my incompetent dentist. I asked him lots of questions and he couldn't answer them, what hope do I have. I told him that I can't eat properly due to having no back teeth and his reply was you have to persevere with it for 3 months until I get my dentures, the problem with this I told him that I was living off soup because I can't chew properly, again he didn't care. In 3 months I would have lost that much weight and then I have to try and eat properly again. Thank you for your kind words.

Bananas5 profile image

Meantime a cold compress for the swelling and iodine for the bruise. Both work well and will make you feel more comfortable.


Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Bananas5

Aww thank you for your advice, the dentist gave me antibiotics so hopefully it will get a bit better.

Smilesalot profile image

Look for Tepe gum surgery toothbrush on Amazon. It's bright red. It's so soft. I you have to be careful with it but works. I have toothache now. I don't have many teeth left.

Good luck when you both go to dentist appointment hun Dawn xxx

Imagine1 profile image

Aww thank you for your advice and concern, much appreciated. xx

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