Can you help with? Understanding doctor needed! Please private message me (PM) here on this site if you know the name of a doctor in London who is considerate of strong pain medication… Hello all, I find it so comforting to check in and read how others are finding their journey re. pain. Mine goes up and down and round-n’-round, mostly positive, I’m grateful to say. I’m retired and have long-term acute arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other conditions causing constant swelling in right leg – all hereditary and due to a severe accident when hit by a car as a pedestrian when I was 1.5yo, nearly killed me and certainly gave severe head injuries. My doctors have me on MST Continus, the slow-release morphine which is fine Except that my body does not like it at all. It affects my balance, mood and I have strange dreams even during the day, slightly tinged with fear and paranoia. I’ve read others who’ve experienced the same. My doctors will change my meds back to Oxycontin, which I used to be on but due to the new Government's draconian approach to all meds, they’ll only change it if I have another doctor or specialist who checks me over and agrees, then my doctors will happily change me back to Oxycontin. So to save me from paying for specialists who might or might not be open… would you please Private Message me, IF you have a doctor who is understanding re. opiate pain meds and will prescribe them for yourself and/or someone obviously in need. I’m well aware of Pain Clinics but only the NHS ones and they are anti-opiates as well. So again, would you please PM me if you know of or have an understanding doctor who accepts some of us actually need strong pain medication?
Can you help with understanding pain-meds doc... - Pain Concern
Can you help with understanding pain-meds doctor?

Sorry I can't offer any practical help but as a fellow sufferer from chronic pain I feel for you and sincerely hope you can get what you're seeking. All the best!
Thanks so much Mr Scots... apart from the pain, and I sense most if not all of us think and feel the same way, it's by no means just the pain that causes me fear, pain, aggravation, grief, and stress, it's the fact I know so, so, so well that I'm missing out on vast amounts of life that I know in my bones I have the potential to fulfil if it were not for the fact I'm spending stupid amounts of time either groggy and under-slept, or simply trying to sort out pain issues plus attend to the regular exercise and good diet and such that I have to follow religiously for fear of pain getting a major foothold within me and assailing every fortress wall I've built psychologically in order to defend myself.``
Aside from that, if I may ask, what part of Scotland are you from - I have a VERY Scottish name but was born far away and have not explored Scotland much at all since I've been living here in London these past 14+ years.
I'm now in a small town in central Scotland but for a few years I lived in the south east of England and often visited London. Regarding your issues, I have found the best thing by far for my chronic pain is to focus on my mental health, which means good diet and exercise, meditation, Wim Hof Method and microdosing, not necessarily in that order. Feel free to DM me.
Hi ScotsMan, I'm familiar with the WimHof method, delighted to hear you know of it. I've not done it myself but one friend has - I work as a therapist so yes, I agree with you, keep the mental health in good balance - I've done a huge range of other therapies and I’ve loved every moment of the journey, albeit difficult and confronting at times. I also agree with you about diet, good suggestion - I'm very mindful of that as well, virtually no take-away; I only use an air-dryer cooker so no oil cooking what-so-ever. I like to cook and eat mainly fresh, usually a salad everyday - I do eat meat which some say is not so great for arthritis but I have tried no meat/fish for periods of up to 4 weeks and found no difference - I feel I have a very good balance all in all, I'm simply wanting to back myself with options and thus I need a doctor/specialist who'll back me, so to speak and thus be okay with me being prescribed Oxycodone. As I said, I'm on the extended-release Morphine but find it quite strange re. side-effects (some have written back with similar experience so I know it's not just me). I've heard of others who've found effective open doctors but at the time I did not have a need so did not note either the comment nor commenter. One or two have written back with doctors in other parts of UK but none in London as yet. I'm sure there'll be one. Hello... !
if you need it you need it go to a private pain clinic if you can also say what sort of medication you want as you have the right to choose what your taking I’m on gabapentin oramorph tramadol fexafenidine-for the itching paracetamol
Hi Byron. I wish that I had read this before now ! I so wish that I could help you but I can't, so sorry! I do know how you feel though as 3 week's ago the Chemist's and Dr.s in Scotland suddenly stopped prescribing the painkiller which I have been on for 30 year's, Dipipanone and Cyclizine, used to be called Diconal. I have been going through withdrawal since and the Dr.s have not had a withdrawal programme in place but gave me Oramorph which doesn't do much. Dipipanone is an Opioid. The Pharma Company which made Dipipanone have priced it to a ridiculous amount so the NHS can't afford it but the Company are O.K. because the 2 brother's are multimillionaire 's ! Yay ! They don't care about those of us who are in pain . I have multiple problems caused , partly, by the NHS misdiagnosis my lung cancer 5 year's ago which is when my pain levels went through the roof and I had to increase my intake to 3 a day down to none !I really hope that you find a good Dr. who understands about pain medication. Not many do . I have just been left to cope with withdrawal, bad pain from 2 fractured vertebrae, Diverticulitis and a huge hernia plus adhesions from 3 major operation's ++! Please let us know how you get on. Take care.
All the best,