epidural spinal injection: Can someone please... - Pain Concern

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epidural spinal injection

juls profile image
38 Replies

Can someone please put my mind at rest, i have to have a spinal epidural injection and the thought of it is making me ill. this is to see if it will stop the pain before they decide the outcome for a fusion operation. scared stiff of needles please has any one had this procedure and what was the outcome. ,,,?

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juls profile image
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38 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

Hallo Juls

Don't be scared - think of the benefits this could bring. You will have a local around the area and unless you have eyes in strange places you wont see a thing!

Nirse there to talk to youm reassure youm distract you and hold your hand.

Make sure though you are certain about having the fusion and have discussed in detail with your consultant. They will severely restrict any movement you have at the moment.

You will be fine.

Pat x

juls profile image
juls in reply to Bananas5

paton , we discussed the fusion yesterday. but he thought to try this epidural so that would tell him what he needs to know. if it did.nt stop the never pain then an operation. he said the operation was a massive invasion now that out me off straight away . im restricted in movement anyway in pain 24/7.. he did say he would sedate me with mezapam what ever that is.. guess im a real cissy when it comes to needles urgggggggggg...

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to juls

We asked David's consultant about fusion and he thrrew his hands up in horrow. That meant no.

The epidurals can be good and last diferent lengths of time. There are also various cocktails they can be made from. Maybe one plus change of meds? It is management of pain not pain killer. We all have different threshold and it is finding a level you can live with.

Only you can decide that with advuce from your consultant .

Pat x

juls profile image
juls in reply to Bananas5

Thanks for the reply paton . dont think i will go for the fusion. pain relief i think needs to be changed . but ty xx

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to juls

Good Luck!

Pat x

brimstone1 profile image

Hi, I myself have had spinal epidural treatment done for over two years while waiting for sympathetic spinal nerve implants, the procedure itself is not to bad compared to the pain I was in. And after a day or two the benefits showed itself and helped with the overall pain for approximately three months each time.if you do get nervous the Doctor will help with some other meds to get you through the procedure. For the next couple of days you may need a little more help at home as I found that my legs went numb and week.please don't worry the pain clinics do try and put you at ease,regards brimstone

I have recently had a spinal injection in my lower back. i was scared, but the doctor who did this was brilliant and i felt no pain whatsoever.

Everyone is different but i can tell you from experience i had no pain and afterwards it was fantastic for approx 3 weeks. sadly for me the effects did not continue..but have heard of others that after their 3rd or 4th it has worked for them.


Tracy_K99 profile image

My consultant did the same. He gave me a nerve block injection to see how the nerve responded before he agreed to a discectomy for me. Luckily it responded but it took 4 weeks and I almost gave up hope. I thought it had not worked so my first advice is to be patient once you do have it done. It reduced my pain by nearly half but is now starting to wear off ( it only lasted a couple of months) but was a great relief and a break from the severe pain that left me unable to walk or function on a day to day level. He has now offered me a discectomy. I was actually heavily sedated when I had mine to the point where I cannot remember a thing - it might as well have been a general anaesthetic as I felt like I was unconscious so never felt a thing but it took a while for me to regain feeling in my leg and was able to walk - I was discharged in the early evening on the same day. Maybe discuss the type of anaesthetic you will have with your consultant and discuss your concerns and he may be able to offer you something stronger like the type that I had? I would definitely recommend this procedure though, and it is essential if you are thinking of further surgery but as I always say - everyone is different, with varying pain thresholds and different physical problems but given the choice I would do it again but now I am looking for something that will have a more permenant effect. A discectomy is not as invasive or as risky as spinal fusion but I had to go for something that gave me more relief with a chance to reduce the huge amount of drugs I was on as I am suffering some nasty side effects. The choice is of course yours and yours alone but I hope my advice and perspective have been of some help to you. I wish you good luck and I hope you find something to ease this terrible pain.

juls profile image

Thanks tracy , now that sounds like what i need to be practically comatosed hahaha . i think its my anxiety that is stopping me form going for it .if they give me something like what you had sounds good to me, he mentioned mezapam dont have a clue what that is but if he gives me something to knock me out a bit ill go for it , anything is better than popping loads of pills . thanks hun x

deb25426 profile image

I worked myself up into such a tizz before I had mine. You go into theatre and they inject a little local anaesthetic around the area, not painful at all, and u don't see the needles. When it's numb they start the procedure, all u feel it a bit of pushing then you feel the stuff going in, that's not painful it's a strange feeling...I was in a state as I couldn't relax so it was probably a bit more uncomfortable than it should have been...next time I will be better as I know what's what..and it's nit as bad as your mind makes it!!!! I have felt the benefit of it ... It's a bit uncomfortable to have done when you're tense but well worth it. Hope this helps, let me know how you get on. Xxx

mich6666 profile image

Spine fusion I had ,, and it's the best thing I ever done. No regrets at all.....

