I have peripheral neuropathy (not caused by diabetes) and read that alpha-lipoic- acid can help with pain. I am taking 200mg ALA and would like to know if anyone else is trying this and what dose and results? Thanks
Alpha-lipoic- acid: I have peripheral... - Pain Concern
Alpha-lipoic- acid

Sorry to be negative but I read that ALA is approved only in Germany, and only for diabetic neuropathy. Are you on any prescription medication for this? Have you been referred to a pain management service?
Thanks for reply, I'm trying ALA anyway !
I wasn't suggesting ALA, I was trying to suggest it's unlikely to help. And of course you don't have to, but it would help us help you if you gave the info I requested.
Thanks, I'm on pregabaline don't want tobe pain managed unless I can do it myself.
What do you think of a vit. B supplement (esp vit B1) to ease neuropathic pain ?
Have you consulted your doctors about ALA and B Vitamins ? Ive been curious about ALA myself I have small fiber Neuropathy (no known cause ) which Im not buying that but Im thyroid-less and take a B Complex recommended from the thyroid group here.
Ignore last reply didn't notice caps lock on! No cause known for my PR either. Dr. thought maybe probs with vit B levels but not so after blood tests But I don't think it would harm to take B complex as excess excreted. I feel I'm missing something. I'll carry on with ALA and build up dose gradually Do you mind telling me what BComplex you take? Thank you
Batty1 and foxglove , there is some concern about ALA's interaction with thyroid hormones.
Thyroid hormoneInteraction Rating: Moderate Be cautious with this combination.Talk with your health provider.
Taking alpha-lipoic acid seems to decrease how well thyroid hormone works in the body. Taking alpha-lipoic acid with thyroid hormone might decrease the effectiveness of the thyroid hormone.
foxglove, to better benefit from B1 (thiamine) for your peripheral neuropathy look into fat soluble forms of thiamine such as TTDF, Benfotiamine or Sulbutiamine offering higher absorption levels through the brain/blood barrier and in the body. Vitamin B1 requires adequate magnesium to become bioactive so utilitizing magnesium threonate that also can pass through the blood brain barrier better than other forms of magnesium brings an advantage. Do however incorporate other forms such as magnesium glycinate that offers a good absoption level and has a lower laxative effect than other forms such as magnesium citrate. There is a formula to calculate magnesium on krispin magnesium to give you a general idea. It also lists causes of magnesium loss. Always consult your health care provider before using any supplement. Do be aware of the anti thiamine factors that reduce or destroy thiamine. A list from the stuttering forum is found on the attachment below. Be on the lookout for others. R-Alpha Lipoic Acid is the most active form form of ALA. That is what I always buy. Please investigate it's advantages for your neuropathy. Also sublingual methylcobalamin (B12) is a form and delivery system offering better absorption and healing for your nerves. Finally, consider adding to your protocol krill oil. It offers a lot of benefits you need. stuttersense.blogspot.com/2...
Sorry, I'm not an expert, asked for that info more for any others who might comment. I'm afraid I wouldn't be optimistic about benefits for pain from any vitamin or minerals. Pain management services are all about helping you to manage, they don't do it for you!