Hello all hope everyones as well as can be...im just wondering if anyone can enlighten me on my new pain problem well not quite new more like its spread over time now i do have fibromyalgia diagnosed in 2010 so im kind of familiar with this pain but lately past few months the sciatica pain i was told few years back seems to be spreading its gone from the usual buttock down leg pain to my leg joint that joins leg to hip is excruciating lately it gets stuck after being seated a few mins in same position an the pain is unreal from the joint to the groin down the front of my thigh aswell as the sciatica pain thats still there and the lower side of my bottom of lower back my gps say its my fibro im not so sure so thinking of paying for mri scan myself to make sure is anyone familiar with this kind pain problem im having at all just wonder if im over reacting an it is due to fibro bit cant handle it anymore its interupting my walking my sitting my standing and my sleeping all more than the fibro pain itself....thank you in advance for any input 😩
Sciatica or ?: Hello all hope everyones as well... - Pain Concern
Sciatica or ?
Sorry to hear you’re in so much pain. I also have fibromyalgia and recently had sciatic pain that went down both sides from back to feet. I looked online for stretches to help and I found sleeping with a pillow between my knees AND one that I put under my lower legs to keep them more elevated thru the night really helped.
Hi, your symptoms sound very similar to my fathers. He has been told that it is his facet joint & he is having an injection into the joint next week. Good luck with trying to get it sorted 🤗
I am sorry to hear your in so much pain. My doctor told me I had sciatica. The difference is, I have a numbness that sort of comes and goes in intensity of numbness on the outside of my right thigh. If I lay down too long, exactly where the numbness is I get this sharp hot pain that does not go unless i get up, but for some reason it doesn't affect me sitting down at all. The way my doctor put it, it doesn't sound like I have sciatica because as you mention it travels the entire length of the leg from the bottom of the spine. I have mechanical pain in my lower back due to an accident a long while ago, and I was told not to go to the gym incase of making it worse. The fact is , not going to the gym all this time and having a semi sedantry life style as only made things worse because now the muscles in my lower back have seized up, and its like the surface of a rock my physio told me. What you describe sounds exactly like sciatica the way my doctor described it, although I am not sure why it has started to spread, that sounds fishy, normally with sciatica its a localized pain which usually happens to be your thigh. I suspect in my case I have a trapped nerve. Sciatica nerve is near the surface. You should call 111 NHS and describe your pain and where it is. I've heard they can give steroid injections that last quite a long time to remove the pain.
I have suffered with sciatic for many years now and have also have had a spinal decompression. I have now got numbness down most of my left leg and foot and if I do have feeling in that leg it's agony. I was told that a bone spur had caused my sciatica and after my surgery it did improve but I never gained full feeling back. As my nerve was left scared and has progressively gotten worse again. Everyone's pain is different and it depends on what is causing your sciatica as to how it will feel to you. I hope you get a better outcome then myself for your pain but you have to keep fighting for answers.
Sounds all too familiar...pinched nerves, pressure on the sciatica, which may be caused by a bulging or herniated disc. MRI will image the problem. Years of having these types of conditions caused paralysis. Get it figured out before you start having more serious complications. I learned the hard way, too many medications taken to band aid the underlying problems. Injections and medications are only temporary relief from pain.
Thank you to you all for your help and input...sorry for late reply not been veey well lately but feeling a little better this morning ..i think i will try my gp at one last attempt for them to not fob me off with upping my dose of gabapentin id they dont send me for mri i will have to go private ..i feel as though ive more than one issue going on unless its just getting worse over time being masked with pain relief. You have all been very helpful in your advice and i wish you all a painless free day/ weekend 🤞🍀🌻
I have the same problem. I was told that my S I Joint moves when it shouldn't and is pinching my sciatic nerve. They want to fuse my S I Joint. Been suffering 19 years with it so I want the surgery.
It won't show on a MRI. You have to have an epidural in joint to be sure that's the problem. This is uaually only followed by trama to the buttock area.
Also a nerve impingment from a herniated or bulging disk can cause this as well.
Hope this helps and you get better soon.