Hello 😬 I have been diagnosed with sciatica in both sides of back going into hips groin and down legs I am on four different types sting pain killers but recently been diagnosed with sciatica in both arms !! I need some advice I am fed up of being in so much pain it’s very debilitating I use tens machine and voltarol does anyone else have same issues do you use something different I have never tried alternative therapies so all suggestions appreciated
Sciatica : Hello 😬 I have been diagnosed with... - Pain Concern

Your spine must be in terrible shape.
Bassically you have impingement of vertebrae on nerves to your upper and lower body- a truly horrific set up!
The only real help will be from a back specialist surgeon who will be better able to advise after extensive scans.
Fusions will probably be the only way forward- depending on your history and condition.
There are stretching exercises on youtube that may help you in the short term.
Good luck.
I'm right there with you feeling the same pain for 10 months solid! I know how you feel and I hope that in itself helps. I have lumbar spine pain that radiates down both legs and hips/pelvis to the very tip of my toes. I cant stand or walk for more than 2 minutes before muscle spasms kick in and knock me off my feet. I have hEDS/POTs, and cant take any NSAIDS, Butec patches took the edge off the pain but after three months of use I developed a severe skin reaction (literally burning my skin) and had to stop them . I currently take Tapentadol but I'm developing a tolerance and need increasing amounts to get any pain relief. I cant have anything invasive like epidurals( I don't respond to local anaesthetic due to EDS) because I'm at risk of needing a blood patch/spinal fluid leak. I also can't have surgery because it could actually make things worse for me. Basically I'm desperate, my quality of life is very poor, despite pushing through the pain and doing a regular set of physio excersises /stretches every day, I go from bed to sofa and back every day and my pride is taking a real bashing due to having to rely on two of my family members that live with me. So sorry for the rant but I feel better for actually writing it down here. I truly hope you get the help you need.
Omg I thought I was bad I feel for you I suppose I am lucky I have awesome doctor and I am not use to painkillers yet they still work for me
Hi thanks for understanding, and I really feel for you too. Fortunately I also have very supportive GP's and two very caring and understanding consultants, one local and a team in London, who diagnosed me after the relevant tests 5 years ago, and I see once a year for a follow up. I'm so glad your pain relief works for you, my night time meds work better for me than my day time ones, so thankfully I'm able to get some sleep. Take care
Bed rest makes it worst, strengthen your back through therapy maybe, so sorry for your pain, I have sciatica also and bursitis.
I've never heard of sciatica in the arms. The sciatic nerve runs from the back down through the buttocks and leg. Is it another nerve that is effected in your arms ?
It was my doctor who diagnosed me with sciatica in neck shoulder actually my bad saying arms
Muscle Relaxer helps me. I have used a tens machine and did not help me. Also a hot pad.
Sincere thanks to you all for your understanding. Only people who have walked in your shoes truly get it. I've given up trying to explain why I'm like I am to people including family members, GP's often don't know anything about it either, hopefully they will become more aware in the future.
Would your GP presrcribe a few Diazepam as a muscle relaxant? To take one a night for two consecutive nights? The effect wears off after two for me. They also become addictive after 7 days, so best to take two days on and five off when required.
A&E presribed them when they diagnosed sciatica once.
Have you had MRI scans?