I’ve had a Triple Heart Bypass and Mitral Valve Repair.
Before that I had a Lumber Spinal Laminectomy (which only worked for about 4 months).
I’ve since also been diagnosed with Heart Failure so pain relief is very difficult.
The Spinal Stenosis is now severe all down the Lumbar Region.
I was given Oramorph and have now had MTC Morphine added in addition to Lidocaine Patches.
I’ve been under the Pain Management Consultant for a few years now but at my last appointment he said there’s no further help he can offer me.
He’s suggested that he would refer me back to the Spinal Surgeons and I’m very concerned as they originally said it was too risky to have further surgery due to my Heart Condition.
I’ve been looking into Medicinal Cannabis but unless I could get NHS funding the costs would prevent me going private.
I’ve recently looked into CBD Oil and spoke to a supplier who sold me some CBD Bothers Black Edition CBD oil which is 1200mg in 10ml. This is Thc free and from the bottle it says it’s 12%. I was told this would be good for pain relief however due to having all my other medications she advised me to check with a Pharmacist (particularly with regards to the Morphine meds).
On checking the Pharmacist said there’s not enough research been done on the interactions with my existing medication so she said it was best not to take it.
Has anyone had experience with this CBD Oil?
I’m prepared to leave off the Morphine medication in order to try the CBD as I’m not getting sufficient relief from the morphine and I’m still in a lot of pain?
Does anyone have any thoughts/advice.
Incidentally I’ve checked with the hospital and it’s a 44 week wait to see a consultant?
Kind regards