Epidural spinal steroid injection, and weight... - Pain Concern

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Epidural spinal steroid injection, and weight gain

Ellyyyy profile image
13 Replies

I am having the ESI because of 3 slip discs one of which is crushing my nerve, I have been on Pregabalin and gained 9 kilos in a couple of months and feel the worst ever. I can't afford to be not on pregabalin as I have too much pain and can hardly walk. I need to lose weight to make my back better but with these pills, I cannot. Will steroid injection cause more weight gain?

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Ellyyyy profile image
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13 Replies
Liam459 profile image

If a doctor prescribed a course of steroids, you can clarify this question with him. I am sure the doctor does not want to harm his patient.

BUT. If you yourself made this decision, I recommend to give it up. This can lead to a conflict of medications and if you break the course of steroids, you can severely damage your hormone balance.

Millie09 profile image

Hi , you sound exactly the same as me ! I'm due the spinal epidural injection due to two prolapse discs and osteoarthritis of my hip, oh and arthritis and water on my knee .

I have been on pregabalin now since Nov last year and my weight has increased massively. Catch 22 situation, my mobility is bad , pregabalin sort of helps take the edge off but I still get electric shocks and restless legs. I am.11 stone 7; and I was 9 and a half stone in August last year 😥. I have had my doubts on this injection as it's not 100%guaranteed .I have spoken to my orthopedic nurse who said the choice is down to me so I'm well confused

in reply to Millie09

Hi Millie.

I had no idea that Pregabelin could do this!!!! 😱

I've been on it for years - I don't know how long - for spinal nerve damage and arthritis, with Naproxen, MSTs, and paracetamol, with Oramorph to be taken as/when necessary. Like you, my weight suddenly began to increase about 5 years ago, following a hip replacement, when I also developed Lymphoedema! I'm also in that need-to-exercise/too-fat-(and too much pain)-to-exercise cycle? I always put my weight-gain down to lack of mobility (from a size 14, to 24 so far, and increasing...!!!) but can't remember exactly when I was put on Pregabelin? I wonder if there's a connection??? 😵😱🤯

I've had 3 spinal injections - none of which did any good after a few days (I suspect it was the numbing injection that did more good?) - yet some people swear by them? I really hope you are one of them, should you decide...? It's worth a try when you're in so much pain? 🤞 I can certainly empathise with you..... x

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to

Hi hopalong ! Thank you for your reply .. oh I swear it's the pregabalin that has caused this weight gain. I know I eat but not anything to allow over 2 stone 😬🥴. Its a vicious circle isn't it .mobility..pain. cant exersice as much as we really want .get fed up then eat as there is sod all else we can do lol .

So you have had these injections then ? .. I did speak to my own gp and she sort of nodded and ummed and arred as they do .. yet not willing to give any help on my concerns.. I may or may not have the injection yet , I have another MRI scan on 7th June on my lower spine and hip so I suppose I'll take it for there .

I'm so so glad to hear I am not on my own ( obviously not happy that your in the same boat as me ) .but I think my family may think I'm putting it on when I'm not.. many thanks for your message

.do keep in touch and try and find out about the pregabalin x

in reply to Millie09

I have an MRI due on 7th to! I'm just hoping they find something with me to explain my sudden worsening - and can fix it! I know how you feel about people thinking you're putting it on? Unless they can see a bandage, plaster, wheelchair, etc., they don't think there's any problems?!!

Keep in touch and let me know how things go? X

Web97 profile image

I have had 2 rounds of epidural steroid injections for several prolapsed discs in my spine, im only 22 years old. Ive had back issues investigated since I was around 12, and now things are progressing fast I am subjected to the more invasive treatments. Ive used gabapentin, very similar for pregablin for a prolonged amount of time, and found it to not be of great help. My nerve pain is severe in both legs, more so the right, but the nerve pain is more of a flare up. Maybe you could reduce your pregablin use and refer to it for times your leg pain is really too much to handle (i totally understand the feeling!!) and use painkillers more consistently to manage pain, I find sometimes im so focussed on the nerve pain i forget to manage the pain in my back and abdomen which can sometimes help that awful nerve pain. As for the weight gain on the injections, Ive dont think they contributed to that for me.

Hope this helps!

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Web97

Aww , you have been through a lot haven't you , I'm sorry to read of the pain you are in , I have awful trouble sleeping as you can see its 2.30 am , I'm sure that contributes to my weight gain aswell .

Hope you find permanent relief soon .Linda

Web97 profile image
Web97 in reply to Millie09

I feel exactly what youre saying. I hope unlike me, your steroid injections help even just a little, my rounds were both failed unfortunately! Ive seen my weight creep up over the recent years my back has become worse so i understand your worries totally. When you say to people you have a bad back, its shrugged off and people dont actually realise the agony, nor the huge knock on effects it has on so much stuff, I can barely sit down never mind other things

Hope you get sorted quickly x

Itsallinthehips profile image

How do you go about getting one of these as I really feel I would highly benefit from it especially as it’s my hip

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Itsallinthehips

I was referred to pain clinic from my Gp as its pain clinic where they do the injection besides any other pain management they think you need.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Millie09

I have pain managed consultant so I’ll ask him thank you

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Itsallinthehips

Oh good !

Emma2017 profile image

Hi I have had 3 spine ops and quite a few X-ray guided spinal steroid injections in the past 2 and a half years. The injections never put on any weight that I was aware of. I am also on pregabalin and tramadol and did notice weight gain due to pregabalin. I am sure it partly because it seems to make you feel hungry so you eat and/or snack more while not being able to exercise much if at all. Since I became aware of that I have started eating less and more sensibly and lost 6 kg, I am hoping to loose another 10.

The injections never did much until the most recent one 4 weeks ago which has reduced the referred pain by 50%, so they do work. Fingers crossed it keeps helping.

Good luck.

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