Bursitis?? : I’m looking for some advice please... - Pain Concern

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Kellylou1712 profile image
24 Replies

I’m looking for some advice please!!

I’m a 31 year old female.

I increased my walking distances and pace some months back and developed a weak feeling in my leg, terrible pain in my coccyx and buttocks.. this started to subside somewhat after a bit of rest and stretching but since I’ve been left with a pain in my left hip. If I sleep on my left side it feels like a horrible burning pain which subsided when I take the pressure off. I have lost no hip mobility there is no redness or swelling but sometimes even my jeans hurt on my hip or I could gently brush past the hip and feel pain. It’s not constant pain though and doesn’t seem to come on from anything in particular.

I spoke to BUPA who referred me for a Neuro exam with the Dr, this was fine. The Dr did the exam and told me since my mobility was good they had no concerns. A physio diagnosed me over the phone with inflamed bursa of the hip and weak glutes.

Can anyone with inflamed bursa relate to my symptoms. I’m a huge worrier and I’m so scared it’s something more sinister!! But I feel I have exhausted all professional help at this stage. I have to admit I haven’t really done any of the exercises that the physio suggested but I have started strength training at the gym in hopes to improve the glutes and hopefully help matters.

I’d take any advice!

Thank you.

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Kellylou1712 profile image
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24 Replies
salamander160 profile image

Hi, I have bursitis in my shoulders, it was diagnosed a fortnight ago via ultrasound, my gp referred me but I kept missing appointments, it was finally scanned when I was in hospital last week. However, ask your gp if he/she can refer you for an ultrasound scan, explain the situation. For me bio freeze helps, you can buy it on amazon, ordinary ibuprofen gel also helps, I haven't tried voltarol yet. I don't find codeine or anything like that does anything, I have been using it for pain after an operation this week but it doesn't help the bursitis. I hope this helps you. I know how uncomfortable this can be, being a wheelchair user it can be very painful especially as I use my arms all the time. Good luck.

Kellylou1712 profile image
Kellylou1712 in reply to salamander160

As much as I wish you could get relief I’m almost relieved myself that codeine doesn’t work for you. I feel my pain isn’t touched with codeine but it’s not an overly intense pain for my either it’s very niggly and more annoying than anything!

I hope you feel better soon!

Bananas5 profile image

rest – try not to move the joint too much and avoid activities that put pressure on it.

use ice – gently hold an ice pack (or a bag of frozen peas) wrapped in a tea towel on the area for around 10 minutes at a time and repeat every few hours during the day.


wildpaul59 profile image

Hello Kelly, I had the exact same issue and did some exhaustive research on a cure, moreover, what the problem was. I had a course of 10 sessions with a Chiropractor, no help, deep tissue massage with a sports therapist, no help, discusions with a Neurologist no help.

Then I saw a Osteopath she felt I had a mis-aligned pelvis. After 45 minutes of manipulation and acupuncture my pain has subdued by about 60%. Also doing Knee to chest exercise then pushing the knee across the body stretching the Glutes, a little painful but working.

I honestly feel, I have at last conquered the problem, give it a try!

Kellylou1712 profile image
Kellylou1712 in reply to wildpaul59

I will look for an osteopath thank you!! I’m assuming this was private and not via NHS referal? I hope to get some answers it’s worrying that I’ve had no more than a few minutes check in person at the dr’s!

wildpaul59 profile image
wildpaul59 in reply to Kellylou1712

Yes it was private, NHS about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike which is rather sad! They charged me £60.00 not cheap but if it works for you it's worth a small fortune.

Make sure they are well qualified not some street quack.

Good luck Paul👍

Suzie42 profile image

I suffered with bursitis in my hip and after several steroid injections in it which didnt work. I was referred to physio. I was lucky to get a physio with lots of knowledge of this condition and he said if I did the exercise he showed me, every hour for a week and then reducing gradually until it was just once a day. Pulling the foot straight back behind you until you feel the stretch, standing straight up, holding for 30 seconds. He told me unless I did this I would see no change and most people will not commit to it. On the whole i managed this and wow it worked. I was pain free again.

Kellylou1712 profile image
Kellylou1712 in reply to Suzie42

I think I need to commit a little more to the stretches etc. thank you so much Suzie!

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to Kellylou1712

Suzie42 is spot on, the only thing that will really help longterm is exercise.

My physio taught me to bring one leg up above the opposite knee, in the standing position, then pretend to sit down. Try go go down a bit further each time. This should be practiced several times throughout the day.

I take Naproxen, an anti inflammatory medication regularly for 3 days to reduce the inflammation.

Like you, I get it periodically so I associate it with autoimmune disease because I have other disorders. I find aquarobics helps because the hip exercises are so much easier to do.

weathervane profile image

i had bursitis for years with all those symptoms, also more painful going up hills . I had numerous steroid injections, most helped some didn’t. It has settled down quite a bit now and doesn’t annoy me so much thank goodness! You should get an ultrasound to get a more definite diagnosis.

