For a couple of months I have been experiencing burning pain in the whole left side of my left abdomen, upper and lower. If stomach is pressed it aggrevates it more by feeling achy and causes the burning pain to get worse. The left side lower of my stomach you can see is slightly swollen. I've had ultrasound scan back in June which was clear accept 2 blood filled cysts were found on the right side which have cause me no problem what so ever and the pain is on my left. I'm on the pill for 3 months now and under gyne for possible endometriosis. It hasn't helped me at all. I've recently been tested for celiac disease with a blood test. It came back negative. When it comes to my bowels, I can get constipated but when I do end up going i can go twice in a day or a few times. The pain doesn't get better though and I've always suffered with constipation but I can't tell the pain difference. This is just constant burning. Other symptoms include left side headaches and burning lower back pain and upper. My back is quite bad with clicking bones and bad posture at the moment as well. I'm tender at the lower part top of leg left side bladder area which also burns the swelling is just slightly upwards in the lower abdomen. I fe it burns when bladder fills up more but is still worse when I empty the bladder. I have no urine infection, after several test accept one that was found which was cleared with antibiotics pain was still there though. Sex is not painful anymore like it used to be. Only thing with my bowel is they are and can be a dark brown, sometimes associated with white mucus beforehand not all the time, but as I wipe I see this clear liquid on the tissue after I pass a bowel movement. Its only been recently in the past week I've been getting pain under the chest area under left breast I've been getting burning pain. I feel it gets worse when I eat. When I drink fluids especially cold ones I can feel the liquid going through me and the coldness of it going on to the pain.
I'm only 17 and I'm quite scared, can someone please help me.