I had ORIF, see above surgery in 2021. I had plates,screws pins.I have had physio exercise, rehab swimming but my foot is sore. I am hoping for some relief.
Anyone had Open Reduction Internal Fixation, ... - Pain Concern
Anyone had Open Reduction Internal Fixation, foot surgery

Have you seen a podiatrist? I had some foot surgery that was still painful after a year and the podiatrist helped sort that.
Yes I've seen a podiatrist and physio. I think it will just take time
Was your foot swollen, mine is
Yes. I had some injections under the big toe and that really helped.
Were they cortisone injections

Dear operalover12,
I am sorry to hear that you have ongoing problems following surgery. This isn't uncommon as you can see from the replies to your post. It is definitely worth asking you GP about being referred to a pain management clinic.
Here at Pain Concern we have some resources that will help you with self-management. If you click on the links below they will take you to the relevant pages on the Pain Concern website
The first link takes you the Self-navigator tool. Chronic pain is often difficult to convey to busy GP's and this tool has been designed to help you navigate primary care appointments.
There are several different leaflets (both web based and available to order) that will cover some of your problems
Pain Concern also have a series of podcasts that are wide ranging in subject, clicking the next link will take you to the playlist, you can search via tis to find episodes that are relevant for you
I hope these will help you find a way forward
Best wishes
Pain Concern