I’m new to this group. I’ve had sciatica for about 8 weeks and no sign of getting better. I’ve just been taking paracetamol and ibuprofen. My doctor has prescribed Gabapentin but not started taking it yet. I have an appointment with NHS muscular skeletal clinic in a few days. The cause of my pain not diagnosed yet. I wondered what people’s views were on Gabapentin to dull the pain. Would seeing an osteopath be a good idea?
Gabapentin and sciatica : I’m new to this group... - Pain Concern
Gabapentin and sciatica

i was prescribed Gabapentin by my GP for sciatica a couple of years and told the sciatica would ease in a couple of months, which it did. However a later appointment with Sussex Muscular Skeletal Partnership revealed that Gabapentin is not recommended for sciatica as it improves without that medication. I was inclined to believe that as MSK are more knowledgeable than the GP about these matters. Good luck!
I was prescribed both gabapentin and amitryptaline for osteoarthritis in my cervical spine, disc had collapsed and trapping the nerves, side effects of the drugs were awful. Would not recommend.
Hey Sillyname,
What side affects did you get with amitryptaline?
hi Rob, it was 4 years ago but that whole period of my life was traumatic… I think until you’ve experienced nerve pain you don’t really understand how debilitating it is. I’ve not been on this site for a long time but the words amytriptalibe and gabapentin showed up in my inbox so had to read on. I don’t think either drug did much to relieve my pain, I didn’t sleep at all for 2 months until after I’d had surgery and they didn’t taper me off the drugs so I went into a huge depression… very frightening and I couldn’t control it. Sorry probably a longer reply than you wanted 😊 Michelle
Hi Michelle,
No, I agree. If you’ve never have nerve pain it’s very difficult to understand or to convey to someone else.
I’m currently on amitryptaline for my nerve pain. So far it hasn’t done much. I was really resistant to it at first as I’d heard of a lot of people getting side affects from it but I’ve tried almost everything else so giving this go. Wish me luck 😂
well I tried just about everything 😂 desperate measures and all that! Sounds a bit weird but one thing that gave me some respite and an hour or so of comfort was a hot bath and the this Chinese deep heat oil that I rubbed on my neck and shoulders . Good luck Rob 💪
hot bath does help abit, I’ll give you that. What was the oil you used?
Thank you, you too 🙏🏼
This is the one.
My parents had a bottle of this stuff when I was young. It was called Sloans Linament. Had a picture of a person on the front like this bottle. They put it on me a few times when I had a muscle ache and I hated it. It burned so badly that I had to get a washcloth with soap and wash it off, it was so terrible.
Hey Canal,
Gabapentin didn’t work for my sciatica unfortunately - they ended up giving me a steroid injection which has so far been really good.
Currently on amitryptaline (for my stenosis not sciatica) no negative side affects as yet - fingers crossed! Good luck
Hi Canal199. I’ve had chronic pain for years. My sciatic nerve pain was worse back before I had my first back surgery in 2012 but I had spinal stenosis. I have taken so many different meds including Amitriptyline and Gabapentin. With Amitriptyline I put on loads of weight but it did help me sleep. Gabapentin was for the nerve pain but nothing ever seemed to touch it. Since then I’ve had regular IM Depo-Medrone steroid injections (I have multiple health problems) which were great at first but don’t have much effect now. I also have gradually become intolerant to most meds and was left with just Paracetamol and liquid morphine sulphate to help me get up in the morning. I’ve had further failed back surgery in 2020 which left a huge painful lump on my spine. It seems I have rotational scoliosis! I’ve found hardly any difference cutting back on everything but have Diazepam in reserve.
I did get real relief from an osteopath with deep pressure point massage (rather a lot of swearing!) and acupuncture. I have to use a wheelchair now to go out but a heat pad on my back and Tiger Balm, probably similar to that oil above) do help. I never could bear ice! Hydrotherapy helped too until our pool was closed down. Good Luck. x
I take Gabapentin once a day for peripheral neuropathy in my feet. Doesn’t do much for the pain but knocks me out enough to get some sleep.
Hi. I think getting the diagnosis will be key to understanding how to manage the pain. If necessary really push for an MRI to see if it’s a disc issue. Sciatica is awful, so wearing but you should get the diagnosis before committing to longer term meds.
Was prescribed Pregabalin back in August and the surgeon said he was confident it would help me. My reply was that I wish that I could share his confidence. It did not help me in any way. Then I was prescribed Morphine patches but on checking leaflet they are not to be used by people with breathing problems or Hypertenton and I have both.And then I just could not believe it when I was prescribed Palexia SR 100 mg. Once again on reading the leaflet it states not suitable for people with severe breathing problems With regards the Morphine patches I have been very near to taking them even if it kills me such is the pain which I have had for getting on for 5 years now. Now I am just waiting for December 2nd when I have an appointment at the pain clinic. Then I will be told that I have 2 options injection or operation both of which I have had in the past. Then I will have a further wait for treatment which could be any length of time but because I have been in constant pain for so long I hope my treatment is arranged in a short time. Fingers crossed.
