Hello my name is Rita and I am suffering back pain and my doctor has changed my medications, I was on 400mg of tramadol a day and have now been cut to half, and put on a pain patch, I don't know if this is the correct thing for me.
Back pain: Hello my name is Rita and I am... - Pain Concern
Back pain

Do not know the specific answer, but if possible, best to only make one change at a time so you can log the results.
Please let me know if it helps X good luck x
Hi Nin 123. Is medication the only treatment you are getting ? Did the doctor explain the reasons why he is changing your treatment ? I would ask for a referral to a physio as back problems of certain kinds will respond to physical therapy. Perhaps you could go yourself to a chiropractor for a diagnosis and treatment plan.
Nearly always medication should not be the sole treatment for back pain that has gone on for a while. It's vital to find out the reasons it's happened in the first place and try to alter posture, gait, unsafe lifting or sitting g or whatever it is.
Best of luck
Hi Dee, I have had problems with my back for a number of years including an operation for a discectomy about 15 years ago, I have had ongoing problems since then and have been taking high doses of tramadol since, over the past few months the problems have gotten significantly worse, it is now interfering with my life so badly that my doctor has seen fit to try and alter my medications so I can at least be partially pain free, it has gotten to the stage where I cannot walk more than a few yards before the pain overtakes me, I am also having problems sleeping due to the fact that if I try to turn I cannot do so because of the pain, I have seen a rheumatologist and she ordered an MRI scan which I get the results from at the end of the month, in the meantime my doctor recommended pain patches
Hi Rita. Ah not just mechanical back pain then. I still think a good physio or chiropractor good advise you on billing up your back and core muscles to give a bit of protection from what is going on with your spine. Obviously you need professional al advice before starting exercise like that.
Have you been to a pain management clinc ?
Hi again Dee I cannot go to a chiropractor because I cannot bear any weight or pressure on my spine, my doctor is waiting for the results of my MRI in the meantime she has decided that I need more tha n tramadol, I have been on them for as long as I have this medication is not working for me anymore and so I have the patches, I think she is only putting me on them for a short time so I will see what the scan says
DefinatEly best to see what the scan says.
My chiropractor give me acupuncture and exercises to do after assessing my gait and the way I hold my body because of pain.
She never presses on the spine or manipulates it as she knows what is going on inside me having seen an MRI .
Just off there just now so the I can have morre needles and massage of the urethritis that has developed from suing crutches.
And on it goes
I hope you get some answers soon
I too use pain patches, but they don't take the pain away, neither did Tramadol. I have had pain block injections, epidurals and tried every alternative therapy. I have disc bulges, and my symptoms are always played down by consultants. I am getting nowhere after 5.5 years since my first MRI scan, but there may still be some hope.
I am now going to see a surgeon about endoscopic surgery in hope they will say I am a candidate. I will have to sell my house to pay for surgery, I feel the NHS throw lives on the scrap heap to save money.
I hope the patches work for you, they are safer. Try to stay off the pain drugs, they are not good for you in the long run. Even my doctor said I should try not to take them, easier said than done I know, but they are not good for you.
Have you tried a Tens machine, massage, heat, ice, yoga, pilates, swimming, meditation?
They are a few things I have found slightly helpful, not a cure though.
Keep trying things, something might work for you which doesn't work for someone else...never give up.
Back pain is the most debilitating horrid condition, but millions of us suffer from it, you are never alone. And I beleive it will get better, never giving up on that!
God bless.