Yesterday I had an epidural steroid. Just wondering how long it takes to work? In what intervals do you get the next one to increase pain relief? thanks, Bunce.
Epidural Steroid: Yesterday I had an epidural... - Pain Concern
Epidural Steroid

It all depends on how bad your back is I went through the lower steroid injections then lidocaine injections and they stopped working. You really need to see a doctor because these pain management doctor will keep giving injections. The injections only mask the issue.

Masking the issue ? That sounds great!

My very first one worked 10 years ago, a couple helped pain medicine work better. They stopped working years ago. Three surgeries later. . .
Hi, have you had back surgery? How was it and did it work. Not sure if epidural has worked or is masking other problems as I have had to go back on medication.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I had two back surgery's as an effort to keep working. #1 didn't work, #2 a fusion didn't work, when the surgeon sent me back to pain mgmt shots, that weren't working I had to retire my 30 year job. The 3rd was to remove hardware, extreme inflammation. Still unable to live without pain. Everyone is different, depends how desparate you are.

I could not agree more!! It's so difficult to find proper treatment. It's discouraging for those who still don't get relief as others do.
As far as I am aware it should have started working straight away. I had several over the space of a year but like previous reply they only mask the pain. I ended up with major surgery in the end. Now got same problem in lumbar spine
In my case it took two or three days to kick in, it worked for about 5months for me, I had 3 injections 6 months apart. My pain consultant said I couldn't have more than three as it can cause problems, the only problem now I am in a lot of pain.
Hope it gives you some relief keep well. Sheryl
Hi it can take up to a month before it kicks in. I'm sorry this wasn't explained to you. Please keep us in touch on how it goes for you. Take care. Vanessa
You have to watch how many epidurals you have, as it has now been recognised that repeated epidural steroids can lead to some quite serious problems, such as osteonecrosis, or syrinx formation, plus there is always the small risk of spinal cord damage. I think something like a total of 3 injections is now considered the safe maximum. There are other things that can be injected that are a bit safer than steroids though, and if they inject into other areas around the spine (like into the facet joints) that is a bit safer than the epidural area.
How do you feel after the injections? I've had them quiet frequently.
I feel a lot better less burning. But still have pain in the injection site.
My consultant did not tell me you could just have 3 epidurals. He did not give me any idea how long it may last.
Hi, my consultant has told me as he had a problem with the epidural due to severe arthritis in my spine. He said next time he will inject into the hole at the base of spine. Anyone had this done.
Epidural has worked but my arthritis has flared up. Told I must stay on medication for ever. Scary!