Hello. I'm a 20 year old male and have been experiencing intermittent dull back pain that originates in the lower back on both sides and spreads to the upper back on both sides and to the lower abdomen on both sides. It is not worse when I press on the areas. It is deep and dull in nature and sometimes burning. It feels like something is squeezing the area. The pain is worst when waking up after sleeping. Urination makes it worse it seems, and I have episodes where I have to urinate frequently. I have been experiencing headaches and lightheadedness as well since this started (about a week ago). I've been more fatigued than lately (I have undiagnosed chronic fatigue). I have been a member of this forum for some time, so I thought I'd just ask here...should I have this checked out? Any ideas on what it's likely to be? Could it be from IBS?
Lower back pain (both sides) near kidney area... - Pain Concern
Lower back pain (both sides) near kidney area, headache, fatigue, frequent urination.

I would take a guess that it's a water infection, as all the symptoms point to that. Your kidneys can bleed with a urine infection so it's best to get it checked sooner rather than later as you will l just end up feeling worse.
Do you have a walk in centre you can pop to tomorrow as it would be the best thing to do?
Hope you feel better soon
It could well be a urinary tract infection. See your doctor ASAP and if it is he can give you anti-biotics which will ease it within hours and cure it within a week.
Don't leave a urine infection too long before it's treated as it can make you confused and sometimes violent and your not aware of what your doing. Seriously get it sorted asap x
I too had similar pain. My doctor attributed it to gastritis. He told me that I had weak digestion so food was not digesting and causing toxins and gases. He is treating my digestion disorder and many symptoms are getting addressed.
Do you feel your digestion is fine?
Oh my . Get yourself to a dr . Sounds like kidney infection esp as u urinating a lot . U will need antibiotics and probably ural to flush your kidneys and clean up your urine . Frequent urinating is a sure sign of infection
Had an appointment. Urine test was fine with no sign of blood or infection there, but doctor wanted to do some blood tests and an ultrasound of my entire abdomen and urinary tract to be sure, which I should get done by next week.