Hi, I am new here and am seeking some support for my pain. In a nutshell, I have been suffering with pain for 8 years now on a constant daily basis. I had a hysterectomy 11 years ago which was fine but then developed pain and urgency in my bladder area. I had a cystocele repair 7 years ago, but that did not resolve my problem.
Since then I've been to 3 specialists & diagnosis has been incomplete. Possible overactive bladder but tests said no,possible interstitial cystitis, taken the drug Elmiron to no avail, then saw a top uro/gynae consultant in London who did arrange for an MRI. This and other tests confirmed that my bladder and functions were fine but I have yet another prolapse(vaginal vault) now plus an intususseption in my bowel was discovered.
After another meeting with the colo-rectal consultant in Newcastle he said I don't need an op on my colon as I don't have the symptoms that go with that but he thinks I need an op on my pelvic floor to pull it all up (a mesh sling type of thing) but I've heard bad things about the mesh.
Anyway currently, I am awaiting the results of an MDT meeting with URO-gynae ( it's been over a month now) have had a long chat with my go as I need a "go to person " in all of this & have asked for and now got an appointment with a pain clinic in November over in Newcastle,
I feel the pain is getting me down. I get burning, stinging, sometimes a dull pain and constantly feeling I need to go for a wee, as the pressure is always there. I try to get on with my life, I work part time but it does impact on my quality of life and enjoyment.
For dire emergencies they have given me oramorph to take but that's just a sticking plaster approach and I hate taking it.
Just wondered if anyone else out there has got or had similar problems and feel it's a vicious circle that just keeps going round and round and not getting anywhere!
Sorry for the long ramble but I had to try to give you a picture of my pain.
Thanks in anticipation,