Workers Comp denied my Hubby's nerve block again! They are trying to say he doesn't have rspd ,because of his injury....I'm going to help fight this to the end!!!! This was getting me down seeing him down ,because of the pain and his 2 finger are know longer straight,but I have to fight these beast...(WC)
One of these day POW ZOOM STRAIGHT TO THE MOON! - Pain Concern

Why what is wrong with him and what happened at work

Hi Yogibe, back in June his thumb snapped back to his wrist workers comp sent him to a physician who said it was sprain or strain well his hand swelled up fingers numb burning pain hair growing on fingers fingers bent forward sweaty etc 2 months and a couple weeks later he sends him to a hand specialist well the hand specialist look at it and said classic case RSD well workers comp is denying the nerve block saying its not apart of this case I just don't get worker comp
Hi RSD or CRPS as it is know as u have 2 types of it type 1 is when u sprain or strain u hands or u feet. Type 2 is we're u have nerve damage or a operation.
Bye the sounds of it u hubby has type 1 and it is part of his case u need to go to u GP and get him to refer him to a pain specialist they will put him on the right meds and send him to other specialist if need be plus would give him a nerve block.
I have type 2 of rsd or crps mine was that bad I had my left arm amputated bye the way it's very rare that they will amputate also I had a car crash 2 years ago I had sprained my right ankle and now I have rsd in it and I have had 2 nerve blocks up to now.
I hope that helps a little bit best wishes

Thank you so much for all the info but he goes to a pain specialist there trying to get workers comp to approve the nerve block but they won't there saying he didn't get it from that injury may I ask if they don't approve the nerve block what will happen
are you in Australia? Hope things get better soon.
Would be interested to know any info of what happened and what brick walls you and you husband have come up against, I had nerve damage during an operation in 2008 this also left me with crps.
After 8 years I am still struggling to get answers or any kind of compensation from the NHS, also I had a insurance policy for critical illness and again I have hit a brick wall with the insurance company who will not pay up.
Would like to hear what your experience has been.
StevieG,workers comp is trying not to pay for a nerve block so that maybe his condition can improve the lawyer be hired said he does do that he only helps with the rating impairment I don't get it at all
I truly feel your pain! I fought them for 5 years for my hubby. Keep at it! You already know what a strong person you are, now you have to prove to your hubby's WC insurance company exactly how stong an advocate for your hubby you are. I tried to be nice to begin with, then tried educating them as to the law in my state, when all of that failed, I let loose my inner Krackin b on them. We had an excellent attorney to win a cash settlement, and later on to settle his medicals. But he was useless at fighting the battle for aids for relief of his pain/condition.
So many victims of the insurance companies (who provide WC coverage) do not have advocates, they miss out on so many procedures, medications, etc.