Hi all, I was on enhanced PIP for both, but they dropped my mobility to standard after my review in July. I've done an MR which came back the same, so am now going to tribunal and waiting for a date. I'm worse now than I was on my last review, and picked things out from the assessment that were untrue, but the stress is taking its toll on me. My GP and the Pain team have both written letters for me to send off, but I'm not sure if I have to send to DWP? or tribunal people? Or both?My son and mum care for me, and I can only walk about 10 meters with my crutch, any further I have to use my wheelchair.Does anyone know how long you have to wait for the tribunal please? X
PIP reduced, but I'm worse than I was previou... - Pain Concern
PIP reduced, but I'm worse than I was previously... Advice please ππ

I know how you feel , I was exactly the same . They reduced my Pip too. It took over a year for mine to come to tribunal but I did get it reinstated with thanks to the gentleman from Welfare Rights . Hang on in there , I think they try it on with all of us xx
My assessment form was sent back in Aug 2022, and a year later I had my phone assessment. After I got the papers through, it had so many incorrect answers on it, including no medication changes, which I told her I had, and the name of it. My dexterity was adequate because I have a touch sensitive phone, and on better days when I can make it downstairs to sit outside for upto 5 ciggies a day, then I have no problems using my hands.Why do they have to lie though it all? I will be recording any other ones I have. Can you get the tribunal hearing recorded?
Well done for getting back what you deserve!
Do you know who I should send these Doctors letters too please?xx
I just gave everything to Welfare Rights who represented me . It is taking so long because they are trying to get as many folk off PIP as they can & so there is a big back log of tribunals . If you haven't already done so get in touch with Citizens Advice & they will put you in touch with Welfare Rights. Good Luck xx
Go to the Benefits and Work website. They have step by step guides for Pip. You may have to join to download them but they are well worth it. Good luck.
As Hzhr7 has said, it might be worth getting in touch with a local organisation. If your son or mum is your carer, they could contact their local carer's hub to see if they can help. It is a mine field going to tribunal, so you do need professional help, but remember that most decisions are overturned at tribunal, that is the tribunal finds that the DWP is wrong.
I'm sorry this happened. The first breast I had cancer in remain cancer free after mastectomy for 18 yrs and came back in the other one with a vengeance. I'm still here after 11 years. Drs are keeping me going and I am grateful for that.
Good luck to you
I have been to a tribunal and they listen carefully to what you can and can't do. This is important to remember. It is not just about what you diagnosis is or your medical history. They assess you according to what you can or can't do against the specific descriptors they use for care and mobility.
I don't know what the wait time is these days. Benefits and Work website is helpful. The tribunal was helpful and I was awarded the benefits I needed. You will be back paid if they agree with you. It is stressful, well done for challenging the DWP on this.
Wishing you a successful outcome.