I live with pain daily I take a number of tablets some good some not so l have been on morphine for many many years now I am just about to have my 8th hip replacement ,l had my knee replacement and my elbow replacement l am taking so much pain relief at the present I am not sure where l am some of the tablets do not mix they have different side effects,I have lived on these for many years is there a alternative any help would bea start Jeff
Living in pain: I live with pain daily I take a... - Pain Concern
Living in pain

Good luck to you I hope everything goes well.
See an Alexander Technique teacher.
Have you considered slowly reducing & stopping / withdrawing those that aren't so good?
If they've lost their effectiveness as pain relief, is there any point in continuing with their side effects?
All the best for successful surgery.
This is the first time I’ve posted to this site but I have been reading everyone’s posts for some time. I have suffered from extreme back pain for many years now. What has surprised me is the number of people who are suffering from chronic pain. When you’re suffering you often feel as though you’re the only one but this forum has made me realise just how many others are in the same boat.
I was given morphin for my severe sciatic pain which is bed-binding me currently— I found it helped a bit for 2hours but i could only take it every 4h! My private pain specialists switched me to Oxycodone based therapy which is so much better!
They are a bit reluctant on the NHS to prescribe it as more expensive - but you can insist or pay for one private pain consultation and then force the hand of your NHS prescriber if you can’t / don’t want to afford the private medicine bill.
Good luck for you! 🍀
Always ask a doctor before you get off a medication there is a right way to do it I found that out at number of years ago be cause when you were put on it you probably went on slowly to get off of it you may have to get off a different way.
Be careful.
This is a scam! Stop posting Liam8o!
I've recently been told about an injection you can have every three months. Perhaps you could have one and then have fewer tablets. I used to take gabapentin which didn't help but the docs said if it isn't causing problems stay on it but I didn't want to so I came off them myself without help
I have been out of work disabled useless for about 25 30 years now I have had thousand of tablets injections operations all those who gave there help thanks but sit down and read this with open hearts,this year I have been in a London hospital 6 hrs of scanning nuclear. More Doctors than you would believe 7 weeks of the worst agony ever no one knew why now are you ready I woke8 days ago,no pain what’s so ever I mean nothing only my knees whichI would never let be operated on even my doctor cannot believe it he almost fell over when he saw me they are saying someone miss the injury when I was run over some say be happy for this maybe you nerves got trapped during the accident but I have lost 25 years,so though I am happy I cannot see how I just accept it,it is the truth.