Wondering if anyone else has bursitis in either or both hips, and what treatment you have had. I have it in both hips, and have just recently had a steroid injection in both. That seems to have done something to relieve the pain a little, but if they continue to stop working, I'm heading for a bursa removal. Has anyone had this?
Bursitis: Wondering if anyone else has bursitis... - Pain Concern

You have my sympathy. Yes. Unfortunately, I've had it for over a year now in both hips. The right is worse than the left. My thighs are very tender. I have had two steroid injections into the right side, but neither made any difference to me. I also have been doing physiotherapy exercises - stretching - but, climbing stairs is still very painful. The orthopaedic consultant, who gave me the injections, said there was nothing he could do for me surgically. However, I am now going to see a rheumatologist on Tuesday as I also have osteoarthritis and my GP thinks maybe fibromyalgia as well! So, we'll see what he says.
Are you in the UK? I know the bursa can be removed, but this is something that has never been mentioned to me.
However, I hope that the injections have made a difference for you and you are soon feeling a lot better.
Best wishes.
Hi Genevieve, yes I'm in the UK. It was my GP that said if these injections don't work, he'd refer me to someone he knows to get the bursa's removed from each side. I've just never heard of it before and don't know anyone that has had them removed either? The pain is horrible isn't it,its like lying on needles. And then your leg is on fire! The one I had on my right worked for about a week and a half, now.its sore again. Not as bad, but he says he'll inject it again. The left hip.ibjust got done on tuesday, so a little early to see how it feels, my leg still feels a little dead! X
Thanks for your reply though! Xx
Hi , I have bursistis in both hips , had it for about 5 years , it is horrendous pain , for a year or so I did not know what it was , until a Dr pushed his finger in to the infected area one day at the pain cilnic , and said that is bursitis , the pain didn't calm down for 3 days , since that time I have had 3 separate lots of injections , for me it is the only thing I have found as given me a small bit of relive ,
I am also on , liqud morphine (, fentanyl , please don't ever go on this drug if you can help it ) it's s horrible , nasty drug and I am totally addicted now , I take these for a damaged spine
And other drugs so they do give me a bit of day time relief , unless I knock my hip !
So I think they help towards keeping the pain down a bit for me
The night times are the worst , as if I go to lie on my side it is excruciating pain , and takes hours to settle down agin
Any way that's how I cope or not cope with it
I was told my the pain. clinic
That you can use capsicum cream , look on google , I never. Did
I Was told by my Dr that they would not remove them , I think I will go back and ask why , sorry I got on a roll there and a lot of that is. about me !
So maybe if you are suffering as bad as me , and you want to look at removal ask your Dr , I would be intresed to know what another Dr says ,
If you find any other treatment please let me know
Hope to her from you
Hello! God. How have you managed for 5 years! It's driving me insane. And I've maybe had it for a year, but just never thought anything of it. I put it down to waking to much, or physio exercises etc, but like you he pressed in to my hip and i.coukd have hit him, days after I stm feel him pressing!!!
I'll have a look at capsicum cream, thank you!
I would go back.and ask why they won't remove them too, my GP seemed happy for me to get this done if the injections don't work, and it sounds like a simple procedure but again I don't know anything about it!!
I understand painwhyme, but don't sleep on your side it will make it worse. I have always been a side sleeper now it is on my back. I do exercises from therapy sometimes they help. My doctors will not take it out, they said I need to live with it, it is terrible most of the time. When I have a good day I thank God. I really miss dancing, gardening, and other things I used to do. It is hard to travel very far either. I have a left hip implant and it started before that, was good for a year fell on the ice and it worse than ever. I have had many shots and they said I needed to stop because it makes my bones weaker. I tried a hot tub and landed in two ER's, do not use any capsicum cream. I do use Volteran Gel sometimes for the inflammation, it does help. Take Care
I have it i both hips I have had it for over 6 years my left side is now calcified. I have tried steroid injections but they made it worse my rheumy says there is nothing that can be done apart from pain relief which at the moment is not working I asked my GP why they couldn't it just be cut out he replied with "it's not possible as you would lose the tendon in your leg which is far worse than what you have now" I am currently trying physio to see if it will help(will try anything) going for acupuncture tomorrow to see if it will work on hips this time. Everything I do hurts but going upstairs is awful. If you are told you can have yours removed please let us know.
