Hi....i am 32 years of age and I have had this dislocated knee ever since I was a child....now the pain gets really unbearable if I stretch my knee (left knee) for too long....is it possible to have it sit properly again?cause the doctors here are not so helpful 😞
Dislocated knee: Hi....i am 32 years of age and... - Pain Concern
Dislocated knee

That looks really painful Lewa. Which area are you from? Some gps seem to be better than others.
Don't give up, just keep going to the gp, ask for a a referral to a knee specialist, physio, pain clinic etc until someone takes you seriously. Have you got any other health problems at all? I have a condition that's called Ehlers Danlos and people with that condition have similar problems as you have.
Hope you get some answers soon
Take care and look after yourself

Thanks for the heads up ☺❤
Hi Lewa!
I am so sorry! I totally understand, I too delt with this since childhood. you are correct a lot of doctors do not know how to deal with this. Are you in the UK or US?
Keep foam rolling your IT Bands, let me know if you need more direction on this.
More help to come don't worry