I honestly feel your pain. Burprenorphine Patches were fine at first (you gradually build up to stronger ones) but when I got to the stage where they actually helped with the pain, they made me sick. I had to slowly go back down again and once I was safely off them I restarted my liquid morphine sulphate. I’m very intolerant of lots of meds and have side effects from just about anything now. I even tried Gabapentin and Pregabalin more recently and both made me sick and brought me out in an itchy rash. Nerve pain is horrendous but I got real relief from a really good osteopath. Yes, you have to pay privately but it was worth every penny.
Many thanks for your reply. With regards going private I did try that but could not believe it when the specialist I saw said I would have to have an MRI scan. Why he could not view the results from a recent MRI scan I have no idea. However my thoughts were that it was just to get more money out of me. The consultation alone cost me £250.
You can request your MRI’s on a disc. I have done this on numerous occasions. I recently saw a private neurologist but my MRI rheumatologist had referred me for an urgent MRI and blood tests so I was able to have the results for my neurology appointment. I must say my GP has been less than helpful but my rheumatologist has been a star.
Hello. I have been on Gabapentin on and off since 2009 and always advised and prescribed by Doctors within the NHS Pain Management Services that I have attended in both Lancs and here in Oxford. Not only have I always found it to be highly beneficial for my Sciatica and other referred Spinal Pain ( I have 4 Prolapsed Discs L4- S2) , but I have never ever had a single negative side effect from using it (And yes, I am very much aware that everyone's physiology and response to meds is different)As regards my other treatments, I have now had 4 Spinal Operations, the last being SCS (Spinal Cord Stimulation) which has been highly beneficial, countless Spinal injections (Nerve Root Block, Facet Joint and Caudal Epidural) and the full gamut of Pain Relief from simple Co-codamol through to Fentanyl and Durogesic patches and most meds in between !!
Best wishes to you
thanks for all that information. I’ll talk with the MSK doctor when I see him on Thursday about Gabapentin. My problems seem minor compared to you and others on here who have given me a lot of information
No worries at all . It's all a question of finding what alleviates the pain for each of us individually. My original injury, a simple L4 disc prolapse, dates back to 1999, and ironically after 26 years of Rugby and 9 years of American Football, caused by a faulty rolling Bookcase whilst working at the Bodleian Library here in Oxford 😂Most important tools in my experience ?
Retaining a sense of humour and remembering that there are always others in far worse situations than ourselves, no matter how challenging a day it might be.
Painkillers are just that - the do little to alleviate the underlying condirtion. I used to be a Bowen practitioner - can be wonderful for sciatica, but if none around you give the osteo a couple of go's.
Mind you, nothing has has fully deadened my sciatic pain fro 4-5 yrs ago, which seemed be be the trigger for PSP! Tim
Hi, I've had chronic back and nerve pain for around nine years now, and have been prescribed different medications over the years, including Amiltryptaline, Gabapentin and Pregabalin. The first two I mentioned didn't help at all with the sciatic pain, but the Pregabalin has some benefit, especially with my restless leg syndrome. I had to stop Gabapentin after a few months, as I was feeling terribly anxious with palpitations. Now I am on a low dose of Buprenorphine and still taking the Pregabalin, and I had a nerve denovation procedure, which has been a total success.
I had raido frequency where the nerve is burnt and for 2 years I never had any problems but the nerve grows back
Hi there,
I’m sorry that you are in pain but you need to give your back a chance to calm down, it may rectify itself in a few weeks.
Have you tried simple stretching or even yoga? You CAN do these whilst in pain but listen to your body carefully and if you have more pain then stop (I have had spinal injuries for close to 19 years and out of fear of causing extra pain did not do yoga but started practicing it in early 2020, I have limited neck movements due to pain and am careful to what poses I do, likewise with my back, even though I have lots of metalwork realigning and strengthening it, I do not push myself to the point of causing extra pain). It could well be that the muscles around your spine have spasmed resulting in sciatica and muscle spasms can be so painful, as also the burning sensation from nerve pain is! Try a massage gun on your back to see if you get any relief from either as your muscles relax.
Baths are wonderful for relaxing muscles too and my daily baths help with muscle spasms & cramps that I have from damaged nerves (causing also awful burning & electric shock like nerve pain/numbness in limbs/hands/feet, etc) in both my cervical & lumbar spine.
I also have had extensive surgery for Impending Cauda Equina & Spondylolisthesis (involving two slipping vertebrae causing spinal instability) along Spinal & Foraminal Stenosis/Disc Prolapses/Interbody Fusion . Also two ACDF’s.
I also use a plug in heat pad, TENS MACHINE (the best for helping with pins & needles/ both burning types of nerve pain too) along with topical cold gels/ heat sprays/ice etc).
