So fed up.....!: I have been suffering from... - Pain Concern

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So fed up.....!

Toplady profile image
17 Replies

I have been suffering from chronic pain now for nearly a year. I fractured my sacrum last September, then discovered I had severe osteoporosis, now under investigations as my rheumatologist thinks I have psoriatic arthritis also. I am a head of dept in a secondary school who is about to lose my job and my income/lifestyle. I am on butrans patches, cocodamol , naproxen for pain relief and have been referred to the pain management clinic. The pain in my hip/sacroiliac area is constant and unmanageable, tonight I have dosed myself up with all my tablets and a couple of glasses of wine and I'm still in too much pain to sleep, am now so fed up I don't know what to do, I'm only 48 and feel like an elderly lady, anyone out there with any ideas........? am so fed up but don't know what else to do...........

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Toplady profile image
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17 Replies
RibvanRey profile image

Any help the GP prescribes by way of meds is never going to leave you pain free. Hopefully you will achieve a better level of pain relief. So you need to discover ways that work for you.

Number 1 is distraction/ diversion.

Personally I use audio books. I can't concentrate to read books. So I have a machine in the bedroom and it has repeat selected. I load it up with a 6 hr audio disk and turn the volume so that I can just hear the story but only if I listen to it. The sound drifts into the back ground if my attention wavers. It runs all night. The room is never silent.

Now that may work for you or may not. You have to find ways to keep your mind from thinking about pain. And YES I know that it hurts and it is all pervading, all consuming, unremitting pain. I have lived with it for 33 year.

Meditation works for some folk. Anyway that helps divert your attention is a winner.

When you go to the Pain clinic they will discuss many more ways.

Tens machines are very affordable these days. No need to spend £150 these days. The clinic may loan machines so that you can try one before risking buying. Like we know we are all different and the injuries and our nerve wiring is all a bit different too.

Don't give up. Do come back here. We know you may need somewhere to blow off steam if nothing else. Here we are allowed to rant.

Kind regards, Rib

habinns17 profile image

Hi there. I'm so sorry to hear that you are having a tough time. I can really empathise with you as I had to give up my career this year due to pain related conditions. I'm currently looking for a less stressful part time job. I suspect that you are going through a bereavement period which is completely normal. Hopefully once you have got more control of your pain you will feel much better. Really utilise what the pain clinic has to offer. I found cbt and mindfulness really helpful. Good luck x

Nobody1963 profile image

Magnesium helps for pain. also MSM I buy on amazon pure powder form.. It helps build bones, also helps me with pain. I swear by it.. I went off osteo meds. they cause more issues than help.. these are natural cures.. I had to go off a lot of meds. way too much. how you will notice this stuff works is take it a month and if you don't for 3 days you notice more pain.

As far as other lay on back pull one leg at a time up if you can holding it. than both holding under your knees. it does help relieve a little..

you can look these items on net.. I wish you less pain.. sounds like all other comments are good advice :)

Nobody1963 profile image
Nobody1963 in reply to Nobody1963

pulling knees up to chest.. sorry I didn't make that clear..

MadRocker profile image

Hi There----I know how you feel (after having total hip replacement surgery with very poor results I was left in more pain than I was in before the surgery.)

Naproxen is mainly for inflammation. See your GP for some proper pain medication so at least hold you until you get to the Pain Clinic. They are usually the ones who are in charge of pain management.

I almost went crazy with the pain until I finally said enough I need pain meds. Nice people do not get good health care. My GP put me on morphine and it was amazing the difference it has made in my quality of life. I am not saying you take morphine that is for your GP and YOU to figure out. But there is many pain meds you can take and even combinations that can work as in combining tylenol and ibuprofen. Don't be a hero!

A friend had rheumatoid arthritis, terrible pain, her rheumatologist found the right combination of drugs and she is back at work and even jogs. Remember there is a golfer who has psoriatic arthritis and he still golfs on the PGA tour.

You are not dead. Take charge this is your life and you do not have to see it in pain. Be tough!

deejames profile image

I would suggest not to do any exercises not suggested for exactly your range of problems. Sorry nobody but toplady seems to have a range of problems. See a physio or chiropractor privately , otherwise you will wait too long. Keeping mobile is so important.

