So I'm a dancer and my left knee keeps dislocating and relocating what should I do?
Knee dislocation: So I'm a dancer and my left... - Pain Concern
Knee dislocation

I'm not too sure about the bones involved.
I haven't had one as I thought it was natural
Sounds like you have hypermobility issues or have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, it's a blessing and a curse to dancers, makes you very flexible but also causes dislocations and s ubluxations. All you can do is build up muscle either side if knee, get protein in diet for this and nit over stretch joint, priblem us you need toncontinuallybuse muscles to kerp strength as restung tgem just gets you back to square one! Good luck.
I had similar problem for a few years but seems to have corrected itself now all the best
I used to get this about 25 years or so ago, but would need help off people to put it back in by holding heel and straitening my leg for me, t would make a noise like a branch snapping and then it would be ok again for a while I had surgery where they "shaved" around knee bone joints in and out same day never had a problem since I was in my younger days a long distance runner
May a consultant who deals with this will help orthopaedic s
How long have you been dancing and when did the symptoms start? Also how old are you?
I stopped and started up again and not too long ago and I'm 19 almost 20
Wish I could give advice. At your age moving about in various activity can be very enjoyable.
All I can think of is that certain movements must not be performed. This can be very difficult as you have to investigate what movements are a no no and at the same time find another movement that can be useful and working to impress someone. Maybe it is worthwhile giving up dancing for a year and take up a martial art. Martial arts contain lots of complex moves which can be incorporated back into dance.
T'ai chi is slow moving and as such allows you to study balance, posture and movement. This should enable you to pin down what type of movement is a no no. There are various styles of t'ai chi and you will find some styles more suitable than others.
Yoga is not dance however you work on the body and thus become sensitive to it. You may learn a few useful things from it.
You do not want to engage in martial art where there is a lot of combat practice because of your knee problem.
Hope I have given you some ideas for thought.
You should immediately visit a orthopaedics doctor.You should take rest and should put put any kind of stress on your knee .You should not exercise till your approves.
I would suggest you to visit Dr A.M Rajani. He is a well renowned doctor from India.
This used to happen to friend of mine, you need to go get it seen to with a doctor etc she did and she is fine now. Think she had to have surgery but it fixed it.