On another note, have a good look at NICE guidelines around sciatica, it seems doubtful that you will be given an MRI scan without taking medication in the first instance to try to relieve your pain, (possibly after being referred to other health professionals that can help relieve your pain). You can always receive guidance to gradually reduce & stop taking a drug ( I came off of Amitriptyline for various reasons without any problematic side effects having gotten advice from my pharmacist). Not everyone needs imaging or referring to a specialist surgeon when meds can get rid of the pain over a few months, possibly referring to a M/S professional or later a pain clinic. A physio can be so helpful but I cannot recommend seeing an osteopath - after a bad experience with one when she told me not to have surgery as I didn’t need it. I did not heed her advice and post surgery my pain later stopped & my collarbone & shoulder were reconnected.
If you try so many different methods to help you rid yourself of pain, one may work and if not then you can report that you’ve exhausted these to your GP, who can then move onto the next option for you.
I’ve had great success with Radiofrequency Ablation with my cervical spine, I’ve not tried it on my lumbar spine as yet but that is to try before or after surgery and you have to try numerous other options in a pain clinic before this treatment is utilised.
I wish you good luck and please let us know how you get on.
It is never easy to describe pain to those who have never suffered it. I have been describing my pain as sciatica like - stemming from lower back down through hips and down both legs - it is constant - no relief. MRI etc and still no diagnosis why I am in so much pain, bulging discs but no impingement, so why? No-one knows - my advice is not to jump on the medication route too quickly if at all possible, opioids are not always the answer (been there and done that - quality of life was not good), try acupuncture, cold/hot packs, tens machine, pilates/yoga, chiropractor. Good luck in your journey.
I found the full dose of gabapentin worked best alongside full dose of 30mg co-codamol. Long back heating pad on most of day. Least visits to chiropractor and massage salons the better as touch triggers everything, heat and pain relief work the best for me.I get no side effects from Gabapentin but I do get sleepy from co-codamol, this does seem to go hand in hand with food, as a diabetic meds and food like cars can make me sleepy
sciatica takes time unfortunately, but usually does improve with care.
Hi I have been on Gabapentin for a few years now but my doctor prescribed it for nerve pain caused through trapped nerves etc in feet and back due to osteoarthritis & disc problems not for the actual arthritis
thanks for that. What sort of dose are you on and any side effects?
I am on 300mg twice daily. The only side effect I have is I put on a little weight at least I'm blaming the Gabapentin for it! I have been told that once on them you should come off them slowly. I came off them for a short period again with no side effects. I think they are best for nerve pain caused by disc and joints trapping nerves
My hubby had sciatica,all he used was ice packs and it cleared up in a few days. Everyone seems to think heat pads for anything. But sciatica is a swelling or you would not be taking Ibuprofen,so ice pack as much as you can.
Sciatica is often temporary and will clear up within 4-6 weeks, but if pain persists then it needs investigation with an MRI and a definitive diagnosis.
In my case, I suffered a herniated L5/S1 disc which was undiagnosed for nearly a year. I suffered from chronic long-term pain and was prescribed various drugs including gabapentin and amytriptylene. These did not work for me. I relied on strong Co-codamol and frequent ice packs. My GP advised that long term use of Co-codamol would damage my kidneys but for me it was the only drug that numbed the pain. At the worst times, I needed Oramorph. What works for one patient will not be as effective for another but the experiences of others (via this site) are invaluable.
I eventually had a Discectomy which failed after four months. I had a revision Discectomy five months later and for the last six months I have been relatively pain free. I now do regular gentle core exercises and hydrotherapy which are beneficial.
I tried every therapy going to avoid surgery, but in the end I felt I had no choice because my level of pain was unbearable and my quality of life was dreadful. For me, the surgery has been successful and I now have a good quality of life. Wherever your journey takes you, I wish you a positive outcome.
Sciatica is a real pain (literally), and eight weeks is a long time to deal with it. Paracetamol and ibuprofen might take the edge off, but they don’t do much for nerve pain, which is where Gabapentin comes in. Personally, I take it for nerve pain, and it helps quite a bit—not a miracle cure, but it definitely takes the sting out. It can make you a bit drowsy at first, so I’d say start low and see how you go. I order Gabapentin from this reliable pharmacy - topsup24.com/buy-neurontin-..., and it’s always of excellent quality!
Seeing an osteopath could be worth a shot, especially if your pain is linked to muscle tension or misalignment. Some people swear by it, while others find it doesn’t do much. Since you’ve got that NHS appointment coming up, it might be good to hear what they say first—if it’s a herniated disc or something structural, you’d want to be careful with any manipulations. But if it’s muscle-related, an osteopath or physio could really help loosen things up. Hope you get some relief soon!
thanks for your reply. 2 years since I asked that question. A lot has happened since then. I did see an osteopath but it wasn’t any help. Had a MRI scan which said I had the filling. Slightly vertebrae misalignment L4-L5. Severely deteriorated facet joints. Thickening of the sheath that encases the spinal column. Problems with trapped nerves. Managing pain with combination of ibuprofen, paracetamol and baclofen 10mg 3 times a day