For the last 2.5 years I have had pain which radiates down both my legs and feet. Have had MRI scan of the head, lumbar puncture and seen a neurologist, they all came back clear. Have completed 2 rounds of physiotherapy for the pain, also seeing a Osteopath just now and receiving acupuncture which does not seem to be working. Every time I go to the doctors, I get told that the pain is in my back and I explain to them that my back is not sore, the pain is in my legs. They will not refer me to anyone and just issue with me 100 tablets at a time. Every table that I have tried does not seem to help. Have been on gabapentin, naproxen, co-codomal, co-dydramol. The pain get so serve some times, that I just want to stay in my bed and not go to work. I work full time as a secretary so spend most of the day sitting. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on what I can to do help with the pain. Thanks
Leg pain: For the last 2.5 years I have had... - Pain Concern
Leg pain

I can sympathise with your leg pain as I too get leg pain
But mine is definitely sciatica.
Try going to a Pilates exercise class or Yoga,
Doing these stretches of the limbs does help
And it's good for the mind also.
Could it be lymphedema and wearing support hose and wraps could help?
Have a read through the below thread.
A lot of information there, from myself and others on leg based pain but more importantly about being persistent with the GPs and there lack of care.
The only time they took me seriously is when I sat down and demanded to be taken seriously and to be assessed as I was in a lot of pain and required help.
The below may not be the cause of the pain but it may also help to you to get closer to what the pain might be.
Can I ask where the pain is felt ? I get sharp pain in the buttock while sitting for more than a couple hours, that's an improvement believe it or not from what it used to be. The more I sit the worse the pain gets untill I apply ice to the area to reduce the swelling.
I do not think you have sciatica as the MRI would have picked up on that already.
I have something called piriformis, very similar to sciatica pain but it caused by tightness of muslces in the buttocks. There are around 15 muclses in each cheek so can be difficult to know which one is causing the Pain.
Many people come to the same point as you but you'll need to really analyse your problem, every day, and ask yourself whether you know the issue yourself that well or not.
I could never describe the pain I had until I spoke to my gf about it. I had no idea what sharp pain meant before. That actually helped me get the right help.
Anyways I hope you find the help you need. Good luck !!
Do you have anything else wrong like heavy bleeding and cramps each month? I have Endometriosis which is contributing to my leg pain as it is wrapped Round my nerves in my pelvic wall. This doesn’t always show up on an mri and needs a Laparoscopy to diagnose but you may have other symptoms
to add to that if you've had surgery on your core of any sort, and or poking around the ligaments can cause associated back pain as the the core and ligaments are weak so the back compensates - this can affect other areas as nerves run down and out the lower back at various points.
I had my endometriosis removed via laparoscopy, this also included my uterosacral ligaments - both of which cause back pain. The ligaments could be looser or tighter - different position of coccyx. The surgery results in a weak core - back compensates by tightening.
Hi, I also get pain in one leg. Waiting for a hospital appointment as doctor thinks it may be hip related, started seeing Osteopath who says it’s coming from lower back which to me makes more sense as I have brief back ache before leg pain started. He says it the muscle which are hurting so trying to walk a lot more as I too had a job sitting down all day! Sorry can’t help at the moment as I am still going through it but I’m sure exercising will help eventually!
I've had sciatica type leg pain, with coccyx pain, when I went to see a posture and mobility specialist he ascertained it is infact quite common and is a symptom of an under used core / trauma on the core which results in compensation / protection from the lower back area tightening that area, which in turn tightens the hips and buttocks; glutes, piriformis, hamstrings. So the pain is non true sciatica as the piriformis squishes the sciatic nerve rather than being squished at the exit point of the spine. Coccyx pain results from the lower back changing position ever so slightly. Our body then compensates for this tightness by using our upper back, shoulders and lower legs hence if left then shoulder pain, posture problems and knee pain can result.
These all need massage and physio to loosen up over time, along side core strengthening so it doesn't happen again. The recovery time is equivalent to the time it's been going on for which is why it's good to get it looked at soon. Search for posture assessment / mobility / movement specialist. I went to James Hunt of Physical Elements - if you wanted to look up what sort of person to go to. I've been to three classes so far; it's awesome, and there's strengthening exercises to do at home as loosening the back needs strength too.
A good way to asses lower back tightness is to see how much flexibility there is; lean backwards and have someone look side on; the lower back should flex the same as the upper, if it doesn't and stays flat it's "fixed" and needs massage. A good way to assess hip / glutes movement is to do a lunge (google) but stretch your back leg out further - if tight it feels like it won't move further. Or try lying on your back, legs tucked up to your chest one at a time, sometimes it's good to loosen / relax and have someone tuck your leg up, that gives the "true" flexibility.
Hope that helps x
Thanks for all the replies. I can confirm that I have no other symptoms and that I have seen a physio, Chiropractor, Osteopath which I have paid for privately. I am getting to a point where I will try anything to get rid of this pain which I am experiencing more every day now. I did have spells where I could go for weeks without the pain but now I am not getting this relief.
Hi there is your pain at the front of your legs or back, as eight years ago i started presenting with leg pain at the front of my legs and after fighting to get a diagnosis and paying privately it turned out i had a cyst on my lower back on the spine as it took so long to diagnose it had unfortunately caused nerve damage so eight years later with a diagnosis of CRPS and failed back surgery i am just about to go and have a spinal cord stimulator implanted. i hope this helps best of luck
You say you have had an mri of the head. Have you however had one of your lower back? I have had excruciating pain down one leg and it was a disc extrusion clearly seen on the lumbar mri
My pain was in my legs also, but was coming from a bulging disc in my back. Had an epidural in my back after scans and it worked for me. Take 1 10mils morphine tablet on a night and it works for me. Now only get niggling little ache. I could not tolerate Gabapentin or any of the other pain killers, but this works for me.
Doctor will not send me to see anyone in relation to my leg pain as he thinks it is lower back pain but because I have great movement in my back they don't think there is anything sinister going on within my spine. I don't know what else to do, I am thinking about changing GPs but not sure if this would make a difference.
sorry adding to what i said earlier i have never in all these years had any pain in my back at all just leg pain
Thanks for the information vivikin. The pain seems to be in the front and back of both my legs. I just feel that the doctor does not want to do anything, as they have stated that it is not appropriate to send me for a scan etc. Unfortunately I am not able to pay to go private.
sorry to hear of your suffering, I have a tents machine that helps with my pain and also use Salonpas patches, I try not to take the tablets but sometimes combining them with either the tens or patches does work
You could ask your gp if it is possible for him to refer you for a lumbar mri. If that comes back normal at least that is ruled out then. If not he will have a reason to send you for either a X-ray guided lumbar injection or physio which might cure you. If not he can refer you to a neuro surgeon.