The pain clinic will help with your emotions and feelings about what is, after all, a disability. Most of us on this site know what it is to deal with that sense of deep loss for our previous lives. I just hope its not too long a waiting list. There are lots of pain management suggestions online. I've found it very helpful to do lots of research.

I'd also disagree with you Madrocker about health care. I may have misunderstood you . I've always been polite and nice to everyone I deal with in relation to my chronic pain. I've never felt it has lessened the care I get. And besides respect and manners are the right of any health professional indeed of any human being.

I agree we need to be forthright and be clear about what we need and expect but never not ' nicely'.

There is a good community here toplady. It has helped me through some very tough times. I hope it does the same for you.

Pat9 profile image

Hi I also went through a bad couple of years with this, alcohol makes it a lot worse.. I don't drink now, haven't done for 6 years and although I get aches and pains from other forms of arthritis it is not the psoriatic type hope you find relief soon :)

sianr profile image

Hi Toplady I felt very similar to you I have a senior position in my work place and in a similar situation, unfortunately it's a grieving process , we feel totally isolated lost unable to know what to do for the best , we are desperate for help desperate for the pain to stop to give you some relief a bit of breathing space just to get your head straight enough to work out what to do next, our logical thinking goes out the window , you feel nothing works to help with the pain . We have days when they are worse than others and we feel out of control. Firstly in order to help yourself is to sort out the thinking process and slow our brain down , at the moment you have so much whizzing around you probably don't know where to start first , is there anyone you can talk to to get things off your chest ? Secondly your so desperate to get a sleep you'll try anything , we've all tried and tested what we think will work for us , alcohol on top of medication actually reduces the absorption and effectiveness of the meds , so maybe try and avoid until you feel you're in control because at the moment the pain is in control of you , try to relax when you can slow your breathing down , if you can like Ribvanray audio books to listen to it might be difficult initially but it does work . I also think you may need to discuss your meds with your GP we have all tried and tested different meds to see what works better . As previously mentioned as well a TENS machine may work for you especially when your at work we only at best get about 30% relief of our pain from our meds so the 70% we have to work out for ourselfs Getting in control is knowing the best things to do for yourself and that takes time . I hope this helps . Everyone on here listens and understands you're not alone . Take care and keep us posted about how your getting on x

Hello I suffer the same problem Psoriatic Arthritis and have had it since 1976 about

You may find that an appointment with the Pain Clinic may be a good start, they do courses on controlling your pain and the use of Tens machine etc. They can also advise on relaxation techniques and how to talk to your GP etc


formula1111 profile image

Hi I was 35 when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis arthritis then fibro then osteoporosis along with other things.

The one bit of advice I would give you is pace . Pace yourself if you go to the pain management clinic they will give advice on how to do that. As for your medication it is trial and error I and other have had to try many different pain killers relaxes or anti depressants before they find what works. You are never pain free and you always have to think and adjust, but you need to come to terms with what you have ,turn it into a positive. You say you may end up without your current job, but although it would be a massive blow,you could become a supply teacher or a marker to boot. In which case you would be able to rest your body and manage your pain better than you can now.

You could also look into synovum irritation on or around the ball of your hip. If your having trouble you may find injection gives relief.

I hope you find this helpful. Sorry if it seems matter of fact but I fought my conditions from 35 to 52yrs of age wouldn't except nothing was working,wouldn't accept restricted life style and then one day something happend and suddenly I could see things for what they were. Always question your specialist or Dr, tell them when things are not working . Good luck ,you can find a way to make things easier it just takes time.

Listening to relaxation c.ds or music always helps at night, I also listen to talking books via headphones they help me relax enough to sleep. I am unable to actually hold a book any length of time so if you struggle your self that's a good idea. A warm bath with lavender an a drop on your pillow will also help.

Bevvy profile image

Can't give any advice re pain but concerned you are about to loose your job.

What is your Union doing to assist you? Surely they can speak for you? At VERY least if no option but to loose job Union should be arguing for ill health retirement. That way you at least get full pension. However you are very young and might be difficult to obtain.

What other options are you exploring? What about working part time? That way you keep in work and an income.

Under 'reasonable adjustments' at work you may be able to continue in some capacity.

Hope you are able to sort something.

