Hello I am new here. I have bursitis. its very painful. can I claim disability for this condition. as its taken over my life. and can not live a normal life, without being in pain.
bursitis: Hello I am new here. I have bursitis... - Pain Concern

I can't do links sso this is a copy of Gov UK info.
They will look at how your condition affects your ability to carry out a number of tasks..called descriptors.. They aren't bothered at what is wrong with you!
You are better asking for help from your CAB or come back here and ask. Will help where we can.
Good Luck
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
What you’ll get
How to claim
Change of circumstances
4. How to claim
You can make a new Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claim by calling the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Someone else can call on your behalf, but you’ll need to be with them when they call. There are also other ways to claim if you find it difficult to use a telephone.
The process is different in Northern Ireland.
Claim by telephone or textphone
Before you call, you’ll need:
your contact details, for example telephone number
your date of birth
your National Insurance number - this is on letters about tax, pensions and benefits
your bank or building society account number and sort code
your doctor or health worker’s name, address and telephone number
dates and addresses for any time you’ve spent abroad, in a care home or hospital
You can then call the PIP claims line.
DWP - PIP claims
Telephone: 0800 917 2222
Textphone: 0800 917 7777
Calling from abroad: +44 191 218 7766
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Find out about call charges
What happens next
You’ll be sent a ‘How your disability affects you’ form. Call the PIP enquiry line if you need it in an alternative format such as braille, large print or audio CD.
Fill in the form using the notes that come with it to help you. You can also read Citizens Advice’s help on filling in the form.
Return the form to DWP - the address is on the form.
To assess the level of help you need, an independent health professional will either invite you to a meeting or ask your health or social care worker for information.
If you’re invited to a meeting, you’ll be asked questions about your ability to carry out activities and how your condition affects your daily life. The meeting can be either at your home or at an assessment centre, and will take about an hour. You can read Citizens Advice’s help on preparing for an assessment.
You’ll get a letter that tells you whether you’ll get PIP. If you do, you’ll be told how much you’ll get and the date it will be reviewed so that you continue to get the right support.
You can’t apply using any Disability Living Allowance (DLA) forms you may have.
Other ways to claim
If you find it difficult to use the telephone, you can claim by post or by using a text relay or video relay service.
Send information by post
You can get a form to send information by post (although this can delay the decision on your claim). Write a letter to ask for the form.
Personal Independence Payment New Claims
Post Handling Site B
WV99 1AH
Text relay
If you can’t hear or speak on the phone you can use the Next Generation Text (NGT) relay service.
NGT relay service
Dial: 18001 then 0800 917 2222
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Find out about call charges
Video relay
If you’re deaf and use British Sign Language (BSL) you may be able to use a video relay service:
first check you can use the service
go to the video relay service
The service is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
If you’re terminally ill
You can get PIP more quickly if you’re not expected to live more than 6 months.
Call DWP to start your PIP claim. Ask a doctor or other healthcare professional for form DS1500. They’ll either fill it in and give the form to you or send it directly to DWP.
You won’t need to complete the ‘How your disability affects you’ form or go to a face-to-face consultation.
Video relay service if you’re terminally ill
If you’re deaf and use British Sign Language (BSL) you may be able to use a video relay service:
first check you can use the service
go to the video relay service for terminally ill people
The service is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
If you disagree with a decision
You can challenge a decision about your claim. This is called asking for mandatory reconsideration.
If you don't know how to do links can I help at all? x
Yes please!
Ok. I am using a PC but it might be slightly different if you are are using a different device.
Go into the website you want. Right click on the website address (where you type in the search criteria), click on copy. Then go back into where you want to post it and right click again and click on paste. x
Yay well done. There will be no stopping you now xx
Hi kiwee
You've had fantastic advice about benefits. I'd just like to mention that bursitis can be treated!. I've had it several times in my hip and it's been helped by either a steroid injection or local anaesthetic injection. I've had to have several goes before it's gone completely so this is over a number of years !. I feel for you as it's such a painful condition!. How about for you?. Any treatments?. X
Has yours really gone? Usually, even with surgery to remove it, it will grow back.
Hi bananas
Yes, mine have gone, had both sides of hip affected. Gosh I didn't know that and must be very lucky!. Is that what's happened to you?. Awful!. X
Hi..I had bursitis in shoulder joint and had steriod injections which lasted me only 3months to the day!! So had to have shoulder arthroscopy etc to get movement back and kill the pain. This was 7yrs ago and to date..not had any great pain in this shoulder...you need to speak to your GP for referral...i don't think DWP would class this as a disability...Good Luck
They do if it affects your life and the way you live , stops you working or being able to do normal daily tasks.
Where is your bursitis?
It is not the disease you have, but the effect it has on you that entitles benefits.
Kiwee, are you in the US or UK?
I had bursitis in one of my knees. It lasted a few months, but it went away and never came back. To get PIP you have to have had difficulties for three months and expect it to last another nine months. It isn't easy to get PIP and as bursitis usually clears up after a few weeks in most people you might find it rather difficult to convince the DWP that you will have it for another nine months.