Had an ultrasound scan yesterday got gull stones anyone had this do they operate also have osteoarthritis in lower back any helpful advice please
Gull stones: Had an ultrasound scan yesterday... - Pain Concern
Gull stones

Bloomin seagulls- get everywhere!!!😅
So sorry- but just couldn't resist. Autocorrect is such an interfering B!
Seriously- I think they can zap them with ultrasound -- or maybe I'm thinking of kidley stones.
Good luck.
Sorry- you also asked about osteoarthritis - which I do have. Nothing much can be done- depends on pain threshold. Painkillers can help. Also I find cold packs are great at deadening the pain.
Too much use of NSAID gives tummy trouble and constipation. Acetaminophen may be better but watch you don't OD due to combos with codeine etc.
All the best.
Do you know if naproxen cause constipation or is just certain NSAID's ? Acetaminophen ? Are you in the US... good to know international peeps.
I had gall stones. Probably the worse pain ever when they moved.
Consultant advise me to have gall bladder removed which I did
End of pain and never any problems
Thank you for replying
It depends how much trouble they're causing. If you're having a lot of painful attacks, or getting infections, yeah, they take the gall bladder out. I had it done when I was 26. It's surgery, so obviously No Fun, but it's fairly minor, as surgeries go. It's done laparoscopically, so 3 small holes and a 2.5cm long scar tucked into my belly-button area. I felt much better after about 4 days, but it took a good couple of months for everything to feel normal again.
2 things to know:
1. For laparoscopic surgery they tend to pump gas into your abdomen so they have space to work. Apparently they don't take it out again when you're done, so I woke up looking about 5 months pregnant. You just have to wait until it gets into your bloodstream, and eventually you... well... Fart it out. However, the distension of my belly from the gas was far more painful than any other part of it, and I've met other people who said the same thing.
2. They didn't tell me this, but I had serious problems digesting fat for months afterward. It got better, but ever since I tend to limit how much fat I eat at once. 1 ice cream cone? OK. Add a piece of cheese half an hour later? Nope. Don't know if it'll happen to you, but be aware that it might. It basically causes you to have very runny poo.
When I had gall stones they operated by keyhole surgery to remove them. It's not as bad as it sounds. But they will talk you through the options available to you.
Hi there, seems you have two of the most painful conditions. Arthritis in the back can be difficult to control and would normally be with pain releif tablets. My mum used to use a back support belt, which are available cheaply on line . AS for the gall stones , there are different modes of treatment these days, even the operation is less invasive as it can be done laproscopicly as said in replies above. I had my gallbladder removed over thirty years ago when it was only available as open major surgery, no problems since however. Obviously I was young and fit then, current health status ect has to be considered for yourself when deciding whats best for you, operation should be last option. Diet changes often work for some and worth a thought. Best wishes
I've had the surgery it's a simple same day surgery and the pain last for like a day or two from recovering......I also have chronic back pain and it was alot worse when I was extra heavy so I tried to lose weight doing cardio and I kept passing out during exercise and I found out I had a heart murmur so I switched to yoga and Pilates and my weight decreased...my muscles toned and my pain is very very minimal...my mri results showed my type of back pain was that of elderly patients in their 80's and I was told I was going to eventually going to end up in suicide due to this pain...I've been living with it for ten years now....as long as I keep up with the yoga it doesn't bother me.
Hi Muddle, I have osteoarthritis too - back, right knee & hands, previous pulmonary embolisms, cancer etc but also suffered with gallstones, I guess I was lucky as it was really bad & I was admitted to hospital & told they would get it settled down so I could go home and they would get me back in to remove my gall bladder. As it happened I ended up with the op done lapascopically whilst I was there and went home ALL done and dusted with no significant after effects at all. I really hope everything is OK for you and things are resolved soon as pain is so debilitating. Kind regards, Jackie