Morning. I just need to offload here, sorry!! I have degeneration of lower discs in my back, and it causes pain, every single second of every single day, despite pain killers. I live with it, because I have to. But, I'm also waiting to have my gallbladder removed. Was hospitalised at September due to a terrible infection called acute cholecystitis. My gallstones started hurting last Thursday and I'm still in pain now! I take 400mg of Tramadol and 600mg of Naproxen FFS every day for my back. Why am I still hurting 😞😫
Fed Up Of Being In Pain: Morning. I just need... - Pain Concern
Fed Up Of Being In Pain
My dad had problems with gallstones and had gallbladder removed recently. I understand pain is horrendous so I feel for you. Painkillers didn’t touch the pain. Even morphine. Have you been to a&e with pain. Might need to go down that route to get gallbladder removed quickly?What has been suggested re gallbladder?
Horrible that got to deal with this and back pain. Hope you get sorted soon.
Hi sweep. Sorry I can't offer you any answers, but I can sympathise completely. I also have degenerative disc disease and last March was rushed into hospital with what was thought to be another heart attack. Turned out to be acute cholecystitis. I had to have an emergency gall bladder removal as my body was going into toxic shock due to the infection. A few days in hospital and out the day before lockdown started (thankfully). As Bevvy suggests, a trip to a&e may speed things up for you. I don't know how to treat gall bladder pain as I had no warning at all before my treatment. Very best wishes you can get this sorted asap. X
Hi Sweep - Have you not been offered surgery for your degenerative disc problems?
HelloI too have lower back degenerative disc disease it’s hell everyday.
I use 2/3 hot water bottles every day
I tried gabapentine, pregabalin but too many bad side effects. I have tried a type of tens machine small amount of relief but mainly I found cutting out inflammatory foods helped especially wheat red meat etc. I take natural remedies fresh ginger root water astaxanthin, olive leaf extract along with trying to walk everyday I can’t climb stairs or walk up hills but I try to walk everyday if I don’t my back pain gets much worse it has taken me years to get to this level of pain control at times I could not stand on my feet for too long I have had the steroid injections but they just made things worse. I have permanent heat marks over my back from using the hot water bottles but I find it’s one of the things that really helps ease the daily pain.
Try to cut out inflammatory foods including sweets chocolate try adding ginger water daily, prescription medicine seems to just cause other side effects for me. Good luck 🙏
Hi everyone, just wanted to say thank you for all your kind words. It helps just to know I'm not alone with all this.
Haven't been to A&E with the pain for my gallstones recently, I know I probably should. Had some time off recently after having to have my appendix out in an emergency.
I'll look into all the suggestions you've all made and no I haven't been offered surgery for my back. Yet!
I feel for you as I also have a trapped nerve from my lower back which goes across my right side and the only time it doesn't hurt is when I'm laying still in bed. I can't walk far as it hurts even more. I've had physiotherapy, acupuncture, pilates, had cortisone and nerve blocker injections. Tried Naproxen and Diclofenac all to no avail. I do use a small Tens machine occasionally which does help to disguise pain a little. The next step is denervation but the waiting list is a year and there's no guarantee that it will work.
I'm sorry, I have just realised that your post is 4 months old but it's never too late to say I share your anguish, having got degenerative spondylosis thesis myself. I already have fibromyalgia and now with this as well I felt overwhelmed when I got my diagnosis earlier this year. I too have strong painkillers but within a month of being prescribed these I decided I was not going to take them 4 times a day as suggested, some days I admit I have to but everything has side effects and this was negating any precious quality of life I may have. As you say you have pain whether you take them or not!!! I will try any type of hobby that will distract me from pain, frustration goes alongside this when I can't complete the said task but it works for me and makes the day go better. May I respectfully suggest a sitting tai chi class or if you aren't able to get to one they are on YouTube. It both helps you relax and will help to get more flexibility in the base of your spine. Only you can feel your pain and judge whether this is suitable for you. I hope you've got some relief by now.