Kellylou1712 profile image
Kellylou1712 in reply to weathervane

I would love an ultrasound it would give me so much reassurance! I feel they are just reluctant to want to do it and instead buy their time.. but thank you! I will do some stretches and if I still have no relief I’ll be more persuasive with asking for checks! Thank you!

my Chiro thinks I have burstitis on my left side. But when pregnant - and since - I’m pretty sure I have/had meralgia paresthetica. I’ll talk to my Chiro about this on my next visit. I wonder if you may have the same as sounds like what I suffer with. I see a Chiro as I had back issues, previously. I hope you get sorted, good luck

Kellylou1712 profile image
Kellylou1712 in reply to putmebacktogether

I had a very very similar pain towards the end of my pregnancy with my son too! I put it down to pelvic girdle pain! Funny how it’s come back now many years later - I thought it was because I was carrying a heavy boy, I’m actually at the slimmest I’ve been in ages so that can’t be it! I might pay a visit to my chiro! It’s been a while! Thank you!

Batty1 profile image

Could be your IT Band which run down the outside of your hip to your knees and when the IT band is inflamed its painful.


Kellylou1712 profile image
Kellylou1712 in reply to Batty1

I’ll look into this! Thank you!

bgp244X profile image

My experience of physiotherapy is not good.Eg.. total knee replacement.

Walk over there and back (5 metres).

That's very ¹good..I can see you again in 6 weeks....what on earth are they even being paid for?

Total appointment time 4 minutes.

Kellylou1712 profile image
Kellylou1712 in reply to bgp244X

I agree!! Mine didn’t even want to see me in person and just made me do exercises over the phone, how on Earth do they know I was even doing them correctly. It’s a real shame.. sorry this happened to you!

pattyc66 profile image

Hi KellylouI started an exercise programme a couple of years ago, that involved running, jogging and bike riding.

I developed a very painful hip and everytime I did my training, I felt worse a couple of hours later.

After a scan, I was diagnosed with a bursitis on my left hip.

I had pain in a certain point on the hip and a funny sensation running down my leg and in my buttock.

My physiotherapist said that long distant runners and cyclists sometime develope a bursitis in their hips, because of the repetitive movements of the hip joint.

It took me about 6 months of physio and gentle exercises, to feel pain free.

I hope you get it sorted as it's very painful, as you know.

Kellylou1712 profile image
Kellylou1712 in reply to pattyc66

Thank you so much!! Was your pain sporadic? I feel like one day I can walk up the stairs and be fine, another I can get pain. It’s like a lingering tenderness at times and other times I have no trouble at all!

pattyc66 profile image
pattyc66 in reply to Kellylou1712

Yes, my pain came and went at first.There were certain activities that I did that brought it on, like walking up the stairs and walking for long distances.

Eventually it was a nagging, constant pain until i started physio and exercises at home.

Cappo profile image

hi Kelly mine is a long story but I had physio for two years on and off then I got the MRI scan I should have had long story short physio has made me disabled so demand a scan before you have any good luck

Shasta0506 profile image

I have bursitis in my hips and I have 2 herniated discs in my back, L4 and L5. I experience pain in my hip and in my back when I stand or walk for short and long periods. Sometimes it takes my breath away. I get back injections every 2-3 months depending on how I feel. Sometimes they help and sometimes they don't. I apply my heating pad to my lower back and to my hips, it helps with my pain. Also a warm bath with some Epsom salt helps with my pain also. But I've been dealing with this for 7 years. But the heating pad and Epsom salt baths help me out with my pain. I hope you get some relief soon.

Candy2595 profile image

hey, I have bursitis of the left hip, it all sounds exactly the same, it can even make you limp and you can struggle to get up and down the stairs, in and out the bath etc etc. I was diagnosed by my physiotherapist (private), the doc checked it out and it was confirmed. I had a steroid injection, unfortunately it didn’t help me, but I know many people whom it has helped.

I see a private physio, as I have many health conditions on top and NHS Physio’s don’t help, there are some fabulous exercises available, if you need too; take anti inflammatories. A lot of people will say the same that NHS physio won’t necessarily help with this.

My advice check out videos of stretches and exercises, use heat, take anti inflammatories, get to your GP if it gets worse, they can prescribe you something stronger or maybe an injection.

Hopefully you can get it down asap.

I’ve had mine for many many years, it flares up terribly and goes down to bearable, but with vigorous exercise it will get worse, so keep it slow; stretch, then exercise/walk, then stretch after, keep doing the exercises (there’s many available online).

Haz999 profile image

I've had bursitis twice, once in my right knee and last time in my left hip, both times I had NHS physio and was given stretches to do, with my hip I was eventually given a cortisone injection where the physio used a scanner so that he could guide the needle to the exact spot. It worked perfectly and no pain for 3 to 4 months but then the pain returned but I had moved house to a new area so my new GP gave me another cortisone injection but that one actually made it more painful so I just sat it out and waited for the pain to go away by itself which took about another 9 months. I would say do the stretches, take anti inflammatory and try to get an xray/scan guided cortisone injection.

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