I was diagnosed with Small Bowel Crohn’s Disease in the early 1970’s and had 18” of small intestine removed. I was on steroids for a while, then codeine for diarrhoea. Later diagnosed with Bile Salt Malabsorption. When I was around fifty the joint pain which I’d always suffered from since childhood began to grow worse, until a few years later the pain in my spine was unbearable, and at the same time my Crohn’s flared again very badly, for which I was put on azathioprine. I had another bowel resection, followed by bi-lateral hip replacements because although I had spinal problems the neurosurgeon believed the osteoarthritis in my hips were causing most of my disability. I am currently on the list for a spinal decompression for L4/5 nerve compression.
Those things, I understand and can handle.
This is my problem, between the last bowel resection and the first hip replacement I dropped a chair on my left foot, it hurt for an hour then I forgot it. About a week later I began to have the most horrible pain I’ve ever had in my left lower leg ankle and foot, and was told it was either my arthritic hip, or the spinal compression. When it came to the hip replacement/s the surgeon wanted to replace my right hip first because it was by far the worst affected, but I asked him to do the left hip, because of the ankle and foot pain. I had the most horrific pain with that hip replacement, and it has never properly settled down. It was a very big wound, with many clips. My entire leg was red hot, swollen and very painful. I still couldn’t walk because by that time the right hip was fused and immobile, so eight months later I had the right hip replaced. No problems with that at all. Small scar, quick healing and I was walking within six weeks.
I’m now told that the right side of my spine is very much worse on the right than on the left, but I have little or no pain in my right leg and foot. Meanwhile, the left foot and ankle is virtually permanently very, very painful, and when it’s not, it’s freezing cold and grey looking. At times I can’t bear the weight of a light blanket on the foot. It often looks smaller than the right foot. I’ve also now got severe osteoporosis in the foot. I’ve only recently heard of CRPS. I don’t think the problem with my foot is entirely, or even at all, down to my spinal problem.
I’ve seen a rheumatologist, and a neurosurgeon and one of the neurosurgeons expressed doubt that the foot pain was directly connected with my back.
What speciality would deal with CRPS? Any recommendations for consultants who deal with CRPS?
I’m interested in any thoughts or advice.
Thanks for reading this long moan!