I had an appointment with the pain clinic consultant last week after being seen by his registrar to get my pain medication sorted out. I’ve had chronic pain since a spontaneous Sacral fracture five years ago. I take Naproxen, Nortriptyline, Co-Codamol and Butrans patches. These had all been prescribed by the pain consultant's registrar over a period of 18 months. I also use crutches and a powerchair to mobilise.
I asked if there were any other things to help with my pain such as spinal-cord stimulator or more injections but he said he didn’t think any of these were suitable. He then went on to examine me and doing the course of the examination, he pulled my knickers down at the side and pointed out my belly which absolutely mortified me. I burst into tears and could barely follow the rest of the appointment. He then went on to say that some of my pain was caused by muscular issues because of the weight of my belly resting on my legs and the push and pull of the muscles to keep me upright. By this time I was in hysterics, but he kept talking at me, didn’t ask me any questions about my current meds and then asked me about had I tried Lidocaine patches? When I said no, he said "right we’ll give these a try then is that okay?"
I know I was a quivering wreck so just wiped my eyes and said yes, shook his hand and left. I then wheeled myself into the nearest disabled toilet and had a good cry.
Whilst I’ll readily admit that I’ve put on weight since I’ve been disabled, I did try and explain to him that previous to this I was a fit and healthy size 12 secondary school teacher. And that I wasn’t a lazy person was sat round on their bum all day. He said 'he was sorry if it made me feel that way, he didn’t mean it' but still insisted that the pain was an 'ache' and didn’t listen to me when I tried to explain exactly how my pain felt.
I came away from the appointment feeling actually humiliated. I have never had to convince a doctor of my pain before; they have always been hugely supportive as my fracture was such an unusual one. I don’t know whether to try and arrange another appointment with him (when I don’t cry 😣) so that I can try and find out exactly what he was trying to say or whether to just leave it, go back to my usual pain clinic doctor and carry on with him?
Any suggestions??