Strange abdomen pains since July : I’ve become... - Pain Concern

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Strange abdomen pains since July

Ktez profile image
15 Replies

I’ve become so preoccupied about these pains as they are pretty much constant, happening every few minutes. The pains aren’t crippling, more like little uncomfortable twinges in my stomach area. They can also be in one area of and then the next minute it can be on a totally different side. I also have dizziness and sometimes fatigue.

I’ve been to Drs and they did complete bloods, stool tests, urine tests and an ultrasound scan. All came back clear and now I’m waiting to see a gastroenterologist which will probably take months.

Just wanted to see if anyone has had similar and what it ended up being? Dr had suggested ibs but it just doesn’t feel like that as it’s not bloating or cramps and not associated with eating.

Thanks in advance if anyone has any thoughts on this

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Ktez profile image
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15 Replies
cyberbarn profile image

Hi Kate, sorry to hear about your pain. I don't have that myself but my son has something similar, abdominal pain that so far the medics haven't explained. Well, one has but they have been ignored!

His is positional, that is it hurts most when he is in a particular position, laying on his stomach. The person that did the gastroscopy said everything inside was clean, so it must be positional related to his Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. But that was ignored by the gastroenterologist, saying he didn't know what that meant!

So I have to answers for you, but keep going, hopefully someone will finally listen and figure out what is going on.

cyberbarn profile image
cyberbarn in reply to cyberbarn

And I tried soooooo hard to overcome the autocorrect to make it say Ktez and it still corrected it. Sorry!

strongmouse profile image

It sounds like your doctor has been thorough in doing the main checks. Our intestines work by pushing food along it by muscles squeezing and relaxing along the whole length. I found after I had a major abdominal operation that I could feel this more! Also find that taking laxatives can bring on this muscle cramping.

Do you notice it more after any particular foods? Some people find keeping a food diary helps them identify worse food culprits in IBS and avoid them. It can happen hours after you have eaten rather than straigh afterwards. It can happen that symptoms are worse a day or two after eating certain foods. Worth making sure you eat a healthy diet while waiting to be seen, e.g. avoiding lots of fizzy drinks or sweet food.

Ktez profile image

thanks for your replies folks. I will wait it out and hopefully the gastroenterologist will find out what’s wrong. It’s the fear of the unknown really that’s the worst.

Thanks again

DevineOne profile image

Hi, I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing pain. Can you think of an event that happened just before your pain started? In my wife's case she had the pfizer vaccination. My Mum also had the same series of events. She did have some odd symptoms though after covid like breathlessness, dizziness, feeling difficult to swallow and belching. I believe these were the signs that her stomach was inflamed although she didn't have any pain then. Then the vaccinaton finally pushed her off a cliff and she gots lots of pain, bloating, indigestion, constipation and heart burn. She was able to get an endoscopy and they said she has mild gastritis. The pain though is no where near mild! It seems no doctors knew about the symptoms and they labelled my wife as having anxiety becuase they didn't understand why my wife had these symptoms. Blood results came back normal apart from inflammation markers which the doctors seem to ignore if nothing shows with ultrasound. Even after diagnosing her as having gastritis they didn't tell her what foods she can and cannot eat. I obviously don't know what your issue could be but it maybe best to examine foods you are eating. Try eating a bland diet for a while. Cut out processed, sugary, greazy, fatty, acidic, sour foods. Try drinking tea instead of coffee for a while. Does your symptoms improve after doing this? Believe me it is better to take action now to prevent further symptoms than ignore it. The only thing you can control is the food and drink you intake and doing daily exercise.

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to DevineOne

sorry to jump in here. What you’ve said resonated with me. After having my second Pfizer jab my stomach complained a bit. Just general felt heavy. It went away after three weeks. Yet, about a month later, I was getting a lot of mild indigestion; little burps mist of the time. It was annoying. This was back in 2021. However, last year this issue returned. I’d always make little burps while on the move. During that hot week in July, I had psin just below my chest whilst eating. Had palpitations chest pain. Went to drs. had all heart tests done. They all came back fine. I did go on a PPI med in August and it was brilliant. Once that course ended in Sept. the indigestion and heaviness below the Chest came back. Thrn, had COVID in Oct. The stomach problems came back with a vengeance. Back to drs. Back a different PPI. It helped. I did a charcoal wash to get rid of any toxins from COVID. It worked but needed to extend my lazaprenol (current PPI med) as it hadn’t gone. It has been pretty bad this week, after Christmas New Year.