Boozybird profile image

You'll 'enjoy' the drugs for sedation and probably feel great after and not remember a thing! I'd be more scared of a fusion op! Best wishes

bigbertha profile image

Hi, I've had this done twice now as I suffer from facet joint syndrome where I have bone rubbing on bone and I'm a chronic pain sufferer. For a start off you can't see the needles or for that matter what they are doing as you are laying face down. I can't say that it was pleasant but it was bearable. For a start off they numb the area with local anaesthetic before they start. If you start to feel any pain whilst they are giving you the treatment they give you more local anaesthetic. The only problem I found was that the pain relief was short lived, about a week in each case so I hardly know if it is worth it, but everyone is different. Apparently some people have it done once and never need to have it done again, ever! I definitely would rather put up with the pain I suffer that go for a fusion as I'm told it can lead to more problems further down the line. What I would say is, go for it. You've nothing to lose and everthing to gain. Best wishes, Pam

nodmeister profile image


shoulders profile image

Hi , I have had the epidural injection and please do not be worried. It was completely painless and nothing to worry about. As a post note I also had a fusion ( L4/5) done end of 2010 and still suffering with chronic back pain. Please try the epidural and see how you get on , best wishes, Pete.

I just had this done...2x before my TLIF fusion surgery(L4, L5, S1) which was Dec 18th....the shot is NOTHING!! I was scared to death too...but you don't feel a THING...I promise. The worst part is the NUMBING shot! THATS it! If this is the same shot UNDER XRAY...you won't feel anything!

Kittyletmein profile image

Oh Jules, I remember 18months ago I went through same and the only advice I can give you is just try to relax. Your consultant and his staff will need you as relaxed as possible so they can proceed. I was petrified but kept myself as busy as was possible and reading a book right uptill time of procedure. I was asked before I went into operation room if I was ok if I wasnt they could if I wanted to put me out. I then thought that being put out has dangers so went ahead.

Lay face down on table and was give something to numb the area...this was a tiny quick pin prick the only thing I felt then was consultant fingers pressing the other side of my spine. So please dont worry the back is a very complex area of bone muscles, tendons and nerves and this is a common procedure, just take it one step at a time. I read lots about fusion after this as my consultant had confirmed this as next step. I read a really good book by a consultant for lay people considering fusion. Gathering as much information and a second opinion from a nuro surgeon helped me make right choice for me. Having had back pain most of my life so I do appreciate your current need for pain relief but also fear of being touched and going through a procedure never experienced before.

Just take it steady and be nice and have patience with yourself, one step at a time. Wishing you luck


vmatt3 profile image

I have had this done 4 times now and it's nothing to worry about. They usually sedate you a little first and you feel next to nothing.

Nicotinejack profile image

My wife has just had an epidural for her left hip replacement, she could not take a full anaesthetic due to heart attack 18 months ago, they give you some sedation so she could hear them talking vaguely but felt nothing during the operation and she is doing fine. she also had a carotid artery operation and a partial womb removal all with epidural. So stop worrying, worry will cause you more problems. Nicotine Jack (I do not smoke)

onamission profile image

Hi don't be scared I have had many of these I am awake through the procedure it is done under live x-ray in theatre. You can have them every 3 months but our NHS trust is trying to cut back you are lucky if you get 2 a year and I get about 8 weeks pain relief from it.

I'm going in next month for mine and can't wait I hope yours goes well and it works for you

nodmeister profile image
nodmeister in reply to onamission

Think I may move! We are lucky to get them once a year, some cutting back, and they now send us us miles away to a private clinic. I am having terrible mobility problems just from the lack of the jabs. I am certainly not the only person suffering this dilemma in West Dorset. It was devastating when we lost our pain clinic. Good luck to you though.

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to nodmeister

I do think if they have to make cuts at any hospital they go for the pain clinic every time,

I can't think of anything worse the pain I get in my lower back is like tooth ach 24/7 when I have the spine block it gives me 6 weeks to build up my fitness and in the past I have gone private no price on sleep deprivation

Fear not for what the others told you is the truth. The skilled doctors do many of these each and every day. It's a chance for you to find relief from pain and will buy you more time to do more research about surgery. It was a tiny bit painful when the anesthetic went in but painless after. I walked off the surgery table easily and down the long hallway to the car to go home only 30 mins later. I did it again in different spot 8 months later. Same thing exactly except at mayo. Waiting for it to work after 4 weeks now. Maybe not so good result this time. Maybe worse off.

juls profile image

Thank you all for your reply's i feel a lot better now phewwww s heard so many bad stories how much it hurts and so forth.. there again like they say no pain no gain... thanks again ill go have it done then let you know xx thanks again x

lisbjeo123 profile image

Hi. My back hurts so bad. I am also a candidate for fusion of the spine. Trying everything which includes a lidocaine injection with a steroid in it. I have heard from people it gives relief. I'm getting mine done next month. Just relax and the Drs will put your mind at ease. Hope this helps.

BobM profile image

Well I have had 20+ of these minor procedures and they are easy to have, easy to walk away from 20 mins later and the pain relief , in my case. magnificent!!!

