To the many friends who have asked what is happening with David changing meds....thank update.
Waiting for letter from pain consultant and getting GP appointment takes time but we made contact on Wednesday
I don't know what is wrong at the pain clinic but something is. Dr James hasn't come up with any alternative apart from his original suggestion of reducing Oxycontin right down - from 140 mgs per day to 40 mgs per day - then bringing in Butrans.
It is known how Butrans isn't very effective especially at David's level of pain. Very odd.
However David has had a long talk with himself and decided pre GP apt to stick on the Oxys. He finds the pain relief from them excellent and maybe getting used to side effects - I'm not sure. Maybe the thought of cold turkey was one step too far. GP was relieved! So was I ! So was David!
Pat x
Note. I have just been told that our pain clinic now has 1,700 patients on its books. These are seen by 2 part time clinicians. ( by trade anesthetists) Waiting times from consultant to procedure has risen from 12 weeks too 16 weeks. Waiting times for follow up and further treatment is appts is anyone's guess although for second and subsequent spinal procedures it is 12 months plus. It should be around 6 months.
This is One local NHS board in Scotland where NHS devolved but it is the same right across UK.