Severe lower back pain on the right side.. no... - Pain Concern

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Severe lower back pain on the right side.. now down to my pelvis and leg.

Crows profile image
7 Replies

I've had lots of times where my back was " sore " but always was able to manage. This time something is different. I felt 100 percent fine last night. I woke up in the middle of the night and had a sneezing episode due to my allergies. Went back to bed. I woke up this morning to utter debilitating pain in my lower right part of my back.It's only bearable lying on my back. Once I get up it's absolute agony.... my hip feels off and I can barely walk. 10-15 seconds up and I have to go back to lying down . I felt like throwing up from the pain earlier. The pain feels like it's radiating in to my right hip , pelvis and leg . I've been using a cold pack and Advil so far. I don't even think I could make it to my car let alone drive it rigjt now.

Prior to this episode for about two months I've had pain in my lower back when getting up off a couch etc... in a straight line across by lower back but would be fine once I got up.

I'm getting desperate to get up and move as just laying in bed is not good for it. Any home remedies?

I'm 30 years old by the way.

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Crows profile image
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7 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Hi how awful for you. This could well be sciatica but you do need to get yourself to a doctors for a proper diagnosis. Hopefully your doctor can give you some painkillers as well. I hope it gets better soon. x

Krawlins profile image

You could have a protruding disc (herniated/slipped) I had this and it played up for a few weeks on and off till suddenly I could not move and was locked in a foetal position. Like you say if you can keep moving great but you need to see your GP or a chiropractor if you can get there? I could not have driven, I couldn't walk, sit or stand, unfortunately I needed an emergency operation. It doesn't always come to that though, these things can be put back with a good chiropractor. I hope you can see your GP soon and that your pain improves.

Take care

LisaKB profile image

Make yourself a GP appointment ASAP, you need an MRI scan and they will be able to give you strong painkillers. After going through the same over the last year my advice would be to pay private to speed up the scan if you can, a good osteopath/chiropractor will also be able to refer you for a MRI scan. Don’t drive but do try and move around and walk a bit. Hot water bottles and heat pads help with the inflammation. If possible see private physiotherapist when you have your results as a referral for nhs takes several weeks, also private osteopath. All the best of luck, you will get there it just takes a long time.

Joanne1972 profile image

This might seam a silly thing to say but I advice you to get some paramol over the counter pain medication in a black box. You are only allowed to take it for 3 days and when my back goes like you describe I only usually only need it 3 days. If it's the same kind of pain it's impossible to straighten up when trying to stand. It's very painful.

I say this might be a silly thing to say just because I already take morphine and pregabalin for pain but they don't touch that acute pain whereas paramol does. It really is brilliant for that kind of pain. Hopefully someone could pop out n get you some.

After the very strong pain refused that's when I try n get in with physio or chiropractor. It to painful to go in the first couple of days, best wait til it improving so you can tolerate more treatment

I've always thought it was a bulging disc when it happened but not sure

Good luck


cyberbarn profile image

I agree that you should see a GP or physio. (some surgeries now have physios that deal with all musculoskeletal pain) because it could be anything. It could be a muscle problem, a joint problem, or it could be referred pain which is where the pain isn't coming from the area that is causing it.

I hope it gets better for you soon.

johnsmith profile image

See GP to get medical diagnosis. See a chiropractor to deal with possibility of pain due to over contracted muscle. Chiropractor can give second opinion which is useful as standard GP response is pain killer to kill pain rather than determine the cause.

shopgirl2007 profile image

Hi you mustn’t keep still as the pain sill get worse and the nerve (sciatic nerve, largest in your body that runs down from your back pain right down your buttocks down middle of your leg and into your foot and also runs across your hip and all way down side your leg and quite often into your whole front hip and pelvis which I get. I used this since moving even an upper arm or a different knee or leg or arm would cause like electric shock pain that was so painful and trying get toilet in your own is nigh on impossible. But you need to move it despite everything is telling you not to. If you don’t the pain gets worse and the nerve stays stuck for longer each time it goes and Iver long periods of time you’ll end up bedridden like me in hospital bed at home for 9.5 yrs unable stand, walk as I had got much worse trying keep my back from going That was until 8 months ago when I decided enough was enough as I was dying in bed. I’ve been out of bed 20 hrs day since in my living room I had never been here since moving here 7.5 yrs ago and neither had I at the last place I lived 2.5 yrs. I’ve worked hard with the excercises the community Physio’s told me. There’s some I’ll never be able do. But from a score of 9 out of 38 and 5 out 38 I went to over half in just 3 months. I’ve had set backs due to falls that I’ve allowed to get me really depressed and even suicidal last few wks as I felt I’d gone backwards again and I’m more unfit than I was in November but I will get back there and further in next 3-6 months of better weather I hope. I hope anyone reading this that it resonates with that it gives hope and inspires them to change their lives or not let themselves get to the stages I been at where multi disciplinary teams meet in every corner of expertise in that disability and give up on you. They all gave up on me repeatedly for 6 yrs. so I gave up on me early last yr sick of battling and getting nowhere. But I been back fighting again and I’m trying to prove them all wrong and that’s a lot of consultants who say I can’t get in no doubt I can’t be cured but I’ve already proved with help that I can get better if they’re willing to invest time and very little money in sending them to tell you what excercises and return weeks later for final visit see how you got on. The real difference and only investment to change you has to come from within you and you want to change. If you no determination then it’s the wrong time for you to try. There will come a time when you’ll want to and be determined to but I’d hate for someone waste 9 yrs like I have and worst is I was rescusciatated 6 times in that time for me to just exist with no one or nothing in my life as I saw no one except my dr once every 3-4 weeks on home visit as family dead and don’t know anyone. I hope this has helped someone.

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