Hi. I'm 51 yrs old and totally fed up with being in pain day in, day out.
I have Arthritis in my feet. My right one has had four bone fusions. My consultant basically explained that they're chasing bone that is infected with bad Arthritis.
The latest more metal work, hence the username. He explained it in a way that the Arthritis seems to accelerate thru bad bone.
I have Arthritis in my hips, Bursitis, Diverticulitis and Arthritic knees...
I basically need rubbing out and drawing again!!My GP made me an appointment with a pain clinic. But thats 7 months away. I also have depression/ anxiety. This one is a killer.
I saw a counselor, NHS for a year and half. I didn't know that the program was for so many sessions. The only way I can get back on is thru self referral or GP...
I've been reading many posts on here regarding pain and picked up some excellent tips and advice.. Many thanks to you all. This is helping me tremendously