PIP Decision: I asked for a mandatory decision... - Pain Concern

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PIP Decision

Imagine1 profile image
22 Replies

I asked for a mandatory decision on my claim for PIP. For the past 3 years I have received enhanced rate for care and standard mobility. My condition has got worse, I can hardly walk anymore and I have CRPS which was diagnosed today by a German professor at The Walton Centre in Liverpool. I am in excessive pain all the time and can hardly do anything for myself. Part of my condition is where I want to chop my foot off so that the pain stops. The DWP know all this and they have still reduced my PIP. They have give me standard care and NO mobility. I have now appealed to try and get it back. I think it is absolutely ridiculous how they won't give me what I am due. How ill do I have to be? I can't walk, my husband does everything for me and still they don't care. I now have to wait probably about a year like another time I had to appeal over something else. I am 57 years old in an 80 year old's body and I used to be so fit and active before I had an accident 4 years ago. I know all about work and benefits forum, I have contacted them.

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Imagine1 profile image
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22 Replies
Hzhr7 profile image

I was exactly the same as you . You must get in touch with Citizens Adivce who inturn will contact Welfare Rights for you. I got completely turned down twice , even with the mandatory reconsideration. I got in touch with Welfare Rights ( I believe you have to go through Citizens Advice now) & they appointed a representative who accompanied me to the tribunal . He was absolutely amazing , got the decision overturned . I got the PIP back dated & given it for 10 years . I really hope you are successful, but that's the way to go .

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Hzhr7

Aww thank you very much for your advice. I have already filled the form in for it to go to tribunal and I have said that I want a telephone conversation, can I change my mind? When would I see my representative? would it be on the day of the hearing or before then? I don't know much about this.

Hzhr7 profile image
Hzhr7 in reply to Imagine1

I didn't see anyone till the actual tribunal. I met my representative on the day , my daughter took me as I couldn't manage alone. It was also arranged so that I wouldn't have to climb steps as that's nearly impossible for me. Please do get in touch with Citizens Advice & ask them to arrange for a representative from Welfare Rights . My representative was actually a barrister & he really walked all over the DWP, the judges were lovely too.. I reallyhope you are successful as I know how worrying it all is xx

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Hzhr7

I will definitely get in touch with citizens advice, how do they know about my illnesses if they only meet me on the day? do I have to write to them about my disabilities? it is very worrying for me because I need extra money to be able to live. I can't work anymore even though the DWP says I can, I can't use my hands properly or walk and they said I could work. I would love for them to get me a job because I have always worked until I become disabled. They make me sick.

ashy67 profile image

pip are bast-rds---i am in excruciating pain 24/7 with arthiritis i was refused pip because i am mobile---dur i have to go out for shopping----how can i work if i hardly sleep and in agony 24/7?

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to ashy67

I definitely agree with you, it is disgusting. I know exactly how you feel with having arthritis, I have it in my big toe joint and that is why I can't walk and I am struggling to sleep because if the quilt touches my foot I am in agony due to having CRPS. Doctors don't understand this illness because there is no treatment and they don't know what to do, and they are so called professionals.

lovedoncebefore profile image

Why was your pip reduced in the first place? Once you have a decision from dwp on first application there normally would have to be a reason for it to be reduced.

hezzamj profile image
hezzamj in reply to lovedoncebefore

They reduced mine or a number of sections. One was I don’t have any anxiety because I’m still on the same medication so I mustn’t have any issues 🙄. The others they just decided they didn’t believe me, my medical records or the tribunal I had to go to the first time.

Best buy is in the first one they said I didn’t have anxiety because a) I was on first line medication (I was on the highest possible dose then and still am now ). If I have anything stronger I wouldn’t be able to focus, drive etc. Oh and I was seeing a psychologist at that point due to my cancer and they had suggested we go away for a few nights to try and get away from all the things that were stressing me out. DWP said again I can’t have anxiety if I was able to go away for the weekend - didn’t bother to mention I spent majority of the time in our room even ordering room service for food as I didn’t want to go out.

Personally I just feel I’m being punished for going to tribunal for my last decision

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to lovedoncebefore

I was due to have a review, I told them that my condition had got worse, I waited for a response, it took 6 weeks to tell me that in their opinion my condition had not got worse and reduced my money. I had enhanced rate care and standard mobility, they put my care to standard and stopped my mobility and this is what had got worse.

Smilesalot profile image

Oh sweetie that's friggin awful. Don't stop fighting !

