I have suffered with chronic pain for about 20 years. It's getting intolerable. Morphine is no longer working. Any ideas?
Chronic severe arthritis pain: I have suffered... - Pain Concern
Chronic severe arthritis pain

Hey there, I'm new to this site myself.. I've had to reply to you as you seem to be in the same boat as me. Morphine isn't working anymore for me either. I've been told by a member of a pain team that subutex may be a good next step to try. I am currently trying to find out what is the best way to do this, and if there will be a transition period (from morphine to subutex) as a withdrawal is something that is going to so scary for me. Especially at 61yrs. Hope this helps and if you find anything that may be beneficial to me, please get in toutch.
Boxingmom, research delta tocotrienol and also boron for arthritis in addition to magnesium Pain causes magnesium loss. Always consult with your health care professional before using any supplement.
What type of Arthritis were you diagnosed with?
You're osteo may benefit from flavonoids in foods and supplements such as myricetin and fisetin. Check into others as well. Always consult with your health care professional before using any supplement.
Hi, have you considered an Epidural injection.
Yes I've had injections in my knees and back. They didn't help
Sorry to hear that. I’m going for my first epidural in two weeks time, I Do hope it is a success.🙏. Had to pay privately as the waiting list here in the north of Ireland is 2 years. I’m on pregablin 600mg daily, Tramadol, Methocarbamol and anti inflammatories but all useless. You’re on Morphine — is that in the form of a tablet.? Hopefully we will have a happy and healthy new year. I wish you all the very best. X
Hello Boxingmom, I have had joint pains for nigh on thirty years. Take tramadol but it is not the perfect solution I use other none drug things like heat & ice packs, some exercises to keep the joints subtle but am running out of ideas myself. Let us know how your change of drugs goes. The only problem I find is the night pain is worse since my knee op . Wish there was a magic cure but alas there is not so anything on offer is worth a try. There is a new drug on trial for arthritis I heard MV11 or something like that maybe its available in USA all ready . Supposed to be good outcome. So we can still live in hope of other alternatives in future.
nerve ablation??
Hi Boxingmom, sorry to hear you are in distress with pain. I had chronic hip pain for 10 years, that is until I started taking Green Lipped Mussel 2000mg daily. Now my pain is minimal, my depression has lifted and my fatigue has disappeared. Thank the Lord. I beg you to watch the video on the internet promoting the health restoration of GLM, only found off the coast of New Zealand. The native Maoris have sworn by GLM for years. I am off all meds, including medical cannabis. Please give GLM a try - it worked for me. Mike Q 7
Any particular brand that you use? I’m in the USA. Have arthritis in knees shoulders and hips. Had hip replacement and just had arthroscopic knee surgery. This stuff you describe sounds very promising. Thanks.
I have osteoarthritis in hips shoulders and knees. Had hip replacement and just had knee surgery for repaired meniscus. I’m always in pain. I know how you feel and hope you find relief.
Sems we are both in the same boat. I have had the pain for 27 years now, but last 6 years have been unbearable. OA is everywhere now and like the plant climbing ivy, it is holding on and I cannot break free. I have tried lots of different, but not all painkillers. Morphine and Codeine, not able to cope with sense of detachment.I have had all types of treatments and injections. Been found the pain clinic circuit so many times and there is nothing that works.
I no longer cry I have accepted this is my life and I have not seen a GP for 2 years and it's all telephone messing around.
Started with gallstones and that is a very severe sharp pain and her the tablets I am on for that, Take that pain away, but the OA remains!
I keep hoping that I will find some relief, but the medical professional seem to hardly care.
Surely they should keep trying to change meds for you? But they do not.
I do hope they feel full body pain like this, if only for a short while.
I will ask for Subutex and fingers crossed. Although some of the GPs do not like you asking for different meds, they like to know best.
I hope we all find some relief to the chronic pain. I would settle for 50% less pain. Just wanted to contact you and any others in chronic pain with OA I am 66 this year and should just be starting with OA, not 27 years in! Take care x