Has anyone been referred to a hospital pain clinic, if so how long did it take and did you find it useful? I have severe lumbar pain, bulging discs, some nerves are compressed and I have buprenorphine patches for pain relief. These do not control the pain and cause unwanted side effects which are worse if they are increased. My Gp is hoping the clinic can manage the pain better for me. TIA
Pain clinic: Has anyone been referred to a... - Pain Concern
Pain clinic

Yes , I was told a year , I pushed politely, then around six months . Yes it helps six years on twice a year yes Ramous has helped me . From lidocaine infusions until government cut backs . Now I have lidocaine plaster on my lower back in the evening. It lowers the pain a little.
It’s a bit complex as I have multiple lower back failed surgeries and nerve damage. However a bit of a breakthrough, I went on an optimise programme and was suitable for an Abbot stimulator paddle implant. It again helps with pain .
All a bit complex but overall , I am great full to Ramous and the pain unit .
Really hope you push and get there
Regards David
Thankyou for replying, I was referred in July, although I saw Dr in May. I was told it may be next spring before I get an appointment. My Gp has said he is not able to expedite as they are told it's not possible due to the number waiting.
is it possible you can give the pain clinic a call and explain how the pain is affecting you and ask how far along the list you are. I found that by explaining that I could only stand for a few minutes and could barely walk and that I was in so much generalised pain and that my lower back pain was truly excruciating, they kindly bumped me up the list. The clinic, because of complexities of my pain, said that surgery wasn’t an option but, they would recommend my GP to prescribe me 60mg Duloxetine twice a day - and once settled into that, for my GP to also prescribe Buprenorphine 7 day patches, initially @ 5mg and gradually increasing as needed. The GP prescribed the Buprenorphine last Wednesday - and hopefully, the pharmacy will call me tomorrow.
I was on Duloxetine
for a while , it was good , I was able to come off it and use my new medication , that works well, I know someone who swears by her Buprenorphine , sorry you suffer so much , no fun as we know . Good luck with the new medication . Xx
Thank you for your kind response, it is truly appreciated. I consider myself extremely fortunate inasmuch that I have an incredibly supportive husband and family, who are fully aware of the level of pain I endure 24/7. They all ensure I still have a wonderful life and enjoy it as much as possible. My GP is also amazing - as were the people at the Pain Clinic.
I have called the pain clinic and they advised it would be spring next year before my appointment. It seems whenever I call the appointment is further away.
Didn't do much for me but my case was very different, I've heard in cases like yours they can be very helpful. Can't remember how long I waited, mine was several years ago when waiting times were shorter anyway.
I am on Oramorph due to worn and damaged discs ,including old fractures, I have been to the pain clinic but after the last set of injections I was put on the morphine, the injections work after a few days but only lasted a couple of weeks with me, the first lot were great after the pain from the injection sites calmed down I actually had a couple of months where the pain was bearable. But then they stopped working, I was due an operation but it got cancelled after some crook fell through a roof of a place he/ she was burgling. Then Covid and now still waiting, I am at the stage pain wise and being fed up of being on benefits that I hope the Euthanasia law gets passed
Hi it usually depends on areas Hopefully not too long for you
I found some pain clinics a mix and some useless and their goal (not yours)and try reduce meds etc and more tools for their goals and targets
Some are the opposite and are good and deal with meds and tools and work for your (goals )
I did find the hospital clinics good
And their OT If you get an option for that id take it
Meds wise as well they should work with you to try get your pain under control
The patches I'm now fentynal, I understand the increased dose side effects
The pain nurse and doc etc took a different course with myself
Everyone different though
Now on lots of meds mixed some low dose including fentynal
They say more and low dose helps
There's lots meds out there if your long term
1 I queried was the
Paracetamol for the strong pain
Paracetamol helps all the pain meds work better and now my first starting point Then the add ons
It's also on the repeat
Everyone different though and some meds you may not be able to take
Did have the tramadol on the list along pregablin
The clinic halted tramadol and put pregablin max dose 600mg at same time no tapering Seemingly needed
It did work
That can be an xsample at at clinic
Mind make sure its wot you want and goals
Hopefully you get seen soon and you get the pain levels down a bit
P.s sometimes the gp surgerys get a nurse who is a pain nurse ,worth asking some can be very good
I was referred to a pain clinic during the pandemic and so the first consultations were over the phone. It did take a really long time for that first appointment and they have helped. While you wait, you could look up the Airing Pain podcast and see if there is anything useful to you. There are also free online education sessions from Pain Concern advertised here on Healthunlocked and free meditation sessions if you want to give it a try. Hope your appointment comes through soon ( like all things, it varies from place to place).
Hi Sherlock11.
I was under the pain clinic for 3 years. I went through all the possible pain relief but now I have been diagnosed with Heart Failure I can only take Oromorph liquid morphine and Zomorph 4 slow release morphine tablets.
I also had a bad experience with buprenorphine patches, side effects etc:
I’ve recently had some Lidocaine patches prescribed and I’ve found them helpful.
Kind regards
I'm working with two PTs I found. There is a program from AU on pain treatment that seemed more promising for me. I've been through some other programs and my GPs pretty much given me carte blanche to investigate. Noigroup.com and you can watch some YouTube videos with them at youtube.com/@NeuroOrthopaed...
Any by Lorimer Moseley or any other NOI teachers
Good Luck!
I have found this experience mixed and I have found they are a bit more suitable for physical injuries. My severe nerve pain is following a stroke.
The best part about them is that it opens doors to a whole series of other treatments. Acupuncture physio, psychology, pain relief etc. The latter seems a bit beyond the GP.
I found the psychology in particular a bit of an eye opener in terms of minimising pain or perhaps more correctly, the reaction to it and how to reduce without additional medication.
I would recommend it, as others have said, the wait does vary considerably it seems but I feel it was worth it.

Hi Sherlock11
Waiting times will differ by area. This website gives a good indication of waiting times for specific areas (if it's an NHS pain clinic): myplannedcare.nhs.uk/
Whilst you are waiting for your appointment, you are very welcome to join one of our online Pain Education sessions, which can be booked here: ow.ly/wOFs50Tp04t
You may also like to consider looking at our Navigator Tool which aims to aid discussion at medical appointments: painconcern.org.uk/the-navi...
There's also several other resources on our website, such as 'managing your pain' leaflet.
Good luck with your upcoming referral. I hope it helps.
-Pain Concern Admin
There's more helpful advice on here than from our own Pain consultants and GPs. I have told everyone that will listen that " I will try anything a health professional suggests I try just for some relief from the pain ! Even an hours relief! I've been awake now for almost 72 hours and I'm shattered, I lay down and try to adjust so I'm comfortable it causes neck and shoulder pain, I sit on the sofa and my back feels like someone's tightening a vice whilst stabbing my back. I stand up and because I'm so tired I feel dizzy and at the sides of my temple it feels like someone is sticking needles in the soft bit just above the eye socket on the side of my head. My left foot feels numb but swollen and my left leg and arm keeps getting pins and needles. I take the gramophone, paracetamol and Fluoxetine yet I don't feel any difference! I just want to be pain free. I know that's probably everyone's goal ? I'm not feeling sorry for myself or looking for sympathy, I just want to scream at the Government and say " Fund the NHS properly, pay the Staff a Decent wage! And while they're at it Stop charging Nurses and other hospital Staff for parking. Once they've done that then perhaps I can be seen by the consultant and get some pain relief ? Then at least I won't be awake for two or three days at a time. Proper sleep and with less pain i can start working again. I'm sick and tired of being Sick and in pain. Rant over, apologies its the only way I can get it all off my chest.