Hey I have pain in my neck for about 4 years now and it wouldn't go away. My head also started to shaking over 2 years now and it's really embarrassing. I read on internet about essential termors, even though it can't be genetic. I have been to my gp a couple of times and tried to explain this but he doesn't really take notice. He has prescribed me medication, which hasn't really helped. My Gp hasn't diagnosed me to having et. I have another appointment tomorrow and don't know what to do. Has anyone else experience this and if yes how did you deal with it? Should I change gp? Anyone advice will be helpful. Btw my gp doesn't send me x ray. He says it too risky.
I have in my pain neck for about 4 years now?... - Pain Concern
I have in my pain neck for about 4 years now? It doesn't go away and I don't know what to do? Help

X- ray is only ascrisky as taking an aeroplane flight, in terns of the amount of radiation you are exposed to. Too many x-rays nay well present more of a risk of some kind of damage. In any case, an MRI scan might give more information soxask for that. It is much less damaging than x-ray if your doc is so concerned. Four years of neck pain, unrelieved, and tremor needs answers! Insist.
Your symptoms sound very familiar and you have my sympathy, it may be that you have some problems with your upper neck and spine (c/1 to c/7) with wear and tear, spondylosis or even trapped or damaged nerves that are possibly causing tension in the occipital area above your neck at the back of your head. If this is the case your experienced uncontrollable head shaking may result from muscular spasms.
From my own experience these particular problems are not easily solved but good pain management techniques can prove very helpful with the right training and an understanding of what triggers the painful effects of your condition. I avoid where possible holding my head in static positions or violent movements, reading, computers and strenuous upper body exercise etc which prove difficult for me. I also sleep on a neck roll and receive regular and gentle massage to my neck and shoulders to relieve tension and ease my pain.
Medications are not always suitable for everyone as they have their limitations and from experience side effects can prove problematic and possibly not viable long-term solution.
GP’s vary greatly in understanding and knowledge, so if you don’t receive a favourable outcome with your GP asked to be referred to specialist before things get any worse.
When I went aboard about 4 years ago. I stayed in my relatives house and I found the pillow really hard and that's when my pain started. I went last year again and my family there took me to hospital and the doctor there told me she thought it was trapped nerves but she didn't know for sure. She couldn't perform a x ray as I was pregnant at the time. It's so painful especially when the weather changes. I found everyday a struggle especially with 3 small children. How did your symptoms start? Has your gp diagnosed you yet?
I think you need some sort if a scan to determine if you have cervical spondylitis. Your doctor isn't being very helpful. New research says that bone loss may be prevented or even reversed with Vit D, Vit K2, magnesium and of course calcium. Try doing more research.
I'm so sorry to hear of all your suffering. Have you tried the Bowen technique? This is a light touch therapy that works holistically according to what the body needs, so it could address all aspects of your condition. You will be able to find a local practitioner in the Yellow Pages. For pain, I have found DMSO which is a liquid natural remedy in liquid form that can be rubbed into the painful area. It is available on Amazon along with books on the subject. Hope all this helps and of course keep on pressing your GP for proper diagnosis. Perhaps seeing a different G.P. would be a good idea? Sometimes a different doctor sees you with fresh eyes and new ideas.
Thanks. Your reply means a lot to me. I was really confused and I didn't know what to do. Like I said before no one has this problem in my family, my children don't have it either. So it can't be genetic. Everyday is a struggle for me. I have 3 small children and there are days when getting out of bed is becomes hard. I will take your advice on aboard. Once again thank you
write down your problems before you go to GP and go with sensible adult and no children with you. Please dont think I'm being simplistic, but it sounds like you are too nice and a very patient person. 4 years! Definitely further tests and then diagnosis and treatment, not just 'palmed off' with painkillers and hope you go away. One last chance then find decent Dr. good luck
Im glad I went to my appointment. I wasn't gonna. I thought what's the point?it's always the same. No answers and more medication. But actually it was a good experience. This was a local doctor and he actually listened and he said he is going to send me for a x ray and give me some cream for the pain. He is going give the right treatment when my results come back,
Btw he said he doesn't think it's essential termors as my hands don't shake.