I'm sorry you are suffering so much pain🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🙄🤗🙏I pray they move their buts

Hugs sweetie Dawn 🤗🤗🤗

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Smilesalot

I will never stop fighting, they will never get away with this. If need be I will see a solicitor.

hezzamj profile image

I’m exactly the same. I have numerous conditions including cancer, fibro, severe damage to my back with chronic pain and leg pain. I also can’t walk far at all and when I do I need double crutches to help my balance and walk. Rest of the time I need a wheelchair. I can’t get dressed or have a shower on my own. I need help with cooking etc.

4 years ago I was finally granted higher rate mobility and care via a tribunal. I arrived at Court having previously send them my medical records and the Judge said don’t unpack you won’t be here long at which point I started to panic. However he said they had read my medical records and it was quite clear from these that I should be awarded enhanced care & mobility and he didn’t understand why DWP wasted so much time and money coming to Court.

Then 14th June last year I received my new decision (they had had the paperwork from Jukynthe previous year and my assessment was done by video link) and they had kept my enhanced mobility but took away 1 point on my care to drop me down to standard care -! Not sure how they think I can make and carry my own food when I’m on double crutches and have severe fatigue. .

Letter says to apply for MR you have to apply within 4 weeks of the date of the letter - I received my letter 7!weeks after the date of it!! So I was already out of time!

All of my conditions are progressive and I have confirmation from consultant letters confirming all my conditions so why do the DWP appear to just ignore them? Costs me a fortune to send my medical records as apparently the DWP don’t keep them after you send them which is riddicious and bad for the environment.

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to hezzamj

That is absolutely disgusting, how you have been treated. I don't know how they can sleep at night. It sounds awful but the decision maker I wish they had the problems that we have and see how they cope with it, the trouble is they would get their PIP because they know the system.

lovedoncebefore profile image

Absolutely disgusting. Can you ask your gp to write a letter for you? Why do the most vulnerable get treated like this. 😔

Imagine1 profile image

I know it is awful. I even sent them letters from my GP and all the test results that I have had and still they have reduced my benefit. I am hoping that when I get the report back from the professor that I saw yesterday in Liverpool, I can send that to them and that should help because he is the best in the country and he definitely knows what he is talking about.

Smilesalot profile image
Smilesalot in reply to Imagine1

Good luck sweetie and to everyone else in ur position.This has actually put me off claiming PIP.

At the moment I'm in receipt of esa and DLA but I've got a lot worse over the last 8 years.

I'm in the middle of a wonderful storm. Thunder and lightning.


Hugs sweetie

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Smilesalot

If I was you, I would try to claim PIP, you will be able to claim PIP if you are on DLA. I am so surprised that they didn't change it and automatically put you on PIP. xx

caringkriket profile image

I am so sorry to hear you are in so much pain! Sorry to be ignorant but what is PIP and DWP? I am trying to to figure out this jargon and your illness so I can better understand..

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to caringkriket

PIP stands for Personal Independence Payment, which is one big joke. I used to be on DLA, which stands for Disability Living Allowance, which was better because it was what illness a person had, with PIP it is how it affects you. I have actually heard that even if a person had cancer, they wouldn't get PIP if they were mobile and could do things, where as DLA that same person would get it because it is the illness. DWP stands for Department of Working Pensions. I hope this helps. xx

Smilesalot profile image
Smilesalot in reply to caringkriket

Hi sweetie 🙂.PIP is short for Personal Independent payment. It's basically a for disabled people but they are judged by people who don't like the disabled. That is just my opinion .

DWP. Department for work and pensions. Government department controlling monies for all unemployed people claiming benefits.

I'm sure many others will do a better job of explaining this but I've tried.

Hugs sweetie Dawn 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Macblank profile image

I have ent read all you post as I'm same boat

Been on pip for almost 8 years.

Last 4½ on full everything.

Then last year on review, it's decided by them I'm better!

I have used mandatory, and now aiming for tribunal.

I cannot add anything to help, as I'm as buggered as you.

Now local support group for my various conditions wants me on their books, the council won't even take me on for some of their services

Even the Mrs as a cancer and sepsis survivor, can't get it full this time

Pisses me off that they decided before the end of year 4 out of a 5 year decision, to review and change it. Saving a whole year of enhanced rates FFS

Wish I could do that with my phone bill.

Good luck in your fight.

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Macblank

Aww thank you for your reply. I am sorry for your distress. It makes me sick how the disabled are being treated. We didn't ask to be ill and I think people would much prefer to be well and active, not to rely on the benefit system but disabled people need this money to live. I certainly would love to go back to the gym, dance like I used to and play football which I used to do in a ladies team which I loved but can no longer do. I hate it when my benefit comes up for review because I just know they will wither stop it or reduce it. We shouldn't have the added stress of this as well as everything else we have to cope with in life. I hope you manage to go to Tribunal and win. It shouldn't have to come to this. Take care xx

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