Hi everyone I was hoping someone might be able to offer up some advice, I’ve had on and off rectal bleeding for a year now and it’s getting quite bad recently to the point the toilet is red after if been to the loo. I’ve had a colonoscopy, CT, MRI many many blood tests and a stool sample which have all come back clear. I’ve had rectal exams which have shown no fissures or haemorrhoids. I have chronic pain which after months and months of tests etc they believe to be endometriosis but this doesn’t explain the blood? I’m worried that maybe something has been missed on the colonoscopy, has anyone had anything similar because this blood seems to have no cause! Thanks in advance for any help.
So confused!: Hi everyone I was hoping someone... - Pain Concern
So confused!

Hiya Amy,have you tried the NHS website.If not there,possibly a walk in centre or at a push,your pharmacy.Your health is important and the best thing is to stick to the medical profession rather than anyone taking guesses as to your condition.Also,I dont know if you have multiple GPS in your surgery,if thats the case,you could try a different medic who might have more knowledge about your problem.Get better soon amy.
Do you have any metal parts in you due to past surgeries? Mesh? Clips? Have you had an X-ray? Maybe something is cutting you? Rectal bleeding is a sign of cancer. Have you had a fecal immune chemical test done? ( FIT )
Bleeding of any kind like this IS NOT normal and I’d be worried to. Persist in getting answers. A gynaecologist can rule out endo.
Oh Amy, it hurts me know you have this at ur age! 1. Have you had 'the jab'?.... just wondering. 2. I was a Bowen therapist till recently retiring .... not diagnostic but can have astonishing results.... Ask me more if you like!( I am a PSP sufferer near Worcester). Timbow xx
The only thing I can think of is if you were constipated and the stools very hard - hard enough to cause bleeding as they came down? However, in saying that - I think you really need to go back to your doctor. The advice I give for pain might work here - get a journal and start a week. Every time you go to the toilet and there is blood mark it down, how much, colour - also mark down energy, pain, what you have eaten etc. Then after a week, you will have something your GP will be able to look at.
Do you use off-the-shelf painkillers containing Ibuprofen (like Nurofen or similar)? These can cause ulcer bleeds.
Hi Amy,Sorry for delAy!
i’m not tec savvy ….. but can use some gadgets. ……. anyhow is ?? fine, such as
tim@thebowenman.co.uk, or 07736-736068.
Wish you well on ur mission>
I am on one too with this PSP - see attachment. TIM xx
No, no attachment is for emails! Whats urs-can you tell?
Sounds like you are having lots of investigations to identify the issue.One thing worth noting. I think the colour of the blood is significant. Dark nearly black indicates is from inside the bowels where a bright red colour suggests is more likely a fissure or haemorrhoids.
Certainly it shouldn’t be happening and you need to keep pushing medics for answers.
Keeping a record of when bleeding is a good idea from MSTKing. It might indicate the issue IS to do with menstrual cycle or gynae issue.
Whilst you find someone who can identify the cause of the bleeding make sure you don't get anaemic.I had similar but it was diverticulitis which should have shown up on the examinations.Have any family members had similar?Look after yourself you are very young for these problems,but find an answer .Don;t give up LOL