I had sternum pain last year lasted 5 months and shoulderblade which has got worse to point I'm going mad. Can't cope no longer and no where to go for help. Had MrI ct scan blood test only thing is bulging discs in neck. Every time I see another consultant I get different opinions but no relief and am told sometimes u never find out what causes pain and just need to deal with it. I no something is wrong but don't no where to go for help everyone wants me to talk to psychologists which is a waste of time. Does anyone no who I could get to listen and take me serious.
Sick of no one listening to ME: I had sternum... - Pain Concern
Sick of no one listening to ME

Its painful..especially cervical disks..the pain can be in legs and arms , i have severe neck pain from..c -4, 5 6 . Have hard time walking ..i ice , heat, tens unit..creams esential oils n baths..still pain. I guess i was told its the inflammaion
Disc bulges can press on nerves, that can cause pain in shoulders, arm and other areas. Maybe see a Osteopath or Chiropractor who might be able to help. It is difficult when pain disrupts your lifestyle and can take some time to learn how to cope with it.
Plainfield Are you in the UK do you have nurse practioners they can treat you like a Dr. Write scripts send you to get tests I think they do better than Dr they listen and try to figure out what's going on. Sorry if you have a nurse practitioner but I Don,t know how your medical is . I,m American so I,m going by that. Hope you get someone to listen,I,'ll listen although I can,t help. Let me know keep trying. There's got to be someone who will listen you have every right to be upset I would be throwing a fit. susiejo1948
Linfield my tablet likes to change my words I thought hoping this wouldn't,t happen but it did your names wrong I typed it right so I thought it was ok until I,d sent post and that I didn't,t know your name wasn't,t right until I,d sent it. Need new tablet.
This I did,NT do it ,was I couldn't, said body text can,t be blank