Hi everyone
I'm finding lots of useful help on here and it helps to know I'm not alone.
I've had lower back problems for 5 years now which started after moving a child at school ( I work with autistic children)
At first I thought I'd pulled a muscle but it didn't go away and just got worse and worse . I got an MRI which showed degenerative discs from L4 L5 S1 bulging discs facet joint degenerative tavlov cyst spinal stenosis so many different things going on.
I've had lots of pain medication, injections nerve ablation ( which was horrible) months and months of physio but nothing has helped much.
Eventually I paid to see a neurosurgeon as I was going round and round in circles on the nhs. My foot started going numb which really worried me.
He looked at my most recent mri and said it was obvious I needed a discectomy at L5.
Unfortunately he wasn't the surgeon that did it and the one that did caused a severe csf spinal fluid leak which would heal by itself ( the surgeon said he had no idea how it happened and was very rude at first till there was proof on mri to show it)
I had surgery to repair it and 2 weeks in hospital unfortunately I was back in again with a deep spinal sepsis infection a week later. 2 more weeks in hospital on iv antibiotics and more surgery to clean out the infection.
I had a line put in so I could come home and have iv antibiotics for further 6 weeks and 3 months of tablet form.
After all this I'm 2 years on and pain in my lower back isn't good and leg pain too especially when walking and standing.
I had a second opinion in London who have just said surgery at the moment is too risky partly because of the infection history which they said could still be hanging around in the bones .
I have been offered a spinal cord stimulator trial so I guess that's my last chance.
It's been hard I was 45 when it got bad and I've had to drastically cut my work hours and very limited my family life as I'm sure you all know the toll chronic pain takes on your life.
Sorry for my long first post