Advice needed please!
The past few months I have been experiencing joint pain in my wrists, knees and ankles and my hips are in a lot of pain. As well as this my legs, feet hands and arms go numb or get pins and needles out of no where. I am often bed bound due to pain from endometriosis. I'm unable to do a lot for myself as the pain is excruciating.
I'm not sure if these new symptoms are because I'm not as mobile as I used to be or if it is something else entirely. Whilst going to pain management I was told I was hyper mobile and they are worried about my knees crumbling and muscles deteriorating.
Just any insight would be great or if anyone thinks it's anything to worry about.
I also suffer from PTSD, anxiety, depression and IBS.
I take propranolol, diazepam, co-codamol 30/500mg, gabapentin, sertraline.
I am only 23 years old and part of my anxiety is often I think I a extremely ill and are going to die.
I have been worrying about this for weeks so thankyou to anyone who can give me advice!