Bloody hell love, change GP and do it now, I have never heard anything so lazy in all my born days, how can you treat anyone effectively without the basic information to hand,.
Sounds like you may want to find a new doctor. A pain clinic specialist are really good at diagnosing chronic pain problems. Just get your X-rays and records transferred. Hope this helps and you get the help you need sweetheart!!! xxx Mitzi
Hello Sugar
I would recommend that you try and see a different GP at your practice , if possible.
This sounds a chronic condition and you need to find out if it is a neck problem associated with your C1-C2 disks The Tremor you are suffering from could be caused by trapped nerves between neck and head as when you turn your head you could suffer dizziness. This could cause possible pain transmission to various nerves in face and jaw. These could be transmitted from condition in your neck.
If you are suffering tremors it could be several problems one included possibly Parkinsons or something non related You really need to have Xrays and head scans to rule out different problems.associated with your condition.
I have problems associated with my neck joints and I am unable to turn my head quickly, in the past I suffered from dizziness and some transmitted into my face although I had a collapsed bite due to the lack of support due to tooth extraction.
You really need to have a very serious chat with your GP and ask for tests to put your mind at rest.
Please remember only your GP and Specialists in the future can make a prognosis here and I wish you well in having a productive appointment with your GP

Hey Bob thanks 4 ur reply. I appreciate it. I saw a different GP yesterday. He agreed to send me for a x ray scan. He also said he doesn't think I have et. Your symptoms are similar to mines. At first when I was taking driving lessons I couldn't even turn my head. Now I can thanks to hubby who massaged my neck. The pain comes and goes. I do feel dizzy sometimes as well. Also when I went aboard the doctor there thought I had a trapped nerves but wasn't sure as she couldn't perform a scan because I was pregnant. So I'm hoping when I go for my scan it is just trapped nerves so that they can stop this pain and my head shaking and I can just carrying on with my life. Have been diagnosed yet?
Hello Sugar
I would recommend that you try and see a different GP at your practice , if possible.
This sounds a chronic condition and you need to find out if it is a neck problem associated with your C1-C2 disks The Tremor you are suffering from could be caused by trapped nerves between neck and head as when you turn your head you could suffer dizziness. This could cause possible pain transmission to various nerves in face and jaw. These could be transmitted from condition in your neck.
If you are suffering tremors it could be several problems one included possibly Parkinsons or something non related You really need to have Xrays and head scans to rule out different problems.associated with your condition.
I have problems associated with my neck joints and I am unable to turn my head quickly, in the past I suffered from dizziness and some transmitted into my face although I had a collapsed bite due to the lack of support due to tooth extraction. A further problem is sometimes with problems with neck the head can put pressure upon the neck, so the head feels heavy, thus putting pain in your neck joints
You really need to have a very serious chat with your GP and ask for tests to put your mind at rest.
Please remember only your GP and Specialists in the future can make a prognosis here and I wish you well in having a productive appointment with your GP
Thanks bob
I've had pain on the right side of my neck which sometimes radiates to my shoulder blade. The new pain management doc did a MRI, it shows perfect alignment, but then suggested and preformed Facet Injections. It had made a big difference! Not saying I'm cured, but it really has helped. Arthritis apparently is in my facet joints. Just a suggestion.
Thanks fir reply. I hve now changed my gp as my old gp wasn't helpful. I asked him for MRI scan but he refused. With this neck pain even simple tasks seem harder to perform n I also hve 3 young children. I'm gonna see my gp nxt week n ask him for a MRI scan n then I will let u knw. If u dnt mind can I inbox u. We might be able to help each other as we both r in the same situation. Plz let me knw thnkz
My doc, after reaing MRI scan and the notes believes I have arthritis in my cervical facets. He has injected them twice. The first injection provided immediate relief. It lasted 2 weeks MoL. 3 weeks ago, he went back in and did it again, prolly with the steroids and lidocaine. I'm still have pain, stiffness, etc and I rely on Percocet 7.5, a muscle relaxer and ice. Ice works faster, but the pain returns with the ice pack.
My 41 yr old son, is beginning to have very same symptoms. Hope this helps
USA Housewife
don't take no for an answer get an MRI SCAN "NOW"
Update I have cervical dystonia