Hi I was wondering if anyone here has suffered from bursitis. I have it in my right hip and full leg. I had an injection of cortisone which hasn't helped and on different pain relief. I have now got an appointment for physio soon does this work ? Thanks
Bursitis in leg: Hi I was wondering if anyone... - Pain Concern
Bursitis in leg
They should show you how to massage the ITB , ice it and stretch the ligaments gently.
It is quite treatable.
Good luck.
I had Bursitis in my right hip for nearly a year was beginning to dispair then I tried Acupuncture and that help a lot ,then I read about Turmeric and joined a face book group and found a recipe called Golden Paste I have been taking it for 3 weeks now and my Bursitis has all but gone not sure how it interacts with other Meds ( I'm only on BP pills ) but I would certainly recommend it hope this helps ,stretching exercise help too
I have it in my right hip I know ho wpainful it can get amytryptiline and pregabiline help me cope hope it eases soon x
Hello, I had bursitis in my hip a few years ago. They treated it with a steroid injection but I also had hydrotherapy and then physiotherapy which helped a lot. I found being in the water and doing some of the exercises very helpful. If you have a pool near to you and your okay being in water it maybe something you could discuss with your physio. I total it took a few months before the pain subsided. All the best
Hello to you all. Many thanks for your replies. I will try the swimming and see how my physio goes. I will let you know how I get on xx
I was told as long as you do the crawl swimming it's. Ok 🙏🏾
Hello Suepipes I have hip bursitis I have never experienced pain like it It's been 11 weeks now When I first had it I was screaming sometimes especially after walking up the stairs and couldn't turn over in bed !!
I'm having an ultrasound scan on Thurs and they are draining fluid and giving me injections I think I will have physio too after that
I'm slowly beginning to walk a bit but I have had to use a wheelchair when we go out Bit hairaising as my husband hasn't passed his test 😅
I haven't been able to drive and been at home all that time I know I mustn't moan as I could have far worse but it has been hard and I feel the summer has passed me by especially as I love gardening and miss it so much
I was prescribed Tramodol and found they really took the sting out of the pain I'm now back to my usual Zapain that I take for osteo arthritis as I am definitely better than I was
You say you have it in your leg I get like a sharp stinging pain from the very top of my thigh that shoots down to my knee Have you had this ?
I wouldn't wish bursitis on anyone it's real agony
I wish you all the very best and hope the physio helps you 😀💕
I didn't know the fluid could be drained! Did it help? I've had mine about 4 years- not allowed any more injections- otherwise it will tear some tendon? Acupuncture worked a treat so I could turn over in bed- but NHS only allowed) sessions- now they don't at all.( Southampton area - 🙏🏾

Not had the fluid drained yet so will let you know I've heard acupuncture is very good so will bear that in mind 🙏🏾
Hi there very painful foe you I had this on my pubic bone and could not walk without screaming for days unfortunately was only allowed to take paracetamol it took weeks to clear best whispers hope you get well soon x
Will answer you later on laptop
Anni 3369 🙏🏾
Hi I have had bursitis for several years in my left hip, before and after my new implant, it is so painful. I was a side sleeper and now I am starting to get in my other hip. I was told they will not drain beause it is there for a reason. Going up and down stairs, walkling on uneven ground and other exercise can agravate it. Use to ice all the time, had many steroid shots only alotted 3 a year, don't help much. Now I watch all my food and intake of sodium, I found out I was in more pain when eating foods high in sodium. Do not go into a hot tub because my became more inflamed and I was in terrible pain had to have terricol shots which is a high shot of Idoprophen, which can only be done once or on pills for like 3 days. I do have a salve you can rub on to reduce the inflamation called Voltaren Gel which is a prescription. Good luck to you, I have checked and tried many pills, rubs, internet for other suggestions to help myself. I am on Gabapentin for my Athritis and Joint Disfunction, also muscle relaxer when I pull my back out. I take Idoprophren every day which I know will kill my kidneys but it does help reduce the swelling. The Doctors try to help but the pain can be very severe sometimes. Keep in touch and let me know when you have the fluid drained and where, what your results are. Thanks
I have every 3 months an injection of Lignocaine and Steroids in my heel and toes; this seems to work for me.
I have bursitis and have had several injections. Twice it helped but I have been told I cannot have anymore as it may damage muscle around my hip. This is also the reason my physio was stopped. I imagine it depends on each situation-I felt very disappointed and sad-I had been working so diligently with my physio too. So I hope it works for you!!
Hi all just wn update with my progress with the bursitis situation I've been to physio a good few times. It hasn't helped one bit. Have any of you experienced this with both hips/legs? As I have started with it on my left hip and down my legs and across the Base of my back. Any advise would be fantastic..