Oh wow ok, that's a little scary that the tendon gets cut out! Maybe this isn't as straight forward as i thought!! I too have been having acupuncture, in my legs and hips, and it's done nothing for me,but give me more pain. Walking any distance for me really hurts my himps,and lying on my side at night is just a killer. I seem to be ok with stairs, but not great.
I hope acupuncture works for you. Be interesting too see if you notice any difference in your hips, let me know what happens!
Hi Katwilson04,
It's a horrible, horrible thing. I have it in both hips, left worse than right and it was diagnosed by the Rheumy three years ago. He also mentioned that the steroid injections would give little and temporary relief so I didn't bother cos I hate needles anyway.
As you say, the worst thing about it is trying to get some sleep!
The only thing that's marginally helped has been Ibuleve Spray. I tried the capsicum cream but developed a rash so stopped. It hasn't stopped me waking in the middle of the night in great pain but I just reach for the spray and give it another shot or two. Not particularly pleasant smelling but the combination of Tramadol, Amitriptyline and Ibuleve Spray appears to work for me.
Try out different things for yourself and go with what works for you.
Best wishes.
Hi thank you for reply
I do use bio freeze spay , you can get from boots over £9 a bottle , but does help as little when things get to crying point
Bio freeze is cheaper on e bay
Thank you so much for this information painwhyme.
I shall definitely check it out. Unfortunately, it's a little over my already strained budget but if I get at least one, I'll give it a go.
Much appreciated.
I the same, my left hip/leg is the One that my disc damaged my sciatic nerve, so it's already sore and numb.
I was given Voltarol to,rub on my hips before he did the steroid injections, but it did nothing other than cost me a fortune! I did try and ice pack one night and it was bliss, till I needed to move!!
Thank you
Wow. Thank you so much katwilson04.
I'm intrigued because I once tried an icepack but it actually hurt even more so I've been using heat packs which only have a limited effect. Perhaps I should give it another try.
I shall definitely check with my GP. I'm also diabetic so perhaps he could just add it to my ever growing list of diabetic, hypertension and pain meds.
Thank you very, very much. I've not tried voltarol and truthfully, my doctor doesn't know I use Ibuleve because I'm asthmatic so I'm not really supposed to. Yes it sometimes makes me wheeze a bit but I'd rather wheeze than suffer the sheer ongoing agony especially when I'm trying to get some sleep.
Wishing you all the best and thanks again for your advice and suggestions. They are very much appreciated.
I have bursitis in both hips and had injections but still unable to lie on right side. My left one showed on mri but right one didn't. Capascin cream I wouldn't advice as it's got chillis in and if you've already got burning would be in agony. Also tendonitis which showed on ultrasound before injections. Been walking every day and now back legs very tight and stiff. Unable to sit as legs go numb and pain in buttocks but MRI and X-ray pelvis and hips nad . See specialist next week as wits end after over 2 years.
I have regular steroid injections in both hips due to bursitis. They do work but only for a couple of months or so, so I get them done as often as the NHS waiting list will let me! I discussed removal with the surgeon but was told it is not very affective as the bursa grow back or the scar tissue from removal can cause pain. Google the research, it is not very successful.
I have an exercise that I do which helps a lot: I lie on my side, knees bent, knees together, and raise the top knee up and down to a count of 10 or whatever you can stand. Over time, this helps stretch out the muscles, tendons, bursa. I am now using a 1 lb weight on the top of the knee, holding it in place with my hand, and raising and lowering the knee with the weight on. (Just life the knee - keep your foot on the bed.) I also use Topricin cream from Amazon.com. Injections didn't work and are actually dangerous and can cause osteoporosis which I now have in both hips. I also have a standing exercise that I do: Like you see on TV when the police catch a drunk and test them for intoxication - have them stand on one leg and then the other. I do this holding onto the kitchen counter at the sink: Stand on one leg, keep leg straight, to a count of 10, then switch to the other leg, keep leg straight. You only have to lift your opposite foot slightly off the ground, nothing dramatic. Helps over time and has gotten to the point where I can actually sleep on my sides now.
