Hello. I’m from California USA. I’ve been dealing with pain for a long time. Now adding arthritis pain to the mix. I live in the mountains and miss my diversions from pain. Museums. Book club gardens. Stores handy, etc. in Los Angeles. it’s difficult for me to ignore pain because I’m not as active where I’m now living since getting out is a bit for difficult. Thank goodness I can listen to the BBC. !!!!! I visit my children and grandchildren monthly in Los Angeles. Just saying hello from California to all of you. And one question. Does cold weather or barometric pressure make your pain worse ??? Seems to for me. Take care
Just introducing myself Have pain issues - Pain Concern
Just introducing myself Have pain issues

Hi there, first of all welcome aboard, sorry you have Pain , but you are in the right place to get information from members on here, myself the pain feels worse when it's cold due to nerve damage ( cervical myelopathy) if we can help just ask the question, take care, clive

Thank you
Welcome and hello the cold weather makes it worse for me but we are all different but yet we are all the same suffering with pain in some way to help myself i try to keep warm that might help you
Been to San Diego many many times and i think its great
Hugs everyone 💖💖
Hi, welcome .... have lumbar stenosis, spondylosis, disk problems from spine arthritis. For years must have had some bc my body (head, back, legs) hurt when rain is on the way or, worse, snow. The cold itself is not so bad, i swim and my pool is not heated but the barometric pressure sure does. And alcohol.....must drink tons of water. My hiking days are memory......cant walk or stand for long without leg and hip pain due to the cursed pinched nerve caused by, mainly, arthritis. Good luck to you, stay away from too many NSAID drugs, i took Meloxicam it damaged my kidneys. I take 50 mg Tramadol on very bad days only one a day, mostly nothing. Steroid epidural injections helped the inflamed sciatic nerve. Am 82 and no meds at all, not even vitamins. Physical therapy 3 x week for me a must....and stretching and strength exercises at home. Trying not to sit too much, get up every 15 min or so. Keep moving for short time between resting....good luck!
Hi there, you are definitely on the right site for help and support. I suffer with nerve damage and after three operations on my spine I have extreme pain and my walking and standing is not very good. My meds is the only bit of respite I can receive. They consist of very strong pain killers which I suspect you have heard of, its basically Oxycontin under another name they call it Long tech now which I receive 30mg twice daily, and short tech which I take as required for break through pain 10mg a shot. I am also on Pregabalin 300mg twice daily which deals primarily with my nerve damage. I try my hardest to get up from my specially adapted chair and walk around the house once every hour. If I stay in my chair I find it very difficult to move let alone walk. So exercise is the answer I wish I could do more but there you are. I hope this as been helpful and I wish you all the best for the future.
I’m so sorry you are in so much pain. I also have a back that causes pain. Doctors have wanted to do fusions. Last one suggested three disk fusion of my back. I’m not doing that for several reasons. One of which is I have a great deal of arthritis in my back and everywhere in my body and it causes lots of pain but surgery won’t fix that You are right, we have to keep moving. I try to stay positive My children and grand children help with that. We are all warriors in this fight with pain.
Hello i live in oxford england . and lucky to have hospitals within a 5 mile radius i have been living with muscular pain for over 15 years now age 55 things are getting worse with shooting pains in fingers and toes .late at night but also pretty much every ware in the middle of the night i get shooting pains that wake me up. like you arthritis in both elbows knees fingers ect the same for me and other people with the same problem is that the change in weather makes it worse being in england the weather changes every day it was warm today but getting colder tomorrow so i will be a lot stiffer i only work 3 days a week now after working 30 years for myself.i work with my local council driving .they work with people with illnesses so your not pressured into what you do, but i spent 6 weeks last year with physio but it,s not helped now after all these years i will see a neuroligist i have not played golf for 10 years or working on cars are over that s my hobby s so same as you just seeing grand kids but not playing football with them is to hard . the answer to your question is cold climate will make your pain worse and joints stiffer. if you can get to see a physio and go in a hydro pool now this a lot hotter than a swimming pool but dose help. but i think you would want to go there every day . best of luck tony
thank you ,we both have to do things at a slower pace as i write this it s 7 degrees outside but 22 inside but still getting pains .i have seen the storm in the bahamas not shaw how far away from you that is but stay safe keep warm. and hope you can reduce your pain . thanks again tony
Here where ur coming from...cold weather is better for me and all my med stuff,BUT barometric pressure does affect a lot of people.I live at 7000 feet elevation and that def factors in to stuff for me and my health.
If u live in the mountains.. let nature help u with distraction for ur pain.Im not in the mountains..just a rural middle of nowhere place BUT..I let the landscape and animals help me.
Music?? great for pain and distraction.Just stay clear of the depressing stuff.. counter productive
Thank you for those
Suggestions. I love all kinds of music but mostly opera and rock and roll depending on my mood 🙏🏽
ABSOLUTELY! Sorry to say. I live in Southwest Washington and have been suffering for what seems a lifetime. Fibromyalgia, arthritis, pain from back surgery,etc. I have what’s called a “barometric body”. The doctor that told me I had that said I should move to a warm climate. Arizona, Mexico. Some place like that. At the time, it probably wouldn’t have taken much to talk me into it but some years have gone by and neither my husband nor myself are in good enough shape to do anything that drastic. So I guess it’s here that I’ll stay. But yes. The climate will definitely affect your pain levels. I wish you all the best with your mountain life. It’s sounds lovely. There’s always something to do wherever you are. I hope you can find something fulfilling to do. Feel better soon! 🌼
Yes thankyou, I must say I am not aware of it but yes I would be really grateful for more information.
Thanks again.