Hi, I have been struggling with a wound on my left foot for over two years, it became very infected last September, and I had to be put on several different antibiotics for a month, they did mri scans testing for osteomylitis, but I was clear of that, also various other scans. They said that if the wound didn't heal up they'd have to do surgery to sort it out. Last week I finally had surgery to remove my toes on my left foot where the wound was trans metatarsal amputation. Before I had the surgery they were treating me for gout, they found the urea levels were quite high. I also had a toe removed on my right foot because it was very problematic. Before I had the surgery I was getting a lot of pain in my foot, I thought this was the infection, am not sure though as I have a lot of pain in the base of my foot now, it feels like somebody is squeezing my foot and ankle very hard. I have no pain at all from the right foot wound at all, but my left foot is very painful. Could this be gout still? I will get some pain from the wound and probably phantom pain but this pain radiates right up my leg. I am taking codeine, paracetamol, oramorph but nothing really helps this pain.
pain after surgery: Hi, I have been struggling... - Pain Concern
pain after surgery

hi, my wife is a podiatrist and said you should get an appointment so that your dressings and any other necessary treatments. What you are experiencing is not uncommon. You can self refer to the service
Sorry to hear you are having all of this trouble it sounds very complicated and I think the doctors need to see you again as it could be so many different problems I hope you get this sorted very soon Wishing you all the best
Hi, I am still struggling with my legs and the wound, my legs are swollen, hard, my right leg is red and quite warm. I am getting like a burning, stinging sensation from the sole of my foot, I think this is nerve pain, it feels like somebody is squeezing my foot very hard. Not only have I got the pain in my foot but it is going up my leg and to my knee. Last week my p.a. had a look at my leg and saw the redness and knowing my history took photos and sent them to the surgery and they diagnosed cellulitis, I have all the signs of cellulitis but I don't have a temperature, often when I have cellulitis, I am very ill with it, they cannot diagnose over the phone or from a picture, I need somebody to come and have a look at my legs but it is getting harder to get help. I phoned 111 twice tonight and even though the pain releaf isn't really helping, I have to wait until tomorrow to get help with my legs. I am back at the hospital on Thursday and no matter how much I tell them about my other symptoms, they are not really interested. I am getting so fed-up with all of this! I don't really know what to do! Having had half of my foot amputated I know it is going to be painful but my legs shouldn't both be swollen or sore like this should they? I think some of the pain is also muscular but not all of it. I am spending more and more time laying on my bed, it is no life really.
this diagnosing over the phone and by photos etc really doesn't work unless it's something very simple and straight forward. It maybe could be nerve related but having one leg very warm etc needs looking into I hope they take more notice when you go into hospital this time. I know how you must feel it's like the way things are with the hospitals and doctors that we're on our own half the time. Take care
yes, that is exactly how it feels, like nobody listens to me. I actually had a doctor come to see me yesterday, I had met him several times in the past so he was familiar with my health problems. I don't have cellulitis, if I had, the antibiotics nipped it pretty quickly. The bandage on my foot was too tight but my legs are swollen and he thinks it is a lot of nerve pain, not much I can do about that though.
My doctor gives me Gabapentin to help with nerve pain (they are for epileptics) but evidently are used for nerve pain too. I suppose it depends on whether it can be taken with other meds you might be taking. Whether it works or not I really don't know I do still get nerve pain but not too badly. The only way I'd know if it was still working (been on them for a few years now) is to stop taking them but you have to come off them slowly. Perhaps might be worth a mention next time you see a doctor and the nerve pain is persisting
Hi, yes my gp has just increased my pregabalin, it doesn't seem to be working, not sure what it is. I have had spasms in the base of my foot for some time even before my surgery, It used to be occasional but this feels like it is one huge spasm and my lower leg feels really tight. Having spastic diplegia, I only found out that I had it last year, I was diagnosed in 1985, I wonder if the pain is something connected with that and not my surgery, don't know. I need to find the right person or group and ask questions. My whole left leg is starting to tense up and spasm, lack of use but from my knee to my toe or where they were feels very tight and painful. When they tense up the pain goes up into my thy.
I too wonder if the Gabapentin still work my doctor told me it's for nerve pain I have osteoarthritis in my foot and ankles as well as my back, hands, knee and back of neck. He told me that it was like a vicious cycle and my back affects my walking and that affects my back (gets a bit complicated) I am luckier than you I can walk for about ten minutes before it's get extremely painful then I get shooting pains in both feet and ankles with brings me to an abrupt halt. When I am off my feet they often go numb especially when lying down and in the morning. I sincerely hope you get some results that can improve things for you. I just keep getting sent around in circles from Physio to podiatrist etc. I can't tolerate many of the pain meds & get quite grumpy some days and miserable other days. My hobby used to be 30 miles or so walks with hubby so get really frustrated😣 Good luck to you