I have just found out after 10 months of waiting there is a possibility that I will be having scs surgery on 26th june and to be honest I cannot wait, after 16 years of chronic constant pain due to failed spinal surgery and the trial being a success I can honestly say yipppeeee I will keep you updated if it goes ahead and how im progressing
Scs surgery date: I have just found out after... - Pain Concern
Scs surgery date

Best of Luck. I could hardly wait for my scs- nevro,I had great results from the trial. The device inserted 3-2016, it has been operational 10 total days. They want to reprogram again, my dr. want it out, or ipg replaced as advised by other scs neuro. For now, it stays off to enjoy Chi-summer. yes with pain, injections, and meds- fairly managable. Do major homework on the device - could be great or not.
Hi the device is apparently about the size of a pacemaker and is inserted under the skin mine is going by my shoulder and I have to recharge it every night my surgeon told me to think of it like a internal tens machine hope this helps
Wishing you all the best and keep in touch. My fingers are crossed for you, x
Thank you x
Just to let you all know that I've had the scs implanted and after 6 weeks it's the best thing I've ever done I am virtually pain free and am enjoying life again x