You don't see any needles only feel some pressure and Hey Presto!!! Pain Pain Go Away :)


Bob M

I have had it done, initially it stopped my pain,then the pain came back, they then did the fusion and gave me the injection.That lasted for about two years, unfortunately the pain is back with a vengenance.It does work for some people, I hope you have a better outcome.

Good luck

Court profile image

I have severe back pain due, I am told,to a damaged spine. I have had two injections, the last one a week ago. I have to go into hospital and am taken down to theatre, where I am administered a sedative, which must knock me out as I come to talking to a different nurse. That is the only thing that makes me know the injections are over. The relief, in my case, is immediate and lasted, the first time for a couple of months. Though was not as bad as it had been. It appears that I am not suitable for any surgery due to the poor state of my spine. I can have the injections every 6 months.

Poppy_Ann profile image

Hi Juls,

I have had it done a couple of times in the past and it is nothing to be worried about as soon as the needle is in suddenly all the pain just stop's as if a switch has been turned off.

there is a little discomfort when they put the needle in but if you have been having as much pain as i get then it will not bother you at all depending on what they give you depends on how long the pain goes away for, there are lots of people who have this in place of a general anesthetic for operation on there legs as it is much safer for people who have any breathing or heart problems.

good luck for the procedure,

regards Poppy Ann.

juls profile image
juls in reply to Poppy_Ann

Thanks poppy , im in so much pain walking and sitting night mare as you all know what it;s like .but your all giving me positive thoughts, so yes ill ring them and go a head with it. cant keep popping pills as these make me like a zombie . cheers xxxx

Poppy_Ann profile image
Poppy_Ann in reply to juls

You are welcome Juls myself half of the time I am like a zombie but it is either that or crippled with pain at the moment I am on 7 different types of pain medication 24/7 and they will not give me any injections in my back as they say it is to badly damaged to give them to me, last year I had to have an operation on my foot which to do everyone else was having it done with a spinal block but for me they insisted that I had a general anaesthetic which meant I had to stay in for an extra couple of days and when I was meant to go home they then kept me in again for almost a week as I lived on my own and had no help who could come in I said I manage on my own normaly without any help and the opportunity on my foot was nothing like my back problem for limiting my ability to look after myself but it did not matter they kept me in for almost 2 weeks in the end and then 3 1/2 weeks later I was back as I ended up with an infection which would not go away with normal antibiotics so they kidnapped me when I called in sso they could take a look and then kept me in for another two weeks to give me antibiotics by iv but it got better for a few months until one of the screws started coming out the side of my foot so back again for a second op to remove all of the screws as the bone had fused and I did not need the screws so all well that ends well

nodmeister profile image
nodmeister in reply to juls

TENS machines can help. I use mine more and more as my pain relief wears off.

Right lets start from this point, EVERYONE is different,EVERYONE has different pain,different medications and different Consultants,please do not make decisions on your treatment based on someone else's perception of their own pain, your Consultant would never consider you for a spinal operation lightly,it's based on his extensive training and experience, and what would be right for you. As for the injections, you can do this, the sedation is wonderful.I actually (bizarrely) enjoy Medazolam,you don't feel much and remember even less, if it wasn't for the fact you were laying in a clinical environment you could almost be at home having a couple of large drinks with no hangover! You do not see anything,and someone will sit and hold your hand. For some this is the whole answer to their problems, for others not, you will not know until you have it done,it sometime takes a while to work,so be patient with yourself.I had it done with no result for me, my husband had it done and is still pain free 10 months later, I have gone on to have a disc replaced, and 5 weeks ago, a spinal fusion, does it hurt? Yes it does, but I knew the moment I woke up, the persistent nagging,gnawing pain had gone, and every day I feel better, Long may it last. I hope your injection gives you some much needed relief. Don't think about a fusion yet, just deal with one thing at a time, you can't worry about every outcome.

sweetpea-123 profile image

Hi there

I have had quite a lot of injections..and believe me I used to be terrified of them. But really its not that bad and in the hospital environment its all done under the right conditions. I have had nerve blocks, facet joint injections as well. Its worth giving a try...do you do any kind of meditation or mindfulness..that helps me a little. Try not to think about it too much..as it will all be over with so quickly.

juls profile image
juls in reply to sweetpea-123

hello sweet-pea. i know im a big soft bugger. damn i got tattoos and scared of this .well thats what i get from istening to family who had it .oohh u dont want that its kills well i think im ready to tackle this now, thanks to all your replys, love this place xxx

dutchiedelight profile image

Hi Juls,I had an epidural quite a few yrs ago and have always said I would advice anyone not to have it done because the pain was unbearable the nurse had to tell the Dr to stop as I couldn't take anymore but things might of changed now you might be sedated,I also had a spinal fusion I felt fine and pain free for the first six months but have been in pain ever since I take morphine for when the pain is really bad.But as I say that was a long time ago when I had mine done so you will be fine as things have progressed since then.


carol1 profile image

Yes I have had them, now waiting 18 weeks standard waiting for RA. Try it worked for me for one month, could get 3/6 months pain free depends on the person.

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