I have been suffering from upper right abdominal pain for over 6 months now. The pain is terrible to the point where I have had to take medical leave from work. I have done several test including an upper gi scope, ultrasound, full abdominal ultrasound, nuclear medicine scan of liver and gallbladder, and colonoscopy. All results are unremarkable. They did say I had a few pullups and did biopsy. Also grade B esophagus put on Nexium. Said I have a nodule on liver and nothing to be concerned about. Dr. Refuses to treat pain saying any pain meds may worsen condition since it is undiagnosed. Why this terrible pain then? Please help this is exhausting. Have tried several diets anti nausea meds nothing helps. So tired of this pain!
Upper right abdominal pain undiagnosed - Pain Concern
Upper right abdominal pain undiagnosed

Have they ruled out IBS? Do you have abnormal bowel movements? I get a burning pain in my upper right sometimes it goes into or around my ribs.
Do u suffer from gas, bloating & appetite probs? Bc it sounds like you're lactose intolerant & are experiencing a recurring upper g.i campo Baxter infection. If u avoid dairy / milk, they will flare the bacterial imbalance, give ibs, excess gas and the pain you described. Hope this helps.
Your doc is right meds may numb pain somewhat but nsaids etc could seriously impact the undisclosed underlying cause. The only pharmaceutical I'd recommend is called ranitidine it's available over the counter in the UK. It stops acid reflux, burning ,spasms & bloating associated with G.I distress . Also try avoid lactose, and three times a day try using a spoon of olive oil as it is a natural anti inflamitory & also adds lubrication to g.i tract too. Id recomend you Avoid aspirin, diclofenac ibuprofen naproxen & other nsaids they will worsen symptoms. Unless prescribed then discuss with your doc first.
Have you kept a food diary and written when you have more pain etc x
Hi I so have this too had an ultrasound said I have fatty liver and cyst on kidney nothing to be done but I ha e read there is 4 stages to fatty liver stage two does cause pain I have diazapam to help with pain when gets too bad have been diagnosed with acid reflux too but cause I have fybromyalgia as well get fobbed off all the time don't know what else to do.you are not on your own xx