Thanks for these exercise tips!! The one on your side lifting your knee is one of My regular Physio exercises, so I'm no stranger to that one, but it does hurt my back. The other one you mention I do also, I find it does help stretch things out.
Maybe I need to do them more, lush through the pain, and the after pain and see if it works.
Thanks for your tips though, very interesting to see what works for you.
My PT told me to stop if it hurts. Maybe lift your knee more slowly, to a lower height. I put the top foot behind the bottom foot to give me more leverage. Do fewer reps, slowly build up. Perhaps apply pain cream, heating pad or ice before exercise - whatever works. I was pretty amazed when I was able to sleep on my sides without pain after a while of doing these exercises. If I forget for a few days or a few weeks, the pain comes back. I found lots of good exercises for just about everything on You Tube. Even just completed healing a shoulder impingement with exercise. Took a long time, too - several months.
One of the best forms of pain relief is extreme cold. Fill a yoghurt pot with water, freeze and use to rub over painful area on hip. Keep several in freezer as they do melt quite quickly.
Will only last a few hours but usually long enough to sleep or a little respite during day.
It is cheap. easy to use and no animals harmed during the making!
This tip came from a member on this site a long time ago.
Yes it does work too.
Pat x
PS doesn't work with peas - too lumpy!
Hi,i have had this for a year and am struggling to walk any distance at all, I have even had to buy a wheelchair from eBay. I have Rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis too. I'm due to have a second steroid jab in 2 weeks which will be done under ultra sound as the first didn't work. I take tramadol, naproxen and paracetamol for pain. I would like to know how you all manage to work when in all this pain ? I work full time and am struggling not to cry. Going to the loo is like doing a marathon but need to move due my RA or I start to stiffen up. How do you all keep positive ? Think I need a to stop feeling sorry for myself xx

Hey Emma! Firstly, don't feel the need to apologise for being hard on yourself, we are all guilty of that, well I know I am! I've not had to get the injections via ultrasound, I've just had them done at my GP, is that what you have always had done? I do work, but had to reduce my hours to part time, it's a daily struggle, and I'm never far from tears every day, so I understand that. The only thing we can do is be positive, things will get better, even if it's just for a day, it's a day things are better just for a moment, but we also can't let our conditions rule our lives either, stay strong and positive! Xxx
Hi Kat thanks for replying. The first injection was done at my rheumatology hospital , apparently my gps don't do it . I've been waiting 3 months for this injection and am pinning my hopes on it working but I'm beginning to feel less positive . I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't work . Xxx
Ok, something I have learnt over the last 5 years, never pin your hopes on anything. I used to do that when in had my spinal injections and each time it was a massive let down as they all failed. I know it's easier said that done, as wel hope for a miracle cure or just something that will give us relief, but if you get your hopes up too much, and it doesn't work, it's harder to pick yourself up and keep going. Xxx
I have bursitis in both hips, walking, working out, and sitting make it worse. I tried to get doctors to take it out and they will not. I have had so many shots the doctors told me I need to quit getting them. I ice all the time, quit sleeping on my side. Have tried so many drugs, lotions, pain patch, etc nothing works. I am still working and cannot afford to retire. Take a lot of Idoprophren and ice. Good luck with yours, I feel for you. I do have Arthritis and joint disease, also sciatica since my hip implant. Take Care
I apply and rub in a topical lotion with 4% lidocaine and that rids me of pain for a few hours. I am in the US and found two brands and both work. When getting up from sitting, e.g. at the computer, the hip is stiff, and I lean on the nearest wall or furniture, put my right foot forward and left foot back, and stiffen the foot in back, leaning until I feel the stretch. I count to 20 and do it a few times. I have a stationary bike and get on that and do 50-100 steps. Both of these are helpful. Sometimes walking at home I need a cane, sometimes I don't. I seem to "tilt" or swagger at times, and stretching helps. Soon I will be swimming.
They told me: "MOVE...MOVE...MOVE". The more I get out and walk the better I am.
I also have lymphedema, use a pump and Farrow wraps. I may have abdominal lymphedema too as when I wear a tight all-in-one undergarment, the legs blow up.
Am going for physical therapy and the exercises they gave me I do in bed and those help too. It seems this is a condition where the more you help yourself the better you will be. I have a treadmill and will soon get on that at the lowest speed and work my way up slowly. I will also be swimming soon.