Sweeney_89 profile image
Sweeney_89 in reply to Bevvy

There's already been alot of good advice shared above, so I won't go on too much. However, I would like to add to 2 of the previous comments. In regards to alcohol, although I do find it to be a great painkiller for my chronic pain, it's not great to mix with lots of other medication, especially opiates. It will either stop your meds doing what they're meant to or react with them, causing potentially harmful side effects. That said, I know it's hard to resist, so if I want a drink now I don't take anything other than paracetamol, in order to reduce the risks. With regards to your job, the law is a much more on your side these days. If you are having work troubles due to a long-term illness, your employers may have to think about the possibilities of tribunals before they dismiss you. As Bevvy said, you should talk to your union. I hope everything works out as best it can.

christina2010 profile image

OMG I hear ya I have had sciatica this week for 3 today will b 4 days STRAIGHT!!!! Im loosing my mind... Last week when I went to doctors I had it then too gave me a shot OMG pain gone wke up pain back but was nice to have relief for a little bit. I have a questions, I had a micodisc surgery over a year ago , 3 months ago I fell twice once so hard breaking my phone twisted ankle just beat up,then the following week I brusied/craqcked a rib on a sprinkiler. Does anyone think I could have symptoms return or possible re did sumthin to my disk or buldge, My fibro has flared up the last month bad and now this sciatica is so bad its worse then b4 my surgery. I wil ask DR at next appt just was wondering anyokne out there?? THX :0 PS YES, i have pain meds but not helping, and have done PT massages yoga TENS UNIT,

scaredstiff profile image

TopLady: I have severe osteoporosis also, and I got my 1st injection (2 a year every 6 months) of Prolia and it cleared up much of my back pain right after I received it. It was truly a blessing! I was getting epidurals in my spine, wearing pain patches, taking hydrocodone and Naproxen, Ibuprofen and I have cut back considerably. I also have Scoliosis of the spine and a hump on right side of back and I have had 2 fractures.

One fracture was before the shot where I fractured my ankle and then after I received the shot and the ankle was fine I fell and broke my left wrist and was in a cast for 4 wks. Now I am in a splint for a month. It's not been fun but if you write down your complaints and take them to your Dr. you might ask about the different shots available to you to help with your osteoporosis. I now take 1500 mg of calcium a day and 2,000 Vit D a day. I am 72 yrs old and very active. Have you tried essential oils? I am a member of Young Living and I get the Wintergreen oil and have been putting that on my fractured wrist and forearm for the pain and anywhere else on my body and use a carrier oil like jojoba oil to mix with it. Instructions are on the Wintergreen oil bottle. If you have any questions - feel free to ask. God Bless you!

johnsmith profile image

See an Alexander Teacher and McTimony Chiropractor. Also see a massage therapist.

The above disciplines will not cure the problem you have. They will help you get a better quality of life and reduced pain and discomfort. The medical profession know practically nothing regarding the input muscle behaviour has on pain and discomfort.

Before 1991 the NHS dismissed chiropractic as quackery. In 1992 the first medical trial on chiropractic showed that it was better than physiotherapy for back pain. Things have come a long way. NICE recommend chiropractic and osteopathic for back pain. Trials on the Alexander Technique have shown that it is better than physiotherapy for low back pain. Funds are being raised for further trials on the Alexander Technique.

You are in a well paid job and as a result have the resources that many people have not to be able to conduct your own investigation in the above mentioned disciplines.

Note: I have been getting McTimony chiropractic on the NHS for over 20 years.

Hope this helps

Toplady profile image

Thanks everyone, was lovely to hear all your replies and certainly made me feel that I'm not alone. I've rung the Pain Clinic today to chase up my appointment and I've got a meeting with my Union and Human Resources tomorrow to discuss my 'future' so will see how that goes. The only certain thing I know is that I have very little control over what happens next with my job so am trying not to let it get to me too much. My Union rep has said that we will definitely be pushing for ill health retirement so fingers crossed if I have to go down this route. I now have to focus on the good things, a very supportive family and a wonderful partner who is amazing and keeps me sane (most of the time!)

Thanks again for all your advice and kind words, will keep you posted......

Bill2008 profile image

I've had pain for years now but it manageable until I had my second baby now I live in pain everyday but it did get much better after I changed my bed and mattress. Maybe that's one thing you might want to consider.

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