For the past few days i have had sharp pain in my abdomen on the right side. Sometimes it will go away but then it will come back. The last time i had a cyst i didnt know i had it till about a month before they removed my ovary and cyst. I'm just scared.
I think I might have a cyst on my right ovary?? - Pain Concern
I think I might have a cyst on my right ovary??
May I suggest you read Dr Brownstein's book "Iodine Why You Need It & Why You Can't Live Without It". It's available on Amazon. Ovarian cysts can be an indication of a low iodine status and you will find information about this and a protocol
you can follow.
The best thing to do is go and see your doctor straight away and get an ultra sound. Thats the only way they can detect a cyst. Its natural to be scared, especially because of what you have already gone through but seeing the doctor will definitely help the fear as they can tell you whats wrong. Good luck!
Try not to be scared until you have had a diagnosis. I had an ovarian cyst years ago and had no pain. Go to see your doctor to put your mind T rest
could be something simple like a urinary tract infection too - have you seen your doctor yet?
A good GP will detect a cyst and it's approximate size from a manual internal examination. They may send you on for trans vaginal ultrasound and to see a gynaecologist. S/He can then establish it's exact size and if necessary follow whether it shrinks away naturally, which is most common. Cysts are very common and occur when the egg develops but isn't released. I have had 3, all painful but all went away. Good luck