I never had any problem like this before August 2021. That’s all I’m saying 😉

I’m looking alternative supplements to take in the hopes of fixing this.

DevineOne profile image
DevineOne in reply to Schnoodle2017

You explain exactly what my wife has been going through. I'm sorry you are going through it too. PPIs however haven't worked for my wife. She would feel some relief for a few days but then the pain start to get worse and worse each day with more bloating, indigestion, constipation, acid reflux, heart burn and palpitations. So she decided not to take them anymore. Instead she used arrowroot starch powder which is a thickener you can make gravies with. I got it from an asian supermarket. It looks like chunks of white chalk. You mix 1 teaspoon with a drop of cold water to liquify it then add boiling water and mix. It should turn clearish from milky white. If not you may need to heat it a bit more until it turns clearish. Let it cool a bit then drink this 10 minutes before eating and/or before bed. It will help to coat your stomach.

Apart from a limited diet. She also takes zinc carnisine, slippery elm bark, mastic gum and marshmellow root. They do help with a bit of relief. My wife is now additionally trying alpha ketoglutarate and moringa. Recently she has been able to drink lactose free milk without worsening symptoms. Since starting those 2 new supplements, I have seen her the best since Jun 2021. It's been about a week now since she started the new ones.

She has also started white willow bark today. It is a natural pain reliever.

I hope these help you feel better.

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to DevineOne

wow! That’s quite a list! Your wife seems very knowledgeable about alternative remedies 😊 I’ll look into these. However, I hav come across one thing you mentioned. The moringa leaf powder. I came across this from a company I bought fresh one needles from, to mske tea with. After reading about it and the reviews, I’m going to give that a go. So easy to take as well.

Thanks for your help btw. Going to the drs. Getting tested judt to find out there’s nothing really wrong is a bind.

DevineOne profile image
DevineOne in reply to Schnoodle2017

Glad I could help. Fingers crossed it helps you. I know your anxiety of wondering what is wrong and thinking the worst. Try to remain positive. I hope you feel better soon.

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to DevineOne

thank you DevineOne ☺️

Ktez profile image

Thank you for your reply. Hope your wife and mum are ok. Funny you mentioned covid vaccination, my husband and I were talking about me feeling not 100% since I had covid last Nov 2021. Dizziness, fatigue..just basically not 100%

I can’t think of anything happening prior to the pains beginning at end of July this year. The pain was different at the beginning and only when I bent over to pick something up.

I tried cutting out dairy and yeast, no alcohol or anything fatty for 4 weeks and the pains were still continuous. Maybe that wasn’t long enough?

DevineOne profile image
DevineOne in reply to Ktez

Sorry to take so long to reply. I would make sure you cut out any sugars and attempt to eat a low carb diet as these all cause inflammation. This has helped my wife a lot. Do you drink coffee? Another thing you can try is an elimination diet. Google it to find out the method. It is basically cutting out foods that can cause issues for a while then adding them back in one by one to see if you have a reaction. I do hope you are feeling better. Merry Christmas and Happy new year!

DevineOne profile image

I noticed that the arrow starch powder is a common translation of the original powder. I think Japanese knot weed is the real interpretation but it maybe labeled as arrow starch. Just something to be aware of. Also the smell and taste should not be perfumey. The actual taste is hard to explain but has a hint of ginger almost. This is a way to ensure you have a pure product without other ingredients added.

DevineOne profile image
DevineOne in reply to DevineOne

I just found the other name for arrowroot powder is kudzu root (starch powder). This is more exact of what you want to try. It has a lot of medicinal properties.

Ktez profile image
Ktez in reply to DevineOne

thank you! I will see if I can get my hands on this 😊👍

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